There are eight episodes in stories full of adventure and play in the neighborhood of Limoeiro, with a new car ride, lost treasure, art exhibition in the square, puppet theater, an unexpected escape from Cascão (again?), Characters Saltimbancos and a lot more.

Deckard Shaw seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family for his comatose brother.

Thomas leads his group of escaped Gladers on their final and most dangerous mission yet. To save their friends, they must break into the legendary Last City, a WCKD-controlled labyrinth that may turn out to be the deadliest maze of all. Anyone who makes it out alive will get answers to the questions the Gladers have been asking since they first arrived in the maze.

Terroriorganisatsioon SPECTRE kavatseb varastada salajase kodeerimisseadme, mille abil pääseks ligi Venemaa riigisaladustele. Et Maailmakord pahade tahtele ei alluks, peab Briti salaluure agent James Bond selle seadme ennem leidma. Kuid üritades vastaspoolde sisse sulanduda, taipab Bond peagi, et teda on juhatatud otse lõksu.

Bond (Pierce Brosnan), relvastatud tapmisloaga, sõidab Venemaale, et üles otsida "Kuldsilm", võimsa kosmoserelva käivitaja, mis suudab maa suunas lasta hirmuäratava elektromagneetilise kiire, mis hävitab kõik, mis teele ette jääb. Tema vastaseks on Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean) ehk agent 006, kes on motiveeritud aastatepikkusest vihast 007'e vastu. Lisaks oma kunagisele liitlasele astub Bondi vastu ka Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen), Trevelyan'i ustav liitlane, kelle relvaks on nauding.

Pärast seda kui Dom (Vin Diesel) ja Brian (Paul Walker) eelmises osas Rio operatsiooniga kurikaelte impeeriumi kukutasid ja oma tiimile 100 miljonit taala teenisid, on pande mööda maailma laiali valgunud. Olukord, kus nad end pidevalt varjama peavad ega saa koju tagasi pöörduda, pole neid aga just kuigi õnnelikuks teinud. Samal ajal on Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) läbi 12 riigi tapvalt osavate maantee-palgasõdurite organisatsiooni taga ajanud. Selgub muide, et jahitavate juhi (Luke Evans) parem käsi on Domi endine armastus ja seni teadaolevalt teises ilmas olnud Letty (Michelle Rodriguez). Ainus viis kriminaalid peatada on nad tänavail alistada ja seda muidugi neljal suitseval rattal. Hobbs teeb Domile ettepaneku eliit-tiim Londoni lahinguks taas kokku kutsuda, pakkudes vastutasuks kogu kambale armu andmist, nii et need saaksid kodudesse perede juurde naasta.

Three escaped criminals from the planet Krypton test the Man of Steel's mettle. Led by General Zod, the Kryptonians take control of the White House and partner with Lex Luthor to destroy Superman and rule the world. But Superman, who attempts to make himself human in order to get closer to Lois, realizes he has a responsibility to save the planet.

A group of self-absorbed actors set out to make the most expensive war film ever. After ballooning costs force the studio to cancel the movie, the frustrated director refuses to stop shooting, leading his cast into the jungles of Southeast Asia, where they encounter real bad guys.

The Sheffield family reveal and go through some home truths as their middle child inherits the Foxworth mansion. The family's ghosts looming over, and more tragedies are in store as the curse lives on.

Detektiiv Brian O’Conner (Paul Walker) on politseist varem toimunu eest vallandatud ja teenib nüüd elatist illegaalsete võidusõitudega. Kuid lõpuks jääb ta vahele. Talle antakse valiku võimalus: kas minna vangi või töötada Miamis salaagendina, et sealne narkoärikas Carter Verone’i (Cole Hauser) koos asitõenditega vahele võtta. Talle on abiks juba siseringi imbunud agent Monica Clemente (Eva Mendes) ja tema just vanglast vabanenud sõber Roman Pearce (Tyrese Gibson).

Et ebaseaduslike tänavavõidusõitude korraldamise tõttu vältida vangi minekut, suundub Sean Boswell (Lucas Black) elama isa juurde Tokyosse. Seal, Street Race-i sünnimaal, on sõidud aga tunduvalt rajumad ning Sean ei taha sellest kuidagi ilma jääda. Kogemata astub ta võitlusesse kohaliku Driftingu kuningaga ning kaotab. Et tekkinud suurt võlga tasuda, peab Sean nüüd sukelduma sügavalt sealsesse kuritegelikku maailma.

Seven years ago, Zaid went to war against the Copenhagen underworld to avenge his dead brother. His identity as a respected doctor of cardiology and life as a family man is but a fading dream, and in prison Zaid suffers the loss of his son Noah, whom he barely knows. When a police agent approaches Zaid and offers him a deal to be released in exchange for infiltrating the Copenhagen underworld, he sees his chance to reclaim the remnants of the family life he left behind. But everything has a price, and Zaid realizes that he has now seriously endangered his son's life. After all, once you become part of the underworld, is there any way out?

Film räägib põrsakesest nimega Babe, kes on tapamaja asukas, ehk tulevane peekon või vorst. Imekombel Babe aga pääeb tapamajast tänu talupidaja Hoggettile, kellele põrsas meeldima hakkab ja kes ta ära ostab ning enda farmi viib.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Divorced high school PE teacher Gilberto falls in love with Margherita, unaware she's the mother of Paolina, a student who's been sending him "I love you" notes written in all the languages of the world.

Ülipopulaarse komöödia teises filmis jätkatakse kuulsate õudusfilmide parodeerimist. Professor meelitab rühma tudengeid vanasse majja, et uurida seal pesitsevat kummitust. Seltskonnas on ka paadunud narkomaan ja oma seksuaalset identiteeti otsiv noormees - neid kõiki ootab põrgulikus kummitustemajas närvesööv surmaoht… Film ei sobi alaealistele.

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.

In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.