A pretty young girl falls for an enigmatic, shy man who sweeps her off her feet. She becomes pregnant but is not allowed to tell him. His advisers are adamant. Back home, they have set up a wedding with the daughter of an antagonistic family and marriage will put an end to the blood feud between them.

Suzu e o liceană timidă, de 17 ani, care trăiește într-un sat. Ani întregi, a fost o umbră a ei însăși, dar într-o zi, intră în „U”, o lume virtuală, cu 5 miliarde de membri. Acolo, Suzu e Belle, o cântăreață faimoasă.

Un grup misterios numit Humarize crede cu tărie în teoria Quirk Singularity Doomsday care afirmă că atunci când ciudățeniile se amestecă mai mult cu generațiile viitoare, acea putere va aduce sfârșitul umanității. Pentru a-i salva pe toți, pro-eroii din întreaga lume le cer eroilor în curs de formare ai Academiei UA să-i ajute și să formeze o echipă de eroi selectați la nivel mondial. Depinde de eroi să salveze lumea și viitorul eroilor în cea mai periculoasă criză care a avut loc până acum în My Hero Academia.

După ce prietenul său moare în slujba regelui, un orfan de război își ia sabia și jură să facă dreptate readucându-l pe tron pe regele înlăturat.

La 31 ianuarie 1968, 31 de soldati din Coreea de Nord s-au infiltrat în Coreea de Sud într-o misiune eșuată de a-l asasina pe președintele Park Chung-hee. Ca represalii, armata sud-coreeană a adunat o echipă de 31 de criminali pe insula Silmido pentru a-l ucide pe Kim Il-sung intr-o misiune sinucigasa pentru a-și răscumpăra onoarea, dar a fost anulată, lăsându-i frustrați. Se bazează pe o răscoală militară din anii '70.

Refusing to allow fate to decide whom she must marry, Princess Songhwa decides to find her own husband. She seeks the help of a man to interpret her marital harmony with four men she wishes to marry.

When photos of her at a party cause her to lose a scholarship, a student investigates whether something devastating happened to her that night.

Following their success in the qualifying round for the Kansai regional competition, the members of the Kitauji High School concert band set their sights on the next upcoming performance. Utilizing their summer break to the utmost, the band participates in a camp where they are instructed by their band advisor Noboru Taki and his friends who make their living as professional musicians. Kumiko Oumae and her friends remain determined to attain gold at the Kansai competition, but trouble arises when a student who once quit the band shows interest in rejoining and sparks unpleasant memories for the second-year members. Kumiko also learns about her teacher's surprising past and the motivation behind his desire to lead the band to victory. Reaching nationals will require hard work, and the adamant conviction in each student's commitment to the band will be put to the test.

The powerful story of the most iconic heavy metal/art collective/monster band in the universe, as told by the humans who have fought to keep it alive for over thirty years. The feature documentary includes interviews with the band members, both past and present, as well as other artists including Weird Al Yankovic, Thomas Lennnon, Alex Winter, Bam Margera, and Ethan Embry, including never before seen footage of legendary GWAR frontman Dave Brockie.

Hinata is murdered again by the Tokyo Manjikai Gang in front of Takemichi. In order to save Hinata, Takemichi travels 10 years back in time again. Takemichi has to change a key case that can save Hinata. The key case involves a sad incident that occurred to 6 men, who later formed the Tokyo Manjikai Gang.

A city is populated by several clans of gangsters running various businesses in black markets. Each clan wants to be the absolute ruler, but under the reign of Big Boss who collects criminal tariffs from theme, the equilibrium among them is maintained not unlike the equity between the lawless and the lawful. Tee, Kid, Tuek and Sim, a gang of computer-game addicteds, became menions of Big Boss. When Big Boss abruptly died, Tee is about to inform his team, but he hesitates and decides to hide this fact from the rest. So that he may play another game with his peers and satisfy Big Boss’ last wish.

Emergency este un thriller dramatic din 2022, regizat de Carey Williams. Filmul urmărește povestea a trei studenți de culoare, Sean, Kunle și Carlos, care, în timpul unei petreceri de neuitat, descoperă o tânără albă inconștientă în casa lor. Conștienți de implicațiile rasiale ale situației, cei trei trebuie să decidă dacă să apeleze la poliție sau să rezolve situația pe cont propriu. Într-o cursă contra cronometru, ei se confruntă cu dileme morale și frica de a fi percepuți greșit din cauza prejudecăților rasiale, ceea ce duce la o serie de evenimente pline de tensiune și umor negru. Filmul abordează subiecte delicate precum rasismul, stereotipurile și justiția socială.

With the space program attempting to travel to Mars, 21st century scientists were tasked with warming up the planet so that humans could survive on its surface. They came up with an efficient and cost effective plan of sending cockroaches and mold to the surface so that the mold would absorb the sunlight and the insect corpses would serve as a food source for the mold. It is now the year 2577 and the first manned ship to Mars has landed on the planet and the six crew members are ready for their mission. But what they find are giant mutated humanoid cockroaches with incredible physical strength. The crew members are easily wiped out, but not before sending a transmission back to Earth. Now, humanity will send elite warriors to exterminate the mutated bugs and claim back Mars.

A hitman, his boss, an art dealer and a money-laundering scheme that accidentally turns the assassin into an overnight avant-garde sensation, one that forces her to play the art world against the underworld.

Benjamin and Dom have been best friends since they were kids. On their last night together, Dom plans to send Benjamin off with a pocketful of cash. All he has to do is deliver a package over the border for a friend...

When the daughter of the royal family is held hostage, an agent for "D.R.A.G.O.N." will stop at nothing to destroy the evil organisation which abducted her.

A young female doctor and her 6-year-old daughter are on an overnight flight in a violent storm. When passengers on the half-empty plane inexplicably begin to die, the woman’s grip on reality weakens and she is forced to relive her worst childhood nightmare.

A haunting erotic fairytale about Lucy, a young University student drawn into a mysterious hidden world of beauty and desire.

Three young houseflies stow away aboard the Apollo 11 flight to the moon.

Many years ago, five evil spirits were trapped inside ornate jars to protect humanity from destruction. When a power-hungry general raids the secret chamber that hides the jars, he finds his five concubines have become impregnated with evil fetuses, hungry for human flesh. Its up to the palace cooks and a slacker Taoist priest to stop them before they destroy the world.