After the Japanese defeat to the Russians, Kaji leads the last remaining men through Manchuria. Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old life, Kaji faces great odds in a variety of different harrowing circumstances as he and his fellow men sneak behind enemy lines.
A young street racer Renn has just defented a red 180SX on the mountain pass. A moment later, he found that the tires of his GTR were stolen by a famous tire stealing gang! Renn challenged the daughter of the gang’s boss. However, the daughter asked him to do a favor after she lost the race!!… With the turned up GTR, 180 SX and others race cars, this is exciting car battle action for all car lovers.
A shy high schooler in Kyoto meets a man claiming to be his future self, who tells him he’s hacked into the past to save their first love.
When Amy’s controlling husband Brad learns she had an affair with work colleague Kirk, Brad kills her. Then he turns his attention to Kirk, specifically Kirk’s wife, with a plan to ruin the marriage of the man who “ruined” his.
Holly has everything it takes to be a star; the voice, the dream and the dedication, but she lacks the means to break away from her humble Texas upbringing. Then she gets the chance to attend an art and music school on the East coast and her future suddenly looks bright. But the road to stardom is a bumpy one.
In the third film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto volunteers to be tortured by Yakuza to save a prostitute and is hired by their leader to kill an evil chamberlain.
Príbeh osudom skúšanej ženy, ktorá je manželka a matka. Julieta stretne v živote veľa ľudí a každé jedno stretnutie jej prinesie nový príbeh, trápenie a výčitky. Julieta žije so svojou dcérou Anti a mužom Xoanom v Madride. Je vystavená životným situáciám, ktoré psychicky nezvláda. Jej manžel a otec Anti zomrie a obe sú poznačené smútkom. Anti po dovŕšení osemnástich rokov odchádza z domu. Julieta nedokáže pozerať na to, ako odchádza aj to posledné, čo jej v živote zostalo. Ako plynie čas, Julieta sa vracia vo svojich spomienkach. Zisťuje, že vôbec svoju dcéru nepoznala. Je plná pocitu viny až pomaly vymazáva zo života všetkých a všetko na čom jej záleží. Julieta sa vracia na miesta, kde žila v mladosti v domnienke, že sa spomienky na udalosti v tom čase zmenia. Čaká na možnosť začať odznova.
For as long as she can remember, 16 year-old Gracie has been raising her four siblings, each of whom has a different, absent father and their mother is on the fast track to self-destruction. When these children's lives are about to be pulled apart, Gracie will have to do the impossible and make the ultimate sacrifices to keep her family together.
Americký inžinier Jack Dwyer sa spoločne so svojou manželkou a dvomi malými dcérkami presťahoval za prácou do istej juhoázijskej krajiny. Krátko po ich príjazde však vypuklo v krajine povstanie a všetci cudzinci sa ocitli v ohrození života. Jack musí vynaložiť všetko svoje úsilie nato, aby jeho rodinu nepostihol neblahý osud množstva cudzincov...
Leila and Damien struggle with his bipolar disorder.
Potom ako Francúzsko padne do rúk nacistov, začnú dve ženy pracovať ako špiónky pre tajnú spravodajskú službu pod vedením Winstona Churchilla.
Píše sa polovica deväťdesiatych rokov a Himaláje sa stávajú obľúbenou turistickou destináciou. Na osemtisícovky už nešplhajú len skúsení horolezci, ale tiahnu sa tam celé zástupy dobrodruhov z celého sveta. Horskí vodcovia Rob Hall (Jason Clarke) a Scott Fischer (Jake Gyllenhaal) napriek tomu nič nepodceňujú a do svojej expedície na najvyšší bod našej Zeme berú len ľudí, ktorí majú niečo za sebou. Všetci sú skvele pripravení a vybavení, splneniu snov ich klientov by nič nemalo stáť v ceste. Stačí však drobná odchýlka od plánu, náhla zmena počasia a kľúčovú otázku "Podarí sa nám horu zdolať?" vystrieda otázka oveľa zásadnejšia: "Dokážeme prežiť?"
In the near future, big wars are avoided by giving individuals with violent tendencies a chance to kill in the Big Hunt. The Hunt is the most popular form of entertainment in the world and also attracts participants who are looking for fame and fortune. It includes ten rounds for each competitor, five as the hunter and five as the victim.
Príbeh spoluscenáristky a režisérky Madonny sleduje dva veľmi nezvyčajné vzťahy - románik medzi kráľom Eduardom VIII. a rozvedenou Američankou Wallis Simpsonovou, a aférku medzi vydatou dámou a príslušníkom ruskej osobnej ochranky. Vďaka známym historickým súvislostiam môžeme tušiť, že ani jeden zo vzťahov nebude bezproblémový.
Follows the lives of three families who live in a three-story building in a Roman neighbourhood.
Valerie's (Amanda Peterson) prosecutor mom is trying to put away Adam (Christopher Atkins), an alleged serial killer on trial for murdering six women. But he's so charming that the teenage Valerie just can't believe he really did it, and soon they begin sending each other letters. Adam is caught up in a jailbreak and ends up on the run.
Returning to his small hometown of Icara, Maine, a man discovers its horrible secret -- a bizarre, clandestine ritual that led to his mother's early death and his father's insanity.
Female adventurer Parker joins a crew of male trophy hunters in a remote wilderness park. Their goal: slaughter genetically recreated dinosaurs for sport using rifles, arrows, and grenades. After their guide is killed by raptors, the team tries to escape the park – but the hunters quickly become the hunted. Even worse, the park’s manager suspects Parker of being a spy and sends a hit squad after her. This battle’s about to become primitive!
Beneath the fake blood and cheap masks of countless haunted house attractions across the country, there are whispers of truly terrifying alternatives. Looking to find an authentic, blood-curdling good fright for Halloween, five friends set off on a road trip in an RV to track down these underground Haunts. Just when their search seems to reach a dead end, strange and disturbing things start happening and it becomes clear that the Haunt has come to them…
After a devastating boat crash, a group of friends are stranded on an uncharted island where they encounter an ancient tribe of humanoid creatures.