Delves deep into the anxiety, thrill and uncertainty of six aspiring animation artists as they are plunged into the twelve-week trial-by-fire that is the NFB's Hothouse for animation filmmakers.

By her intelligence and her avant-gardism, Gabriële Buffet-Picabia influenced the revolution of the modern art operated by her husband, the painter Francis Picabia, and their friends (Apollinaire, Duchamp...). The fascinating portrait, in the first person, of an inspirer who has long remained in the shadows.

While working on a documentary about the city of Bruges, an artistically frustrated filmmaker must deal with the increasing difficulties in his marriage.

A mansion, a lawn, some trees: an unmoved frontal view, 9 minutes long. We hear an off-screen voice. It si the co-director, who commands what goes on in the image. He calls up participants while the other co-director climbs a ladder and holds up a cornet that emits smoke and sparks.

aespa出道3周年纪录片《aespa: MY First page》记录了aespa新人时期的采访和热曲表演现场实况等,于2024年2月在韩国乐天影院独家上映。这部电影包含了从2020年11月《Black Mamba》出道新人时期成员们的真实采访,到独一无二的热门歌曲舞台实况等,原本地记录了aespa成为代表K-POP艺人的过程和隐藏的努力,预计将会引起热烈的反响。

刚刚考入宽正大学的藏原翔(林遣都 饰)甫至京都,便遇到无比热情的学长清濑灰二(小出惠介 饰)。在灰二的介绍下,藤原住进便宜的学生宿舍竹青庄。不过,他似乎进入灰二设下的圈套。原来竹青庄同时也是宽正大学陆上竞技部的总部,藤原不知不觉就成为竞技部的成员。灰二多年前右腿负伤,他一直渴望打入箱根马拉松大赛。为此,他四处物色具有出色资质的校友,除藤原外,这里还有喜爱搞怪的城家兄弟太郎(齐藤庆太 饰)和次郎(齐藤祥太 饰)、留级大王尼克(川村阳介 饰)、法学部高材生雪彦(森廉 饰)、漫画宅男王子(中村优一 饰)、猜谜王(内野谦太 饰)、非洲留学生木萨、以及神童(桥本淳 饰)。这10个性格各异的青年扭成一股绳,为了心中共同的目标全速奔跑……   本片根据三浦紫苑的同名原著改编,被评为2009年电影旬报年度十佳影片。

Dr. Lauren is staying in Prague for a conference and falls in love with Czech writer Jiri Kolmar.

Based on the novel by L. P. Hartley, The Hireling is a dissection of antiquated but hardly dormant British class distinctions as a lonely socialite and her chauffeur become more than friends.

沙滩仔(梁朝伟 饰)和周师奶(吴孟达 饰)是警局里的一对好拍档,两人不仅工作默契,而且私底下是一对十分要好的难兄难弟。沙滩仔性格火爆、而周师奶则为人世故,两人性格正好互补。一次在调查中,沙滩仔邂逅了少女阿玉(吴倩莲 饰),便疯狂的爱上了她。 新调来的上司李南表面上是一个正直的警察,其实暗地里一直靠黑帮生意挣钱、为人心狠手辣,他也爱上了阿玉,并顺利夺取了她的欢心。一次李南策划了一起黑市黄金交易,不止自己挣钱,更企图嫁祸于沙滩仔。沙滩仔最终命运如何?

"Religious Fighter" - In Romania, the idealistic Istanbul teacher, Aliye, communicate activities to a town in Anatolia supporting the idea of National Struggle in the region.

On a summer day Julia gets on a plane, on the way to her destination, not knowing what awaits her. Eduard is in a barbershop where the Barber is annoyed by a fly. The Barber tries to chase the fly away. At that moment, panic breaks loose on the plane...

Loscar, a dangerous and manipulative guy, seeks to call the attention of the media to carry out his dark ends.

Louis Lalanne, known as Loulou, entered the world of canoeing quite by chance, through Gilles Maitere. Gilles had a science, an art. He had been introduced to canoeing by old Tahitians. For him the canoe was a way of life, an art and a cult. At first Loulou didn't really understand. The canoeist holds an ancestral oar, the canoe was used to immigrate. At the time when Europeans were still using sextants, Polynesian navigators were reading nature. They navigated by the stars, the positioning of the moon and reading the winds and currents. The chop of the sea and the position of the clouds.