Amy Pond and Rory Williams are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way the Eleventh Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser. But is Kazran Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

Visite os bastidores de “Sense8” com os atores e produtores para saber mais sobre a produção desta série de sucesso.

"L'emprise" is the story of a drama, adapted from the moving book-witness "Acquitted", by Alexandra Lange. The story of a mother of four children, which is found in March 2012 in the dock of the foundations of Douai for the murder of her husband. How does a woman manage to kill the father of her children with a knife? During the three days of the trial, panting narrative takes us into the daily life of Alexandra, a mother that the society has failed to protect, neither she nor her children from the control of a monster she has loved. Through this incident that made headlines and upset the public, an event movie that raises the question of the balance of justice. Will she be heard?

Léo, un vieux père de famille ancien représentant de commerce, est prêt à tout pour retrouver l'affection de ses trois fils, David, Max et Simon. Il va même jusqu'à invoquer une maladie et une intervention chirurgicale pour les convaincre de l'accompagner dans un voyage au Canada, où il tentera de refaire l'unité du clan familial. Le quatuor de Français y fera la rencontre d'une guérisseuse et de sa fille.

Inescrutável, incomparável ou as duas coisas? Este documentário faz uma análise aprofundada do polémico legado do célebre futebolista francês Nicolas Anelka.

The life of Giorgio, a mediocre journalist, changes abruptly when the director of the newspaper decides to transfer him to a provincial office. Only the kidnapping of young Carlo gives him back his work as a correspondent.

Occupied France; Lebrac leads a play war between two rival kid gangs, but a girl he likes, who's Jewish, is in danger of being discovered by local Nazi sympathisers. Lebrac and the village must now respond to the reality of what's happening.

Claire Letellier works as head of a pharmaceutical company. After dating André for a number of years, she has at long last accepted his marriage proposal. She decides this is a good time to reclaim the maid's room she owns above her place and turn her apartment into a duplex. But her tenant, a slightly offbeat designer named Alain Gareda, categorically refuses to vacate the premises. The latent hostility between them gains momentum by the day, until Alain suggests a compromise.

Back to school for Ducobu, Léonie Gratin and Latouche. But this year, a major rival for Ducobu arrives at school: TGV, the king of cheating 3.0. While the financial situation of Saint-Potache becomes disastrous, the two dunces will have to unite their creativity to win a song contest and save their school.

É verão e Nicolau está de férias. Ele viaja com seus pais e a avó para o litoral. Na praia faz novos amigos e conhece uma menina, Isabelle, que ele acredita ser sua futura esposa.

Theo, not the most popular boy at his school, dreams of escaping the dreary everyday life, experiencing adventure and accomplishing great heroic deeds. His dream seems to be fulfilled when, one day, he finds a very old and magical book in the library and fascinates him with a short hand. He forges the plan to forge a ring with his best friend Bonav and the rebellious Laura, who can make him invisible. The charm succeeds, but the three friends conjure up all sorts of dangers of magical, but also secular nature. Only the mysterious red wizard Arkandias can now help you out of trouble.

Petit Spirou, like all his family before him, has a career destiny all traced. When his mother announces that he will integrate the grooms school at the beginning of the new school year, Petit Spirou, with the help of his friends, will take advantage of his last days of class to declare his love to Suzette. And no matter how. They decide to live an extraordinary adventure.

Thomas Gardesse, a traveling alarm systems salesman, is arrested for a minor offense and sentenced to six months imprisonment. To win the respect of his fellow inmates, he claims he is "The Marquis," a brilliant robber whose identity has remained a mystery. Two weeks before his release, an armed robber named Quentin Tasseau helps him escape and takes him to Manila so he can take part in a robbery whose mastermind requires the talents of the Marquis.

Quatro mulheres embarcam para uma viagem dos sonhos no navio MSC Fantasia. Lá elas se divertem, arrumam confusão, conversam sobre a vida, dançam Tango e por experiências mágicas. Uma jornada de amizade e revelação.

Pê é um simpático peixinho órfão, que chegou recentemente a um belo recife e está em busca de sua tia Pérola. Logo ele começa a se enturmar com os moradores locais e se apaixona por Cordélia, uma peixinha cor-de-rosa que atrai as atenções de todos os peixes. Troy, um perigoso tubarão, também está interessado em Cordélia. Para proteger Cordélia, Pê decide enfrentar Troy e fazer com que o recife fique livre de uma vez por todas de sua ameaça.

Houve quem o chamasse Icarus. Todos o conheciam como um pai divorciado que trabalhava numa empresa de investimentos. Mas eles não conheciam o seu outro lado, o seu lado obscuro. Porque Icarus estava no seu melhor enquanto matava pessoas. Durante anos, trabalhou como agente infiltrado na América, mas quando o império soviético ruiu, ele viu-se num país estrangeiro sem ninguém para confiar. Determinado a romper com o seu passado negro, começou uma nova vida com outra identidade. Mas só se pode escapar do passado durante pouco tempo. Quando um acidente súbito em Hong Kong revelou a verdadeira identidade de Icarus, o passado e o presente colidiram - e o assassino apercebe-se que é agora o alvo. Nada vai impedir que as pessoas que o querem matar, o façam.

O levado Ducobu está finalmente de férias, mas mal tem tempo de comemorar. Seu pai diz que estão indo para um acampamento de verão que ele acha um pesadelo. Mas o acaso deixa um mapa misterioso em seu caminho. Ele decifra o enigma e parte para procurar o tesouro perdido dos piratas, numa aventura que tornará suas férias inesquecíveis.

Gino Roma holds a pizzeria for thirty years in Brussels, purchased with money from his wife Simone. His quiet life is turned upside down when he learns of the imminent death of his uncle, godfather of the Mafia, Italian billionaire with a promised big inheritance. Gino must prove to his uncle that he is a formidable godfather reigning on Brussels pizzerias, ordering a director, a documentary to present it as a major mobster. Nothing happens quite as planned: Gino family does not quite agree and the crew is not "open" to Gino orders, taking his new role very seriously, especially as the comedy soon attracts the malevolent eye of a true thug.

Ducobu is elected president of the school, much to Léonie and Latouche's despair!