The rise and fall of the pirate mixtape empire of three brothers from Naples, Italy, during the '80s.
Onoff is a famous writer, now a recluse. The Inspector is suspicious when Onoff is brought into the station one night, disoriented and suffering a kind of amnesia. In an isolated, rural police station, the Inspector tries to establish the events surrounding a killing, to reach a startling resolution.
Spain, 2003. An accidental discovery leads Clarence to travel from the snowy mountains of Huesca to Equatorial Guinea, to visit the land where her father Jacobo and her uncle Kilian spent most of their youth, the island of Fernando Poo.
Filmo veiksmas vyksta 1880 metais, Paryžiuje. Jauna mergina vardu Eugenie su šeima pasidalina paslaptimi, kad gali girdėti ir matyti dvasias. Išsigandę artimieji priima sprendimą Eugenie patalpinti į psichiatrijos ligoninę. Šiai vietai vadovauja garsus profesorius Jean-Martin Charcot, kuris garsėja novatoriškais gydymo metodais. Herojė žino, kad gydymo jai nereikia, bet ar pavyks rasti sąjungininką, kuris padės pabėgti iš šios baisios vietos?
Aisha, a young Nigerian woman seeking asylum in Ireland, is floundering in a maze of social services and bureaucracy. As her situation becomes increasingly dire, Aisha struggles to maintain hope and dignity against the looming threat of deportation.
An actor past his prime gives drama lessons to prisoners in an attempt to stage "Waiting for Godot."
Julio Blanco is the proprietor of Básculas Blanco, a Spanish company producing industrial scales in a provincial Spanish town, which awaits the imminent visit from a committee that will decide if they merit a local Business Excellence award: everything has to be perfect when the time comes. Working against the clock, Blanco pulls out all the stops to address and resolve issues with his employees, crossing every imaginable line in the process.
1862 m. Mūšio lauke netekusi vyro mokytoja Anna Leonowens svajoja pakeisti savo gyvenimą. Kaip tik tuo metu ji gauna netikėtą Tailando (tuo metu šalis vadinosi Siamas) karaliaus kvietimą atvykti į šią nuostabios gamtos šalį ir išmokyti jo vaikus anglų kalbos. Ilgai nedvejodama, Ana kartu su savo sūnumi sėda į laivą ir iš Indijos persikelia į Bankoką. Jos čia niekas nepasitiko ir nesurengė triukšmingų sutiktuvių. Vos atvykusią mokytoją pasitinka išblizginti ir kilimais nukloti didžiuliai karaliaus rūmai, tačiau pats Tailando valdytojas net neketina pasveikinti svečių. Dar daugiau, jis pamiršo pažadą skirti namą už rūmų teritorijos Anai ir jos sūnui. Greitai prabėga dvi savaitės, tačiau Ana taip ir nepradėjo savo tiesioginio darbo. Netekusi kantrybės, Ana išdrįsta sulaužyti įsigaliojusius protokolus ir žaibiškai prasiveržia prie Monkguto sosto. Susižavėjęs atvykėlės atkaklumu, karalius galų gale nusprendžia patikėti jai išmokyti 58-is vaikus anglų kalbos ir vakarietiškos kultūros.
Alžyre įsikūrusio vienuolyno abatas Kristijanas puikiai išmano ir Bibliją, ir Koraną. Įsigilinimas į islamą jam padeda suprasti ir gerbti šalį, kurioje nusprendė dirbti. Tačiau Alžyras vis labiau terorizuojamas islamo fundamentalistų, tad vienuoliai turi kuo greičiau pasirinkti: likti ar pasitraukti. Istorija paremta tikrais faktais: 1996 m. iš Tibhirino vienuolyno buvo pagrobti septyni trapistai ir, anot pagrobėjų pareiškimo, nužudyti perpjaunant gerkles. Filmo kūrėjai stengėsi perteikti atmosferą, kuri tuo metu vyravo vienuolyne. Kūčių vakarą vienuoliai privalo pagaliau išspręsti esminę dilemą – likti šalyje ir rizikuoti gyvybe ar išvykti. Kiekvienas vienuolis, įvertindamas žmogišką, religinį, politinį aspektą, įsigilindamas į savo sielą ir sąmonę, turi priimti asmeninį sprendimą.
Septintojo dešimtmečio pabaigos ir aštuntojo dešimtmečio JAV feministinio judėjimo lyderės Glorios Steinem istorija. Filmas stebi, kaip formavosi jos pažiūros, ko ji siekė ir kas paskatino kovoti. Siužetas sukurtas pagal Steinem autobiografinę knygą „Mano gyvenimas kelyje“, o jos vaidmenį įvairiame amžiuje atliko Julianne Moore ir Alicia Vikander.
Albert Nobbs struggles to survive in late 19th century Ireland, where women aren't encouraged to be independent. Posing as a man, so she can work as a butler in Dublin's most posh hotel, Albert meets a handsome painter and looks to escape the lie she has been living.
In a large villa on Lake Como, everything is ready to celebrate Elio and Caterina's wedding. It will be the most beautiful day of their lives and also of their parents' lives, especially their respective fathers, Giacomo and Giovanni. Too bad that together with Margherita, Giovanni's ex-wife and mother of the bride, Aldo, her new partner, also arrives at the wedding. Friendly, outgoing and above all a total troublemaker. Giacomo and Giovanni try to contain him in every way, but under Aldo's blows, cracks open up from which a hidden malaise emerges, destined to call into question the friendship between Giovanni and Giacomo, their marriages and more. And that will force everyone to deal with their own doubts and with the courage it takes to allow themselves happiness.
Ten minutes a day can change the course of your day. Ten minutes doing something completely new can change the course of a life. This is what Bianca will discover in the midst of an existential crisis. New meetings, the discovery of special bonds and listening to those who have always loved us. Sometimes it doesn't take much to start over and this film teaches us this, through a warm and passionate story of rebirth.
A man wakes up from a coma that has lasted since 1984.
Leo Bernardi is a successful and acclaimed Italian director. He’s approaching the end of his career but he cannot accept his slow decline. He has just finished shooting his last movie and he’s deeply sad. The movie is inspired by the novel about Casanova written by Arthur Schnitzler, a character so similar to the director, even more than he could imagine. Schnitzler’s Casanova is aged, glory days are over: he lost his charm and his attraction to women, he’s broke and no more eager to travel through Europe. After a long exile, he just wants to go back to Venice, his homeland. While traveling home Casanova meets a girl, Marcolina. She reawakens his desire, lost for years. So, he tries to seduce her but that leads him to a tragic understanding: he’s an old man now. It’s not by chance that Leo Bernardi decided to tell this story right now, in a pivotal moment of his life and career. The destiny of both Casanova and his director leads them to a final confrontation.
Altiero Molino is a twenty-six-year-old digital entrepreneur who’s returning to Ventotene with his model husband in order to gather his old friends together around his ailing father so as to treat him to one last holiday in this place which is so special to him. He didn’t expect to find the island all abuzz with Sabry Mazzalupi’s marriage to her partner Cesare. This young woman, who’s the awkward daughter of Roman shopkeeper Ruggero, has become an online celebrity and her wedding is a global event attracting the media as well as mysterious emissaries from the new political regime. These two tribes of vacationers, two seemingly irreconcilable sides of Italy, are destined to come together during the Ferragosto holiday for an ultimate showdown.
Today Isaías runs back and forward between the park where he plays with his kids and his architecture studio, where he complains to his colleague Nico. No matter where he is, Isaías feels he should be somewhere else. And when he's with Ainhoa, his wife, they realise just how tiring children can be when they're so young. In the park, he makes friends with Sonia, the mother of another child, from whom he learns that raising children and coming of age isn't that easy. It never was.
A virus wipes out cannabis until an unlikely team of a social media influencer, journalist, cop and a drug dealer join against sinister forces working to keep the plant from being rediscovered.
During the course of an ordinary week in Hollywood, movie producer Ben must navigate his way through shark-infested waters as he struggles to complete his latest projects. A demanding studio boss demands extensive changes to a movie starring Sean Penn, while another chief won't greenlight a project unless star Bruce Willis shaves his beard. Meanwhile, Ben tries to reconcile with his wife and maintain a relationship with his young daughter.
Sparks fly when self-sufficient single mother Abigail meets magnetic perennial bachelor Ben. On their first date, they collaborate -- in jest -- on the ultimate list: 10 things to do together before they break up. But when fate intervenes, they soon embark on the most challenging journey of all -- building a family together, and the chance to trade their cynicism for hope.