The lively João Grilo and the sly Chicó are poor guys living in the hinterland who cheat a bunch of people in a small town in Northeastern Brazil. When they die, they have to be judged by Christ, the Devil and the Virgin Mary before they are admitted to paradise.
The story of Francisco, a very simple and poor man whose dream was to see his children become country music stars, and who made all the efforts to make it happen.
The film shows the day when Rui and Vani first met. It was at their wedding (with other partners). Vani was going to marry Sérgio, and Rui would marry Marta in the same church, following Vani's marriage. While waiting for the ceremony, they begin to talk. Complications ensue.
In a crime-plagued area of Rio de Janeiro, a team of honest cops, including a determined rookie, fights corruption and mistrust on all sides.
Ne pirmos jaunystės turtuolis, tikras šelmis Haris Sanbornas, kurį tobulai vaidina Jack Nicholson, yra užkietėjęs viengungis, į pasimatymus vaikščiojantis tik su tomis gražuolėmis, kurių amžius nesiekia 30 metų. Kartą Haris nutarė praleisti romantišką savaitgalį su naująja meilute Marina (Amanda Peet) jos mamos namuose ant jūros kranto. Viskas klostėsi sklandžiai, tačiau staiga Haris pajuto skausmus nejauname kūne ir tai netradicinę porelę nejuokais išgąsdino. Laimei, Marinos mama Erika (Diane Keaton), išsiskyrusi, sėkmingai dirbanti dramaturgė, sutinka slaugyti švelnų širdies smūgį patyrusį dukros draugą, su kuriuo susipažįsta gana keistomis aplinkybėmis – aptikdama vyruką vienais apatiniais savo namuose. Haris ir Erika vis dažniau lieka vieni, ir nejučia Sanbornas suvokia, kad per 30 tikrai jau perkopusi Marinos mama jį domina labiau, nei jis, galbūt, to norėtų…
Trys jaunos ir nuotykių ištroškusios merginos – Grace (akt. Selena Gomez), Meg (akt. Leighton Meester) ir Emma (akt. Katie Cassidy) išsiruošia į Paryžių. Deja, kruopščiai planuota kelionė pasirodo esanti didelis nusivylimas. Išvargintos nemalonių kelionės įspūdžių merginos atsiduria prabangaus penkių žvaigždučių viešbučio hole, kuriame Grace palaikoma turtinga paveldėtoja. Prieš atskleidžiant savo tikrąsias tapatybes, merginos mėgaujasi neregėta prabanga, paparacių dėmesiu, apsimeta aukštuomenės atsovėmis ir vyksta atostogauti į svajonių miestą – Monte Karlą, kuriame merginų laukia didžiausi nuotykiai. Netikėtai dingus milijono dolerių vertės prabangiam vėriniui, Grace, Meg ir Emma priverstos žūtbūt jį rasti, o tai nėra taip lengva, kaip gali pasirodyti.
Rachel is a girl, adopted by an upper middle class family, who rebelled at 17 and left her family and studies at a traditional college in Sao Paulo to become a sexy call girl. Shortly after starting work, she decided to write a blog about her experiences. Since some clients thought she looked like a surfer she adopted the name "Surfistinha" which means little surfer girl.
In Rio de Janeiro, the forty and something years old Mercedes (Lília Cabral) goes to the psychoanalyst and tells the story of her life since she was a girl and lost her mother. Along the three years of analysis, her life changes and she divorces from her husband Gustavo (José Mayer) and has love affairs with the younger Theo (Reynaldo Gianecchini)
The immature and cheap douche bag Fábio Clóvis marries the pseudo-intellectual Miá and they travel in a cruise to Europe on board of a fancy passenger vessel. Fabio and Miá are invited to have dinner with the wealthy Beto Assunção and his gorgeous wife Laura in a VIP restaurant on the vessel. Soon Fábio discovers that Beto was Miá's boyfriend and Miá learns that Fábio had a crush on Laura that was his classmate. Meanwhile the cynical chamber maid Suzana Mello and her estranged husband, the entertainer Wilson, make a bet that Fábio and Miá will split before the end of the trip and poison their relationship. When the ship arrives in Casablanca, Fábio meets his bothersome childhood friend Cabeça that affects their honeymoon.
The publicist Claudio and the housewife and choral teacher Helena have been married for many years, but they do not understand and respect the feelings and view point of the partner. Claudio sees Helena as a shopper and "little teacher of a choral" and Helena sees Claudio as an insensitive and rough man. On the night before the fiftieth anniversary of Claudio, they changed places with each other.
Jaunas amerikietis Maiklas (aktorius Richard Madden) pragyvenimui užsidirba iš to, ką moką geriausiai – vagia paryžiečių ir turistų pinigines. Vieną dieną jam pasitaiko nugvelbti kuprinę su sprogstamu įtaisu. Sprogus bombai Maiklas tampa vieninteliu įtariamuoju ir labiausiai ieškomu žmogumi visoje Prancūzijoje. Tą pačią naktį slaptame CŽV poste Paryžiuje budi iš žlugusios misijos grįžęs ir karo zonoje įpratęs veikti agentas Briaras (Idris Elba). Jis greitai supranta, kad Maiklas, nors pats yra tik atsitiktinis pėstininkas dideliame lošime, gali atvesti iki tikrų nusikaltėlių. Pasipriešindamas vadovybės nurodymams agentas susiranda Maiklą ir kartu pradeda nutrūktgalvišką 24 valandų kelionę po pažįstamas ir dar nematytas Paryžiaus vietas.
The life of Fabio and Miá falls into the rut when differences, which are not few, need to be faced. After Fábio forget the third wedding anniversary, Miá decides to ask for a time in the relationship. When Fábio's grandfather, who lives in Portugal, tells him that he was a widower, he sees on this trip to the funeral an opportunity to save his marriage.
A man is abandoned by his wife and then falls in love with his neighbor, the perfect, ideal woman. The only problem: she doesn't exist!
Claudio and Helena are on the verge of breaking up, until the couple experiences another strange phenomenon that looks to help them understand one another more.
Katrina nusamdo prostitutę, kad ši suviliotų jos vyrą, kurį ji įtaria neištikimybe.
Three young friends, Tita, Mari and Aninha decide to change their situations and travel to a beach place for a weekend. On the road, they meet Estrella, a hippie that wants a hide to try to find her unknown father. Together, they will live hilarious, absurd and moving situations. More than a change the air, they change themselves.
Po trejų metų išėjęs iš kalėjimo mafijozas Polas Vitis išsiaiškina, kad dabar netikėtai sutriko gero ir nuoširdaus jo draugo psichiatro Beno Sobolio sveikata. 1999 m. komedijos "Sutrikęs gangsteris" režisierius Haroldas Ramis viską sukeitė vietomis. Kalėjimo Sing Sing prižiūrėtojai yra labai sunerimę dėl mafijos boso Polo Vičio keisto elgesio. Jau greitai garsiausias Niujorko nusikaltėlis turėtų išeiti į laisvę, tačiau jis pats tuo visai nesidžiaugia. FTB pareigūnai nusprendžia kreiptis pagalbos į buvusį Niujorko mafijos boso psichiatrą Beną Sobolį.
After all the trouble in the first film, Tino and Jane have more fun adventures. Still tasting bitter failure, they see a light at the end of the tunnel with uncle Olavinho’s unexpected inheritance. However, the will carries an unusual request: the rich uncle wants his ashes to be scattered throughout the Grand Canyon. The couple takes the opportunity of the trip to fulfill this wish and decides to go to Las Vegas and end up getting into comical situations. Big time spender Tino will fall into the greatest temptations and indulge in the casinos of the gambling city.
When Mari produces a music festival in Rio de Janeiro, she invites friends Tita, Aninha and Estrella to join her for another wild adventure.
The diabolical Ratam (Paul Reis) takes over the planet Antar, after the death of the emperor, and orders that all children be enslaved. Always kept within the palace, Princess Xeron (Xuxa) believes that the people of her kingdom are happy. Meanwhile, outside, the princes Mussaim (Mussum) Dedeon (Dede Santana) and Zacaling (Zacarias) join the Nameless Knight (Renato Aragão), so that together they can defeat Ratam.