Смештен у свет фантазије, филм НАПРЕД прати два брата вилењака, тинејџера, који се упуштају у авантуру како би открили да ли и даље постоји магија.

Мартин је наставник у средњој школи, који се осећа старим и уморним. Он је стално у сукобу са ученицима и њиховим родитељима. Са своја три ученика креће у експеримент којим би доказао колико је учешће алкохола у нашим свакодневним одлукама. Ако Churchill добија Други светски рат, а и сам доноси одлуке под утицајем алкохолних испарења, шта тек да се каже за одлуке које под утицајем алкохола доносе један професор или његови ученици? У почетку, резултат је позитиван, а Мартинов разред добија признања у академским круговима. Али, полако, али сигурно, алкохол узима свој данак...

Clara, a vibrant former music critic and widow with flowing tresses is the only remaining apartment owner in a beautiful older building targeted for demolition by ruthless luxury high-rise developers. Clara proves to be a force to be reckoned with as she thwarts the builders plans to kick her out of the apartment.

Животна прича славне немачке балерине и кореографкиње Пине Бауш, виђена очима редитеља Вима Вендерса. У овом остварењу приказани су успони и падови сјајне уметнице, као и детаљи са којима јавност раније није била упозната.

Прича о познанству двојице младића, Лазара, наизглед простодушног због своје доброте, и Танкредија, младог племића оптерећеног својом богатом маштом. Њиховим животима у изолованом пастирском селу Инвиолата влада озлоглашена Маркиза Алфонсина де Луна, краљица цигарета. Када Танкреди замоли Лазара да му помогне у инсценирању властите отмице, њихово пријатељство се учвршћује…

Set in 1988 in Hiroshima, Japan, prior to the enactment of the anti-organized crime law. A rumor exists that Detective Shogo Ogami has ties with the yakuza. He is partnered with Detective Shuichi Hioka and they investigate a missing person case involving a financial company employee. Conflicts between opposing yakuza groups become more serious.

B. Tech graduates Antony and Vinay Dasan are talented, but unemployed. That changes, however, when they approach the cyber cell with a new perspective to a film piracy case.

1732, in the era of Yoshimune Tokugawa. West Japan suffers from a severe famine. Three years after wards, it appeared as though calm had been restored to the domain, but there is word that Jyuzo Matsumiya, the sword fighting instructor sent by the shogunate, is taking some suspicious actions.

Deep in the underbelly of New York City, a five year-old girl and her mother live among a community that has claimed the abandoned subway tunnels as their home. After a sudden police-mandated eviction, the pair are forced to flee aboveground into a brutal winter night. Determined to return home, they fight to find shelter as their world is thrown into chaos.

It is only at their sister's and mother's funeral when a woman meets her niece after many years. The niece is now a grown girl. The sister takes on the task of informing the deceased's friends of the death while the daughter cannot bring herself to symbolically accept the demise of her mother. In the midst of all this an old flame messages the sister to say he is still in love with her, but is he messaging the living sister or the dead one?

A family reunites after 15 years. They each have a story to tell as they have not forgotten what happened years ago.

Two unmarried women who have become pregnant by accident and are about to give birth meet in a hospital room: Janis, in her late-thirties, unrepentant and happy; Ana, a teenager, remorseful and frightened.

In 1919, Australian farmer Joshua Connor travels to Turkey to discover the fate of his three sons, reported missing in action. Holding on to hope, Joshua must travel across the war-torn landscape to find the truth and his own peace.

Кроз три деценије љубави, издаје, декаденције, освете и на крају убиства, видимо шта име значи, колико вреди и докле ће породица ићи, ради контроле.

A struggling actor seems doomed to live life as a loser. When he finally snatches a lead role as a superhero named “Badman,” he feels like everything is possible, but fate strikes again.

Студенткиња Дру је сама у кући. Изненада прима непријатан телефонски позив. Осећа да је неко посматра. Човек са белом маском и црном капуљачом стоји у њеном дворишту. У једној му је руци нож, а у другој мобилни телефон. Друга студенткиња Синди и група њених збуњених пријатеља уверени су да им је за петама тајанствени убица... Наравно, у овом филму нико није сигуран, јер убица или убице вребају на сваком ћошку. Ту је и мало сексуалних провокација, младалачке декаденције, лепе студенткиње и све је спремно за добру пародију...

Commander Qinglong is the loyal leader of the assassin group that serves the emperor. But when his allies plan a rebellion against the ruler, he finds himself in danger.

The story of 3d glasses that make people feel strange…

A couple on the verge of divorce have to stay together during lockdown as a nasty surprise awaits them.

Jessie and Susan, and Chloe and Beth, who spend the weekend together and realize they are with the wrong partner. Susan and Beth were college roommates who are having a reunion at their former school. Susan travels up to Oregon with her current partner Jessie. Jessie is jealous of Susan's relationship with Beth. However, when Jessie meets Beth's partner Chloe, she is overwhelmed by her instant attraction to her. For Chloe, the feeling is mutual. It's a drama that doesn't take itself too seriously. When Jesse and Chloe are left alone together, their physical attraction overwhelms their better judgment and makes for some entertaining viewing