After the vicious slaughter of his family by stone-cold mercenary Sub-Zero, Hanzo Hasashi is exiled to the torturous Netherrealm. There, in exchange for his servitude to the sinister Quan Chi, he’s given a chance to avenge his family – and is resurrected as Scorpion, a lost soul bent on revenge. Back on Earthrealm, Lord Raiden gathers a team of elite warriors – Shaolin monk Liu Kang, Special Forces officer Sonya Blade and action star Johnny Cage – an unlikely band of heroes with one chance to save humanity. To do this, they must defeat Shang Tsung’s horde of Outworld gladiators and reign over the Mortal Kombat tournament.

Recorded November 10th, 2011 as part of the New York Comedy Festival, and only available for purchase online, Louis C.K. follows up his 2010 concert film Hilarious with a new hour’s worth of shrewdly observed and periodically profane material. He starts with making his own kind of please-turn-off-your-cell-phone announcement, as well as a warning not to text or tweet during the show: “Just live your life,” he asks. Whether he’s talking about a unique way to drop a rental car off at an airport or describing why a man in his 40s should not smoke dope, it’s terrific, humane, carried-to-crazed-extremes stuff.

ASV pēc Pilsoņu kara. Leģendārais mednieks par atlīdzību Džons Ruts konvojē noziedznieci Deiziju uz Redroku, lai tur viņai spriestu tiesu par slepkavību. Pēc tam, kad, satiekot vēl dažus ceļiniekus, viņus pārsteidz sniega vētra, kompānijai nākas meklēt patvērumu meža būdā, kur viņus jau sagaida visai raiba sabiedrība vēl četru cilvēku sastāvā. Pamazām rodas aizdomas, ka šī tikšanās nav bijusi nejauša un katram no astotnieka ir savi, pavisam nopietni iemesli šeit atrasties.

An intimate portrait of Georges Brassens, giant of French song.

Errol Morris's unique documentary dramatically re-enacts the crime scene and investigation of a police officer's murder in Dallas.

Filmed at the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix, AZ on February 15th and 16th, 2013, Oh My God is Louis C.K.'s fifth stand-up special, his first for HBO since 2007's Shameless, and his first since winning a Emmy Award for writing on his acclaimed show on FX, Louie. Performed in the round in front of a live audience, he discusses such topics as the food chain, animals, divorce, strange anecdotes, broken morality, murder and mortality.

Norm MacDonald, the iconic anchor of SNL's "Weekend Update" and star of the cult classic Dirty Work, is back with a vengeance.

This material was developed and prepared over the last year or so, mostly in comedy clubs. This special kind of goes back to when he used to just make noises and be funny for no particular reason. It felt right to him to shoot this special in a club to give it that live immediate intimate feeling. The show is about an hour long. The opening act, who is seen at the beginning (good place for an opening act) is Jay London. One of his favorite club comics going way back to the late 80s when he first started in working in New York.

The story of Oakland Athletics general manager Billy Beane's successful attempt to put together a baseball team on a budget, by employing computer-generated analysis to draft his players.

Our story starts with Tonio, the son the bears King, being kidnapped by some hunters in the Sicilian mountains. Because of the harshness of a winter that threatens its clan with famine, the Bear King decides to invade the land of men (in the hope of finding his son). Thanks to his powerful army and the help of a wizard, he will succeed at both quests but he will soon find out that bears are not meant to live in the land of men.

Lai glābtu savu teātri, koala vārdā Basters nolemj sarīkot dižāko talantu konkursu visā pasaulē. Viņš izsludina dziedātāju noklausīšanos, un vadībā izvirzās pieci labākie: dungojošā pele, kautrīgā zilonīte, kurai ir bail uzstāties uz lielās skatuves, 25 sivēnu mamma, gangsteris gorilla un pankroka fane dzeloņcūka, kura sapņo par solo karjeru.

A mysterious place, an indescribable prison, a deep hole. An unknown number of levels. Two inmates living on each level. A descending platform containing food for all of them. An inhuman fight for survival, but also an opportunity for solidarity.

"Plēsīgie putni (un kādas Arles Kīnas brīnumpasakainā emancipācija)" ir stāsts, ko vislabāk var izstāstīt pati Arle. Kad Gotemas zemiskākā narcistiskā ļaundara Romana Sionisa un viņa padevīgā rokaspuiša Zasa nežēlastībā krīt meitene vārdā Kasa, visa pilsēta tiek apgriezta otrādi, lai viņu atrastu. Arles, Mednieces, Melnā Kanārijputniņa un Renē Montojas ceļi krustojas, un nesaderīgajai četrotnei neatliek nekas cits kā apvienoties, lai uzveiktu Romanu.

Rūdītais CIP aģents Džeidžei tiek pazemināts amatā un nosūtīts misijā novērot deviņgadīgās Sofijas ģimeni. Kad meitene atrod dzīvoklī slepenās kameras, viņa izseko to signālam un atklāj novērošanas operāciju pārraudzības vietu. Solot nenodot atklātībai Džeidžei aizsegu, Sofija pierunā aģentu veltīt viņai laiku un apmācīt spiegošanas prasmēs. Lai gan sākotnēji piedāvājums viņā raisa skepsi, Džeidžei aptver, ka gudrībā un atjautībā ar Sofiju viņš mēroties nevar.

Austin, Texas, is an Eden for the young and unambitious, from the enthusiastically eccentric to the dangerously apathetic. Here, the nobly lazy can eschew responsibility in favor of nursing their esoteric obsessions. The locals include a backseat philosopher who passionately expounds on his dream theories to a seemingly comatose cabbie, a young woman who tries to hawk Madonna's Pap test to anyone who will listen and a kindly old anarchist looking for recruits.

This film, inspired by Naguib Mahfouz' The thief and the dogs, tells the story of Mahran, a thief who quickly ascends to be the head of his gang. However, his second in command conspires against Mahran to take his position and his wife. After his prison term, Mahran is thirsty for revenge. But being chased by the police and by his new enemies destines him to a tragic life in hiding.

The Hangover crew heads to Thailand for Stu's wedding. After the disaster of a bachelor party in Las Vegas last year, Stu is playing it safe with a mellow pre-wedding brunch. However, nothing goes as planned and Bangkok is the perfect setting for another adventure with the rowdy group.

Arnold and his friends must recover a stolen document in order to prevent the neighborhood from being bulldozed.

Neticamais stāsts par Skaivokeru ģimeni tuvojas savam noslēgumam un sola sniegt atbildes uz visiem jautājumiem, kuri tika uzdoti iepriekšējās sērijās. Atkalredzēšanās ar labi zināmajiem varoņiem un tikšanās ar jauniem, aizraujoši ceļojumi un galaktiska apmēra piedzīvojumi mūs gaida fantastiskās sāgas grandiozajā nobeigumā.

A documentary alleging that the CDC, the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens, destroyed data on their 2004 study that allegedly showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.