Thirty years ago, aliens arrive on Earth. Not to conquer or give aid, but to find refuge from their dying planet. Separated from humans in a South African area called District 9, the aliens are managed by Multi-National United, which is unconcerned with the aliens' welfare but will do anything to master their advanced technology. When a company field agent contracts a mysterious virus that begins to alter his DNA, there is only one place he can hide: District 9.

Bullocki kehastatud geniaalne biomeditsiinitehnik dr Ryan Stone on esimesel süstikumissioonil ühes veteranist astronaudi Matt Kowalskyga (Clooney), kellele see on viimane lend enne pensionipõlve. Kuid rutiinse kosmoses viibimise käigus tabab neid katastroof. Süstik hävib ning Stone ja Kowalsky jäävad täiesti ihuüksi – nad on vaid teineteise külge seotud ning nad heljuvad pimedasse kosmosesse. Kuna side Maaga on katkenud, puudub neil ka igasugune pääsemislootus. Hirmust saab paanika ning iga hingetõmme viib lähemale hapniku lõppemisele. Kuid võimalik, et koju jõudmiseks tuleb neil lasta end veelgi kaugemale hirmuäratavasse kosmosesse kanda.

In a future where a failed global-warming experiment kills off most life on the planet, a class system evolves aboard the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around the globe via a perpetual-motion engine.

Using massive piloted robots to combat the alien threat, earth's survivors take the fight to the invading alien force lurking in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless enemy, the forces of mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes who now stand as earth's final hope against the mounting apocalypse.

Life for former United Nations investigator Gerry Lane and his family seems content. Suddenly, the world is plagued by a mysterious infection turning whole human populations into rampaging mindless zombies. After barely escaping the chaos, Lane is persuaded to go on a mission to investigate this disease. What follows is a perilous trek around the world where Lane must brave horrific dangers and long odds to find answers before human civilization falls.

Viis sõpra, kes tulevad kokku meenutamaks oma 20 aasta tagust pubituuri, peavad korraga kogu inimkonna hukatusest päästma.

Every child comes into the world full of promise, and none more so than Chappie: he is gifted, special, a prodigy. Like any child, Chappie will come under the influence of his surroundings—some good, some bad—and he will rely on his heart and soul to find his way in the world and become his own man. But there's one thing that makes Chappie different from any one else: he is a robot.

A man glimpses the future Fate has planned for him – and chooses to fight for his own destiny. Battling the powerful Adjustment Bureau across, under and through the streets of New York, he risks his destined greatness to be with the only woman he's ever loved.

Ray Breslin is the world's foremost authority on structural security. After analyzing every high security prison and learning a vast array of survival skills so he can design escape-proof prisons, his skills are put to the test. He's framed and incarcerated in a master prison he designed himself. He needs to escape and find the person who put him behind bars.

A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.

Kauges tulevikus äratundmatuseini muutunud planeedil Maa taasavastab üks mees oma hägust minevikku, võideldes samal ajal kogu inimkonna päästmise nimel. Jack Harper on üks viimaseid Maale lähetatud robot-droonide parandajaid. Osana laiahaardelisest operatsioonist eesmärgiga saada kätte eluliselt olulisi ressursse planeedilt Maa, mida on aastakümneid ähvardanud müstilised vaenlased, on Jacki missioon peagi lõppemas. Jack omab hingematvalt kaunist ja kindlalt turvalist eluaset maapinnast mitmesaja meetri kõrgusel pilvedes. Mehe rutiinne eksistents muutub aga hetkega, kui tal õnnestub ootamatult allakukkunud kosmoselaevalt päästa imekaunis naine. Salapärase uustulnuka saabumine käivitab jada sündmusi, mis panevad mehe kahtlema kõiges, mida ta teab…

Based on the classic novel by Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game is the story of the Earth's most gifted children training to defend their homeplanet in the space wars of the future.

A DEA agent and an undercover Naval Intelligence officer who have been tasked with investigating one another find they have been set up by the mob -- the very organization the two men believe they have been stealing money from.

Wolverine faces his ultimate nemesis - and tests of his physical, emotional, and mortal limits - in a life-changing voyage to modern-day Japan.

After Kick-Ass’ insane bravery inspires a new wave of self-made masked crusaders, he joins a patrol led by the Colonel Stars and Stripes. When these amateur superheroes are hunted down by Red Mist — reborn as The Mother Fucker — only the blade-wielding Hit-Girl can prevent their annihilation.

Betrayed by his own kind and left for dead on a desolate planet, Riddick fights for survival against alien predators and becomes more powerful and dangerous than ever before. Soon bounty hunters from throughout the galaxy descend on Riddick only to find themselves pawns in his greater scheme for revenge. With his enemies right where he wants them, Riddick unleashes a vicious attack of vengeance before returning to his home planet of Furya to save it from destruction.

A crew of international astronauts are sent on a private mission to Jupiter's fourth moon.

In their quest to confront the ultimate evil, Percy and his friends battle swarms of mythical creatures to find the mythical Golden Fleece and to stop an ancient evil from rising.

A recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers working for the Rest in Peace Department and tries to find the man who murdered him.

After failing to get into the police academy, Chris Potamitis settles for a security guard job with an armoured truck company. After he makes the mistake of mentioning the company's lax security to his best friend, He's unwittingly drawn into an elaborate scheme to rob the abundant amounts of cash being stored on their premises—resulting in the largest cash heist in U.S.history.