Harry Potter on pealtnäha täiesti tavaline, pisut tagasihoidlik poiss, kes peale ema ja isa traagilist surma on sattunud elama oma tädi juurde. 10 aastat on ta pidanud taluma tädi Petunia, onu Vernoni ja nende poja Dudley terroriseerimist. Ühel päeval aga hakkavad saabuma salapärased kirjad ning ilmub välja hiiglasekasvu, kuid sõbralik Hagrid, kes Harryle räägib, et ta polegi tavaline poiss, vaid hoopis võlur. Nii asubki Harry õppima Sigatüüka kooli, kus ta õpib võlukunsti erinevaid vorme, leiab endale sõbrad Ron'i ja Hermione'i ning peab vastu astuma igasugustele ohtudele.

To save her father from certain death in the army, a young woman secretly enlists in his place and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

Voldemort saab liitlasi juurde nii võlurite maailmas, kui ka mugude maailmas ning Sigatüügas ei ole enam turvaline koht. Harry arvab, et kurjad jõud võivad peituda Sigatüükas endas, kuid Dumbledore ei pööra sellele nii palju tähelepanu, sest ta valmistab ennast ette eelseisvaks… Sigatüügas saab endale ka uue õpetaja – Horace Slughorn'i. Harry suureks abiks leiab ta Nõiajookide raamatu, mis kuulus salapärasele õpilasele, kes kutsus ennast Segavereliseks printsiks ning Severus Snape ei saa teda enam niivõrd palju noomida. Kui Harry hakkab järjest rohkem kiinduma Ginny'sse, siis Ron'il on humoorikas suhe Lavender Brown'iga, mis ei meeldi eriti Hermionele, kes surub oma tunded alla.

Meie ajastu 33. aasta. Rooma provintsis Judea hakkab salapärane puusepp nimega Jeesus Naatsaretlane kuulutama "Jumala kuningriigi" saabumist ja ümbritseb end alandlike kalurite rühmaga: apostlitega. Juudid on sajandeid oodanud Messia tulekut - ilmutuslikku kuju, kes vabastaks oma püha kodumaa ja kehtestaks uue õiglusel põhineva korra. Jeesuse õpetused meelitavad kohale suure hulga järgijaid, kes tunnevad Teda Messiana. Olukorrast ärevuses arreteerib Sanhedrin ühe kaheteistkümnest apostlist Juudas Iskarioti abiga Jeesuse. Rooma-vastases riigireetmises süüdistatuna antakse Kristus Pontius Pilaatusele, kes mõistab rahutuse vältimiseks tavalise kurjategijana ristil surma.

Noor politseinik Jake Hoyt (Ethan Hawke) saab endale paarimeheks karastunud ja karmi kolleegi Alonzo Harrise (Denzel Washington), kes peab õpetama Jake´ile kuidas L.A-s ellu jääda. Tegelik päev kujuneb aga hoopis teistsuguseks kui Jake arvas, kuna teda kistakse kaasa Alonzo ebaseaduslikku tegevusse.

In 19th century England, Count Dracula travels to London and meets Mina Harker, a young woman who appears as the reincarnation of his lost love.

Two lost souls visiting Tokyo -- the young, neglected wife of a photographer and a washed-up movie star shooting a TV commercial -- find an odd solace and pensive freedom to be real in each other's company, away from their lives in America.

An enchanting making-of story told through all-new in-depth interviews and cast conversations, inviting fans on a magical first-person journey through one of the most beloved film franchises of all time.

Every year in the ruins of what was once North America, the nation of Panem forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. Part twisted entertainment, part government intimidation tactic, the Hunger Games are a nationally televised event in which “Tributes” must fight with one another until one survivor remains. Pitted against highly-trained Tributes who have prepared for these Games their entire lives, Katniss is forced to rely upon her sharp instincts as well as the mentorship of drunken former victor Haymitch Abernathy. If she’s ever to return home to District 12, Katniss must make impossible choices in the arena that weigh survival against humanity and life against love. The world will be watching.

When a litter of dalmatian puppies are abducted by the minions of Cruella De Vil, the parents must find them before she uses them for a diabolical fashion statement. In a Disney animation classic, Dalmatian Pongo is tired of his bachelor-dog life. He spies lovely Perdita and maneuvers his master, Roger, into meeting Perdita's owner, Anita. The owners fall in love and marry, keeping Pongo and Perdita together too. After Perdita gives birth to a litter of 15 puppies, Anita's old school friend Cruella De Vil wants to buy them all. Roger declines her offer, so Cruella hires the criminal Badun brothers to steal them -- so she can have a fur coat.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, young Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow “runners” for a shot at escape.

When a feisty little fox named Tod is adopted into a farm family, he quickly becomes friends with a fun and adorable hound puppy named Copper. Life is full of hilarious adventures until Copper is expected to take on his role as a hunting dog -- and the object of his search is his best friend!

An endearing modern-day story about how the lovable Goof bonds with his teenage son Max on a hilarious cross-country road trip. En route to the ol' fishing hole, they find themselves up to their floppy ears in misadventure!

A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony planet and transporting thousands of people has a malfunction in its sleep chambers. As a result, two passengers are awakened 90 years early.

Hedonist Frank Cotton finds a mysterious puzzle box that summons the Cenobites, who open the doors to a dominion where pain and pleasure are indivisible.

Mother and daughter bicker over everything -- what Anna wears, whom she likes and what she wants to do when she's older. In turn, Anna detests Tess's fiancé. When a magical fortune cookie switches their personalities, they each get a peek at how the other person feels, thinks and lives.

Boog on kodustatud karumürakas, kellel pole aimugi, kuidas endale ise toitu hankida või üldse metsas hakkama saada. Tema mugav maailm pööratakse pea peale päeval, mil ta kohtub Elliotiga, hädavaresest põdraga, kellel on alles üksainus sarv ning kes hetkekski vait ei jää. Kui Elliot veenab Boogi oma õdusast pesast välja tulema, et maitsta laia maailma, väljuvad sündmused kiiresti kontrolli alt.

Officer Carey Mahoney and his cohorts have finally graduated from the Police Academy and are about to hit the streets on their first assignment. Question is, are they ready to do battle with a band of graffiti-tagging terrorists? Time will tell, but don't sell short this cheerful band of doltish boys in blue.

While Sidney Prescott and her friends visit the Hollywood set of Stab 3, the third film based on the Woodsboro murders, another Ghostface killer rises to terrorize them.

In the year 2455, Old Earth is now a contaminated planet abandoned for centuries -- a brown world of violent storms, toxic landmasses and poisonous seas. Yet humans have returned to the deadly place that they once fled, not to live, but to research the ancient, rusting artifacts of the long-gone civilizations. But it's not the harmful environment that could prove fatal to the intrepid, young explorers who have just landed on Old Earth. For them, it's Friday the 13th, and Jason lives!