

It takes one little big eared hero to bring back the sun and smiles to the adult world! Amazing adventures await a fluffy restless animal from a distant orange country when he gets to a small sea town. There he will find friends, home and finally a name. Helped – and hindered! – he will be by a unsociable old gardener, a strange fashionista aunt and her capricious granddaughter, a boy who can’t start talking in any way and his mother, who has a hard time, although she cooks the most delicious chocolate in the world. And many, many others, whose lives, along with the aroma of oranges, are about to burst into magic and adventure.

Escape from Patagonia is a gaucho-western film set in the tumultuous Patagonia of late nineteenth century. It's a story of survival, based on real facts from the personal diary of the Argentinian pioneer Francisco P. Moreno.

韩国闹市街头,生活着一名沉默寡言、逆来顺受的男人池东哲(孔侑 饰)。他从事代驾工作,见惯了他人的白眼和凌辱。真正的他是从北朝鲜逃过来的前特殊部队成员,为了追查害死妻儿的凶手而甘愿抛弃一切。在朝鲜他得到了德高望重的朴会长的器重,谁知会长在某个夜晚被人杀害,老人临死前将自己 的眼镜交给东哲。成为此案重要嫌疑人的东哲卷入了一连串充满杀戮和阴谋的漩涡,更不知道那副眼镜中竟然隐藏着天大的秘密。朝鲜秘密部门蠢蠢欲动,空军特殊部队CCT的训练教官闵世勋大校(朴熙顺 饰)也对东哲紧追不舍。站在风口浪尖的东哲,被迫凭借一己之力周旋在各方势力之中……


Four separate narratives weave their way together in this impactful drama, from the harrowing slums of Bogotá to the hills of Hollywood. A 14-year-old street girl and an American writer discover an uncommon union, a day-care teacher in Los Angeles does everything she can to fight the weight of a tragic secret and a university student invites a terrible danger into her world. Starring Rachel Leigh Cook, Daniel Gillies and Seymour Cassell.

The crew of Ukrainian NAVY minesweeper U311 "Cherkasy" is resisting seizure of the vessel by Russian army in Crimea in 2014.


In this new horror anthology, nine Mexican directors come together to tell stories about the most brutal, ruthless and bizarre Mexican traditions and legends.

音乐奇才斯派克尔正在努力地成为一名新星,但在另一方面,她的野心正在让她渐渐远离自己的家庭和亲人。斯派克尔来自于一个底特律的家庭,成长于一个单亲家庭,她的妈妈艾玛也很喜爱唱歌[1]。 而目前,斯派克尔正处在自己事业的上升期,她一方面在和自己的音乐制作人斯蒂克斯恋爱,而另一方面不期而遇的挑战和意外又把自己的妹妹希斯特和多罗尔斯搅了了进来。希斯特和多罗尔斯也是乐坛上的新人,她们组成的团体也面临着挑战。与此同时,希斯特还卷入了毒贩斯塔廷的交易中,麻烦连连…… 究竟斯派克尔要如何处理这一切,音乐真的能拯救人的灵魂么?

A therapist loses her grip on reality when a ten-year-old boy claims he can control her future.

An updated re-telling based in the Gothic South with the Usher Family, led by Mother. The family has been cursed by madness, unrequited love and when Roderick comes home with his girlfriend Morgan, it spells the beginning of the end as her sister Madeline will stop at nothing to prevent their marriage as Morgan fights to take Roderick away from the madness that is the House of Usher.


  从小与母亲相依为命的国际安全局警察万飞 (周杰伦 饰) 深入军事重地中东进行任务,枪林弹雨中发生意外,同僚兼未婚妻Ice (白冰 饰)当场身亡,万飞亦身受重伤,留下随时送命的后遗症。 万飞感到时日不多,便离队返家陪伴母亲。母亲于此时将隐藏多年的秘密告诉万飞,为了完成母亲心愿,他决定远赴东南亚,途中结识了医疗队义工Rachel (林鹏 饰)。没想到Rachel被卷入一个国际犯罪集团的惊世阴谋,万飞挺身相救,多次的炮火追逐令他们的生命受到严重威胁,更发现其中一名敌人竟是万飞的亲生哥哥万阳 (谢霆锋 饰)!岂料组织为了利益而出卖万阳,同时绑架了他的女儿!为了救出女儿及Rachel,两兄弟决定连手对付敌人。究竟万阳的女儿及Rachel能否逃出生天?万飞与万阳两兄弟之间的误解及羁绊又如何化解?


After deciphering a message found in a satellite, genius cryptographer Alex Jacobs finds himself being stalked by government agents and otherworldly beings.


Three longtime girlfriends from elementary school, very different women, have one thing in common: they are in the fall of their lives and they all feel how ruthless old age can be. Marie is abandoned by her husband on Christmas Eve, and her entire identity as part of a happy family crumbles. Berling is the eternal "bachelor" who outwardly denies her age and lives the sweet life, but in the backdrop she is affected by a complicated relationship with her daughter. Vanja lives in the memories of her late husband and has difficulty moving on. The three travel to Italy together to attend a food course in Puglia, where they each have an opportunity to redefine themselves.
