A letter is addressed to three wives from their "best friend" Addie Ross, announcing that she is running away with one of their husbands - but she does not say which one.

Have you ever read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies connected to every website you visit, phone call you make, or app you use? Of course you haven’t. But those agreements allow corporations to do things with your personal information you could never even imagine. This film explores the intent hidden within these ridiculous agreements, and reveals what corporations and governments are legally taking from you and the outrageous consequences that result from clicking “I accept.”

A man is murdered, apparently by one of a group of soldiers just out of the army. But which one? And why?

Vtipný a energický portrét modernej rodiny - Nic a Jules sú matky, ktoré žijú v útulnom dome na okraji mesta so svojimi dospievajúcimi deťmi Joni a Laserom. Keď sa Joni chystá na vysokú školu, jej mladší brat ju požiada o veľkú láskavosť. Chce, aby mu Joni pomohla nájsť ich biologického otca. Aj napriek vlastným pochybnostiam splní bratovo prianie a nadviaže kontakt s "bioockom" Paulom, sympatickým majiteľom reštaurácie. Keď do života tejto nevšednej rodiny vstúpi Paul, začne sa pre všetkých nová životná kapitola, v ktorej budú postupne definované, prehodnotené a znova formulované rodinné vzťahy.

A psychiatrist with intense acrophobia (fear of heights) goes to work for a mental institution run by doctors who appear to be crazier than their patients, and have secrets that they are willing to commit murder to keep.

Čoskoro potom, čo sa mladý nádejný hudobný skladateľ (Garrett Hedlund) zaplietol s padlou a citovo nevyrovnanou hviezdou country (Gwyneth Paltrow), sa obaja spoločne vydávajú na turné, ktoré má jednu kariéru naštartovať a druhú oživiť. Všetko riadi speváčkin manžel a manažér (Tim McGraw), ktorý na turné pozýva aj bývalú kráľovnú krásy (Leighton Meester), ktorá sa dala na spievanie. Medzi koncertami ale hrozí, že milostný prepletenec a dávna krivda všetko prekazí.

Dvaja bratia unesú dcéru istému boháčovi. Namiesto výkupného však musia ujsť a skryť sa v chatke v zapadákove, pretože po krku im ide polícia i mafia. A to najhoršie ešte len príde, majiteľ obydlia tiež nie je žiaden filantrop...

Rexxx, Hollywood's top canine star, gets lost and is adopted into a shabby firehouse. He teams up with a young kid to get the station back on its feet.

Approached by the Prime Minister of Quebec to rejuvenate the image of his government, Arlette Saint-Amour becomes, overnight, Minister of Culture. She succeeds by her look and her daring in creating a real buzz around Culture.

Havana ako nervové centrum. V tomto symbolickom meste, ktoré prechádza rýchlymi zmenami, sa prelína tisíc a jeden príbeh. Cieľom filmu je odzrkadliť tieto impulzy v meste a tiež opísať jeho mutácie, život jeho obyvateľov: čo robia, čo jedia, aký majú medzi sebou vzťah, aký majú vzťah k tradíciám, aké sú ich sny a túžby... Na základe spoločnej témy, akou je príchod zahraničného obchodníka, ktorý sa vydá do mesta, aby si najal umelca, a nakoniec sa zamiluje do domorodej ženy, sa rad režisérov zamýšľa nad životom v kubánskom hlavnom meste, ponára sa do jeho ducha a impregnuje sa jeho ideosynkréziou.

According to a high school's lore, the "Dirty Deeds" are a daunting list of dares almost no student has ever completed. To win the student body's respect and get noticed by his crush, senior Zach is determined to finish the list in the allotted 24-hour time period. As the school's bullying jocks try to thwart him at every turn, Zach embarks on a wild journey, highlighted by beer swilling, grand theft auto and the snagging of an ex-homecoming queen's bra.

A janitor is mainly used for dirty jobs by the occupants of an apartment building. When the lights fail and he goes down into the basement, he inadvertently witnesses an occult ritual.

Thomas is a young actor, the adopted son of Don Antonio, director and founder of the theatrical company to witch he belongs and where he presents his plays. When Don Antonio dies, Thomas is in the need to reestablish his artistic abilities and of the company to save the theater of falling in the hands of the very ambitious Mauro, nephew of Don Antonio who wants to tare it down in order to build a gymnasium. He sets up a web site where he offeres his services as an actor to anyone who needs them outside of the stage. Under those circumstances, Thomas knows Rebeca, mother of Lucia, who hires him to have Lucia fall in love in order to be able to collect an inherence.

A young family find themselves in serious danger when they move to an isolated haunted house in the Yorkshire Moors.

Alicia is a poor girl starting college. Hadley, Julianne and Sydney are three well-off girls in a row house. Classes begin and Alicia is paired with Hadley to work on a sociology class project. At first rejected, Alicia is finally accepted into Hadley's clique where she is introduced to a world of privilege and dangerous thrills. But her attempts to become one of them ultimately land her in the hospital.

Emily Johnson, her boyfriend Bobby and their friends Clare and Jude are recent college grads driving cross-country, taking a last vacation together before they face the "real" world. An accident leaves them hurt and stranded on a lonely Louisiana road. When the ambulance arrives, it whisks them to Mercy Hospital.

The war in Vietnam is announced to finish. American troops are withdrawn and the relief of peace echoes through the air. However, as the calm after the storm spreads a sigh of relief, there is something unsettling amidst the forests of North Michigan. A disturbed war veteran remains, but he lives for one reason only - to kill. What would happen if six ruthless men stumbled across him in the eerie deserted forest, after their mass bank-robbery leaves them running from the law with three million dollars? Would they be better off facing the cells of prison or can they escape from the murderer out to get them…?

A neurotic writer working on his new film gets into a tricky situation when an A-list actress shows interest in the role intended for his girlfriend.

Rocky and Bullwinkle have been living off the finances made from the reruns of their cartoon show. Boris and Natasha somehow manage to crossover into reality and team up with Fearless Leader, an evil criminal turned media mogul with some evil plans up his sleeve. Rocky and Bullwinkle must stop the three of them before they wreak havoc.

A comedic spoof based on the worldwide phenomenon "The Twilight Saga."