أساطير مورتال كومبات: انتقام العقرب يفقد هانزو هاساشي عشيرته وعائلته وحياته خلال هجوم شنته عشيرة النينجا المنافسة لين كوي، ويحصل على فرصة جديدة بالحياة من خلال التنافس في بطولة لإنقاذ أحبائه، بينما يحاول المقاتلون الآخرون إنقاذ عالم... اقرأ المزيد الأرض من الفناء.

Recorded November 10th, 2011 as part of the New York Comedy Festival, and only available for purchase online, Louis C.K. follows up his 2010 concert film Hilarious with a new hour’s worth of shrewdly observed and periodically profane material. He starts with making his own kind of please-turn-off-your-cell-phone announcement, as well as a warning not to text or tweet during the show: “Just live your life,” he asks. Whether he’s talking about a unique way to drop a rental car off at an airport or describing why a man in his 40s should not smoke dope, it’s terrific, humane, carried-to-crazed-extremes stuff.

An intimate portrait of Georges Brassens, giant of French song.

Set against Paris' oldest bridge, the Pont Neuf, while it was closed for repairs, this film is a love story between two young vagrants: Alex, a would be circus performer addicted to alcohol and sedatives and Michele, a painter driven to a life on the streets because of a failed relationship and an affliction which is slowly turning her blind.

This material was developed and prepared over the last year or so, mostly in comedy clubs. This special kind of goes back to when he used to just make noises and be funny for no particular reason. It felt right to him to shoot this special in a club to give it that live immediate intimate feeling. The show is about an hour long. The opening act, who is seen at the beginning (good place for an opening act) is Jay London. One of his favorite club comics going way back to the late 80s when he first started in working in New York.

Even though Sam's father is hardly ever home because he is often away on business trips, he is able to connect with his son by teaching him how to pack a suitcase.

يكتشف كل من بوبي وبرانش أنهم يمثلون مجرد قبيلة واحدة من ست قبائل من الدُمى، وهم متوزعين في ستة أراضي مختلفة، وكل قبيلة كل منهم مكرسة لصنف بعينه من الموسيقى، وسرعان ما يُكبر عالم الدمى.

يمتلك الكوالا (باستر موون) مسرحًا يمر معه بأوقات عصيبة وأزمة مالية كبيرة قد تهدد بإغلاقه، لكنه عازم على إعادة الحياة لمسرحه مرة أخرى بأية طريقة، وتصير أمامه فرصة أخيرة، وهى أن يتجه لتنظيم مسابقة غنائية كبيرة داخل المسرح لجذب أنظار واهتمام الجمهور بالمسرح من جديد.

Marc Maron wades through a swamp of vitamin hustlers, evangelicals and grown male nerd children, culminating in a gleefully filthy end-times fantasy.

قصة الجنس والبلطجية والروك أند رول. عندما يقوم رجل عصابات روسي بإعداد عملية احتيال عقارية تدر ملايين الجنيهات ، يسعى العديد من أعضاء عالم الجريمة الإجرامي في لندن إلى الحصول على نصيبهم من الثروة. تحاول شخصيات مشبوهة مختلفة ، بما في ذلك السيد واحد - اثنان ، وستيلا المحاسب ، وجوني كويد ، نجم موسيقى الروك ، المطالبة بحصتهم.

A hardened CIA operative finds himself at the mercy of a precocious 9-year-old girl, having been sent undercover to surveil her family.

When a bestselling celebrity biographer is no longer able to get published because she has fallen out of step with current tastes, she turns her art form to deception.

An old man who has one interest in life, collecting butterflies, has his life changed by an eight year old girl.

Austin, Texas, is an Eden for the young and unambitious, from the enthusiastically eccentric to the dangerously apathetic. Here, the nobly lazy can eschew responsibility in favor of nursing their esoteric obsessions. The locals include a backseat philosopher who passionately expounds on his dream theories to a seemingly comatose cabbie, a young woman who tries to hawk Madonna's Pap test to anyone who will listen and a kindly old anarchist looking for recruits.

سعيد مهران لص عتيد اﻹجرام، يتخذ من رؤوف علوان قدوته في الحياة، خاصة بعدما نصحه أن الانسان لابد أن يحصل علي مايريد بأي وسيلة يراها، وأثناء تنفيذه إحدى السرقات، يبلغ صبيه عليش سدره عنه لكي يتزوج من زوجة سعيد بعد سجنه، وبعد خروج سعيد من السجن يقابله رؤوف علوان بتكبر شديد بعد أن صار صحافيًا لامعًا، ويصبح كل من رؤوف ونبوية زوجة سعيد السابقة وعليش سدره صبيه ألد خصومه له ويسعي إلي الانتقام منهم.

Arnold and his friends must recover a stolen document in order to prevent the neighborhood from being bulldozed.

عندما تلتقي المجموعة في تايلاند لحضور حفل زفاف "ستو"، فإذا بهم يستيقظون ذات صباح في فندق سيئ السمعة ولا يعرفون كيف وصلوا إليه!

A former policeman enlists his nerdy friend to help bust drug traffickers moving heroin through a Chinese restaurant.

A documentary alleging that the CDC, the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens, destroyed data on their 2004 study that allegedly showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.