The Red Ribbon Army, an evil organization that was once destroyed by Goku in the past, has been reformed by a group of people who have created new and mightier Androids, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2, and seek vengeance against Goku and his family.

In the final Huevos adventure, Toto and his family will have to travel to the South Pole to fulfill their promise to return a polar bear and some Spanish penguins to their home. In order to do so, they will have to overcome some obstacles that will teach them how important teamwork is.

Before he was a protector, Kenshin was a fearsome assassin known as Battosai. But when he meets gentle Tomoe Yukishiro, a beautiful young woman who carries a huge burden in her heart, his life will change forever.

Groot sets out to paint a family portrait of himself and the Guardians, only to discover just how messy the artistic process can be.

Georgia mala odmalička jeden jediný sen – stať sa požiarničkou ako jej otec. Žiaľ v New Yorku v roku 1920 ženy toto povolanie nesmeli vykonávať. Keď mestskí hasiči začnú jeden po druhom miznúť pri záhadných požiaroch, ktoré zničili divadlá na Broadway, Georgia si uvedomí, že toto je jej šanca. Prezlečie sa za chlapca, nalepí si fúzy a pod menom Joe sa prihlási do skupiny dobrovoľných hasičov, ktorá ma za úlohu zastaviť tajomného podpaľača. Georgia však nesmie za nijakých okolností prezradiť svoju pravú identitu, pretože by to to mohlo ohroziť celú túto nebezpečnú misiu, ktorej navyše velí jej otec.

Keď si ho Emily zaobstarala, bol Clifford malé, roztomilé a červené šteniatko, z ktorého cez noc vyrástol obrovský pes. A keď hovoríme obrovský, myslíme tým, že na výšku meria skoro tri metre. V malom mestskom byte je taký pes veľmi nepraktický. Lenže Emily ho zbožňuje a za žiadnu cenu sa ho nevzdá. Komédia Velký cervený pes Clifford je adaptáciou rovnomennej populárnej detskej knižky Normana Birdwella.

Isabella runs her own salon and isn’t afraid to speak her mind, while Prince Thomas runs his own country and is about to marry for duty rather than love. When Izzy and her fellow stylists get the opportunity of a lifetime to do the hair for the royal wedding, she and Prince Thomas learn that taking control of their own destiny requires following their hearts.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

Joseph a Callie sú už rok na farme v Petalume, víno z ich vinohradu - vďaka Mannymu - získalo popularitu, ich podnikanie je úspešné. Zomrela len Calliina matka Wendy, ktorá mala rakovinu. Opäť sa blížia Vianoce a Joseph požiada Callie o ruku. Čoskoro sa dozvedá, že jeho matka sa rozhodla nasledovať príklad svojho syna a nasledovať volanie svojho srdca, utiekla so svojím inštruktorom jogy a chod podniku v San Franciscu je teraz na ňom. Josephovi nezostáva nič iné, len rýchlo nasadnúť do helikoptéry a odletieť do San Francisca. Callie berie so sebou. Ubytujú sa v hoteli Aston, ktorý vlastní spoločnosť Van Aston Enterprises, a Joseph Callie zasype luxusom. Callie zároveň spoznáva jeho stránku, ktorú predtým nepoznala. Nie je nadšená zo zlatej mládeže, ktorou sa Joseph kedysi obklopoval a ktorá - najmä dievčatá - ho teraz nadšene víta späť. Od začiatku si nepadne do oka s Vicky, ktorá bola pravou rukou Josephovej matky a mala viesť podnik v jej neprítomnosti.

Inspired by the real-life German special operations unit KG 200 that shot down, repaired, and flew Allied aircraft as Trojan horses, "Wolf Hound" takes place in 1944 German-occupied France and follows the daring exploits of Jewish-American fighter pilot Captain David Holden. Ambushed behind enemy lines, Holden must rescue a captured B-17 Flying Fortress crew, evade a ruthless enemy stalking him at every turn, and foil a plot that could completely alter the outcome of World War II.

Heart set on becoming a princess, Lisa Simpson is surprised to learn being bad might be more fun.

V novom filme od Marvel Studios s názvom Thor: Láska a hrom sa Thor vydáva na cestu, ktorá sa nepodobá ničomu, čo ho kedy stretlo – na cestu za vnútorným pokojom. Thorov odchod na odpočinok však preruší galaktický zabijak známy ako Gorr, ktorý sa usiluje o vyhubenie bohov. V boji proti hrozbe si Thor prizve na pomoc Valkyriu, Korga a bývalú priateľku Jane Foster, ktorá – na Thorovo prekvapenie – nevysvetliteľne ovláda jeho magické kladivo Mjolnir ako mocný Thor. Spoločne sa vydávajú na strastiplné vesmírne dobrodružstvo, aby odhalili tajomstvo pomsty a zastavili ho skôr, než bude neskoro.

Soon after a newlywed learns that her husband had her father shot down, she flees from the Callahan ranch in fear. She's rescued by a gunman who safeguards her at a remote outpost as he staves off her husband's attempts to reclaim his bride.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.

After a teacher dies, his best friend — a former cop — takes a job at the school where he worked to confront the gang he thinks was responsible.

England, 1897. Abraham Van Helsing receives a letter from his former student Dr John Seward requesting his urgent assistance in the northern town of Whitby, where his fiancée Lucy is showing all the signs of vampirism. Van Helsing follows the bloody trail to the coffin of Count Dracula himself. Van Helsing is a fresh take on the legend of Dracula through the eyes of his greatest enemy.

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.

Pri ochrane podmienečne prepustenej osoby zabil bývalý vojak Connor Connolly člena drogového syndikátu. Teraz má jeden deň na to, aby jeho bossovi Tyronovi Pettisovi zaplatil odškodné vo výške 2 miliónov dolárov. Nemá však peniaze. Preto musí požiadať svojich bývalých kamarátov z armády na čele s kapitánom Briceom Masonom o pomoc, aby zohnali hotovosť skôr, než príde o unesenú manželku a vôbec o všetko, čo má v živote rád.

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.