At the southern border outpost the Soviet border guards managed to neutralize a spy from one of the Western intelligence services and discover an electronic unit recording data about secret strategic military facilities located on the territory of the USSR.

On the eve of her 25th birthday, Becky tries to mask her depression.

Two runaway kids hide in a museum. Once they are locked inside overnight, they try to solve a mystery about a statue supposedly carved by Michaelangelo, known as "The Angel". Will they solve the mystery in time?

Shoreline images: first small breakers and the swirls they leave, then water running up the shore on a sandy beech, then water hitting pebbles and rocks. The second half is a close look at a sluggish eddy of seaweed, moving to and fro on the surface, like sodden twigs. The ocean's tide creates patterns of small surges and circles. The music of the soundtrack is more dramatic than the more gentle movements of the seaweed. Final closeups show the bulbs and leaves of the plants, then the tide takes over.

In the course of living long months with a group of Iranian illegals in Athens, the director examines this radical choice of pursuing a better life through the most perilous of possibilities: clandestinity.

When Arvid, the most malevolent yeti in all of the North Pole has come in possession of the powerful Master Scroll of The Naughty Children, he enlists the scroll's powers to banish Santa, his sworn arch nemesis, to the Land Of Holiday Misfits, a dreary place from which no one can return. It's up to a boy named Finn and his mighty dragon Haldor to rescue Santa and save the day before it's too late!

Pete Smith would make a "Football Thrills of...." each year as part of his Pete Smith Specials. 1944 was in the midst of WW II and most of the college football teams across the nation had been decimated because most of their athletes were in some branch of the Armed Services, which is why the teams from Army (West Point) and Navy (U.S.Naval Academy) were the best in the country during the war years...and not since. And some were in Special Services and were playing for various armed services stations and camps across the country, such as Fort Sill, Great Lakes Naval Training (coached by Notre Dame's Frank Leahy), Fort Ord and others and were beating up on the freshman-and-4F-dominated college teams of the era with week-after-week regularity. Service teams and Army and Navy disappeared as football powers after the war but they were the kingpins in 1944.

On a typical day, this small town is very peaceful. Grandmothers tell stories of biblical monsters while gently slapping the listener with a shoe. The daily routine of sunset ball play is interrupted only by the call of fresh fried sausages, or, perhaps, by the beckoning of a colorful alcoholic beverage. But this day is not a typical one. This day, the sea does not bring the usual boat engine, fish scull or metal briefcase ashore. Instead, it delivers a woman and a doll. A group of Mexican hipsters beach bums come upon this woman and her doll. Louise -- who may or may not be a disgruntled hippie dropping out, or a failed Ponzi schemer seeking solace in the ocean -- responds to her new surroundings with a coma-like stare.

André is the powerful owner of an illegal casino and popular gambling ("Jogo de Bicho") on the streets. His gang is in war against the gang of Fiore that is trying to steal the gambling establishments of André. When the prostitute Margot sees her old friend and ex-con Sarja working as a waiter in the casino where she tricks clients, she invites him to stay with her in her apartment. When André, who is gay, sees the handsome Sarja, he falls in love with his employee that becomes his protégée. Meanwhile, Sarja and Margot plot to steal the high stakes on St George's Day and they invite André's henchman Lobão and two gangsters to participate in the heist. Meanwhile Fiore also plots to steal André's money with his gang.

Der aus Deutschland stammende Mulitmillionär John Underhower wettet auf einer Party in New York, dass es ihm gelingen werde, im alten Europa ein Gespenst von einer noch bestehenden Ritterburg einzufangen. In Hamburg angekommen, kauft er die Burg Waldenfels, die sein Vetter Hyronimus verwaltet. Allerdings werden weder Vetter noch Burgpersonal vom Besitzerwechsel in Kenntnis gesetzt, denn niemand soll wissen, dass John in Amerika zu Reichtum gekommen ist. Der macht sich zunächst auf die Suche nach seiner Tochter Eve, 20 Jahre jung und Malstudentin. Die junge Frau hat einen hartnäckigen Verehrer im Schlepptau. Peter, ein Spielzeugkonstrukteur, weicht nicht mehr von ihrer Seite. Und als John nun seine Burg besucht, stößt er auf eigenartiges Verhalten der Belegschaft.

The adventures of a photographer, who undertook to take a photographs of exiled dictator from South America and eventually found chased without knowing why.

A retelling of part of the Gulliver's Travels adventures. A short film from 1950.

Nichts als kameradschaftliche Zusammenarbeit verbindet Mike und Susan. Doch mit wachsender Eifersucht beobachtet Mike den Flirt Susans mit einem jugendlichen Heranwachsenden aus gutbürgerlichen Kreisen.Gleichzeitig pflegt Susan noch ein Verhältnis zu einem ehemaligen Lehrer. Der neidische Mike schafft es mit einigen Tricks doch noch eine erotische Liaison mit Susan einzugehen, doch ein erstes, sinnliches Rendezvouz findet plötzlich ein abruptes Ende...

A Martian invader crashes his spaceship conveniently close to the workshop of a scientist who is developing an interplanetary craft. If the extraterrestrial Purple Monster can complete the rocket ship and return to Mars, he will be able to start a full-scale invasion of Earth. Good thing Craig Foster sets out to thwart the Monster's mission!

The story of the Arabic Robin Hood, the legendary local hero Adham Al-Sharqawi who persisted in resisting the British occupation for years and tried to alleviate the suffering of the people of his village.