A young actress arrives late to a casting, making up a great excuse without knowing a small detail.

An absentee father and his bipolar son are forced to live together as they struggle with a recent family tragedy. The tension and anxiety boil as they live and try to cope in a tiny apartment. As time passes, they realize their shared pain is not their only source of grief, as they find the outside world is a cruel and unjust place.

A local council worker inspects three homes.

Tintin is out on a peaceful walk. But the comfortable atmosphere will not last long. When an aircraft with an engine failure lands, Tintin does his part to help, but he is shot and ends up in hospital.

Following the events of Volume 1, the mutated glee club continue their violent rampage in Tromaville. Chrissy and Lauren, two innocent lesbian lovers, must fight not only the Cretins, mutants, and monsters but also the evil Tromorganic Foodstuffs Conglomerate. Can they, and Kevin the Wonder Duck, save Tromaville High School and the world?

Donald and his nephews are litterbugs: they drop garbage everywhere they go - even when they are out for a drive in Donald's car - until they are stopped by a policeman who makes them pick up everything they have dropped.

The residents of Hotel Transylvania find their world turned upside-down when youngster Dennis gets a surprise monster-sized pet.

Amidst World War I's chaos, a grieving father turns hero, leading villagers to safety while evading a relentless enemy driven by vengeance.

Zeki Müller už po třetí bojuje proti německému vzdělávacímu systému. Tentokrát jde ale do tuhého. Jeho svěřenci mají před maturitou, ale musí podstoupit zásadní testy, které odhalí úroveň jejich vzdělání. Hrozí totiž, že by k maturitě nemuseli být připuštěni a Zeki by přišel o práci. Už potřetí a naposledy přichází nekorektní komedie, v jejímž popředí krom oblíbeného kantora pana Müllera tentokrát stojí především "inteligentka" Chantal.

Při hodině dějepisu byl vznesen dotaz na Ježíše. Věřící učitelka Grace na něj podle své víry krátce a výstižně odpověděla. Nějaký student ji ale udal a školní rada ji dala k soudu za nepovolené šíření víry. Doufají, že ji soud pro výstrahu ostatním odsoudí. Jako obhájce se Grace ujal začínající právník – ateista. A proces začíná... Film volně navazuje na první díl. Hlavní linii příběhu protínají na ději téměř nezávislé další osudy postav z dílu prvního.

V horkém létě 2003 vstupuje 16letá Jamie do rozhodující fáze svého dospívání. Je z ní odvážná teenagerka, která si chce své představy o lásce a sexu co nejdřív vyzkoušet v praxi. K tomuto rozhodnutí ji paradoxně podpoří smrt její babičky Dotty. Poslední slova moudrosti, které jí stará žena adresuje ze smrtelné postele, vyznívají sice hrubě, ale jasně: Zřekni se judaismu své matky a osvoj si tajemství orálního sexu! ...

French and Saunders, Britain’s most celebrated female comedians, bring their final ever sell-out Still Alive tour to DVD! Catch the last chance to watch the infectious duo in their side-splitting comedy tour featuring the best of their characters and sketches from the past three decades, together with brand new material written by the first ladies of comedy. Filmed at Cardiff, the Still Alive tour is a lively, fun and celebratory farewell from French and Saunders to their fans and to each other after 30 years of comedy genius – don’t miss it!

Ascendancy is a 1983 British film. It tells the story of a woman who is a member of the British landowning 'Ascendancy' in Ireland during World War I. Gradually, she learns about the Irish independence movement, and becomes involved with it.

Mladý novinář Cam nalézá lásku a zároveň lék pro svou nemocnou neteř v jednom akváriu v cirkuse. K získání přízně mořské panny mu ale v cestě stojí zlý čaroděj...

The prison doors open and Tom Benton, a first timer, and Slim Jim, alias Red Davis, of the underworld, are liberated. Tom learns that the prison odor clings by being ceremoniously turned away wherever he applies for work. Slim Jim immediately on his release beats his way west. Eventually Tom goes west and finds his work. Several months later Slim Jim gets a job at the same place Tom is employed. Slim Jim, being caught at his old tricks and exposed by Tom, reveals Tom's past. The several thrilling scenes that follow show Tom's genuine manhood and gives Slim Jim an opportunity to prove that even the underdog has at least a spark of good lying dormant under the rough exterior.

While at a cheap motel, a woman is drawn out of a suicide attempt by a suspicious note slid underneath her door, which hints that a hired killer might be residing next door.

John Cohen, founding member of the ‘50s folk troupe the New Lost City Ramblers, started making films in order to bring together the two disciplines he was heavily active in: music and photography. The End of an Old Song brings us to North Carolina, and demonstrates the power of old English ballads sung with gusto while soused in a saloon.