Manhattan explores how the life of a middle-aged television writer dating a teenage girl is further complicated when he falls in love with his best friend's mistress.

Гил и његова вереница долазе у Париз, где он намерава да заврши свој роман. Будући да се веома разликује од своје површне будуће супруге, Гил ужива у времену које проведе сам, у лутању париским уличицама. Једне вечери, пошто црквена звона огласе поноћ, његову пажњу привлачи весела дружина у аутомобилу из двадесетих. На њихов наговор, улази у кола и изненада пролази кроз време – затиче се у друштву Пабла Пикаса, Салвадора Далија и Ернеста Хемингвеја. Што више времена проводи са њима, али и заводљивом Адријаном, Модиљанијевом и Браковом (Жорж Брак) девојком, њему све теже пада повратак у стварност...

In czarist Russia, a neurotic soldier and his distant cousin formulate a plot to assassinate Napoleon.

Between two Thanksgivings, Hannah's husband falls in love with her sister Lee, while her hypochondriac ex-husband rekindles his relationship with her sister Holly.

A neurotic film critic obsessed with the movie Casablanca (1942) attempts to get over his wife leaving him by dating again with the help of a married couple and his illusory idol, Humphrey Bogart.

Прича о Крису Вилтону, ожењеном професионалном тенисеру, који се заљубљује у фаталну Американку Нолу Рајс, једно време девојку брата своје жене. На крају како то обично бива долази до опасног троугла.

A middle-aged couple suspects foul play when their neighbor's wife suddenly drops dead.

Tom Ripley, an American who deals in forged art, is slighted at an auction in Hamburg by picture framer Jonathan Zimmerman. When Ripley is asked by gangster Raoul Minot to kill a rival, he suggests Zimmerman, and the two, exploiting Zimmerman's terminal illness, coerce him into being a hitman.

Whatever Works explores the relationship between a crotchety misanthrope, Boris and a naïve, impressionable young runaway from the south, Melody. When Melody's uptight parents arrive in New York to rescue her, they are quickly drawn into wildly unexpected romantic entanglements. Everyone discovers that finding love is just a combination of lucky chance and appreciating the value of "whatever works."

Wealthy, sheltered Lina McLaidlaw is swept off her feet by charming ne'er-do-well Johnnie Aysgarth. Though warned that Johnnie is little more than a fortune hunter, Lina marries him anyway and remains loyal to her irresponsible husband as he plows his way from one disreputable business scheme to another. Gradually Lina comes to the conclusion that Johnnie intends to kill her in order to collect her inheritance.

April 24, 1993: it's the last broadcast of Radiofreccia, an independent radio station closing after 18 years, barely one minute before coming of age. Bruno, one of its founders, begins to tell its story, the story of a group of friends—especially troubled Freccia's—and a period of their youth in their small hometown.

After experiencing a traumatic misfortune, Jasmine French, a wealthy woman from New York, moves to San Francisco to live with her foster sister Ginger and the firm purpose of getting a new life, but she will be haunted by anxiety and memories of the past.

Miles Monroe, a clarinet-playing health food store proprietor, is revived out of cryostasis 200 years into a future world in order to help rebels fight an oppressive government regime.

When Eve, an interior designer, is deserted by her husband of many years, Arthur, the emotionally glacial relationships of the three grown-up daughters are laid bare. Twisted by jealousy, insecurity and resentment, Renata, a successful writer; Joey, a woman crippled by indecision; and Flyn, a budding actress; struggle to communicate for the sake of their shattered mother. But when their father unexpectedly falls for another woman, his decision to remarry sets in motion a terrible twist of fate…

Two girlfriends on a summer holiday in Spain become enamored with the same painter, unaware that his ex-wife, with whom he has a tempestuous relationship, is about to re-enter the picture.

Холден (Бен Афлек) ужива популарност андерграунд уметника. Са дугогодишњим пријатељем Бенкијем Џејсон Ли), креира култни стрип “Искренко и Давеж“ , који му доноси велику популарност и позицију код девојака...У радни атеље долази девојка Алиса (Џои Лорен Адамс), нови сарадник на стрипу. Холденово интересовање за прелепим и шармантним, новим сарадником расте док се она према њему поставља као пријатељ. Како се пријатељство продубљује, тако расту и Холденова очекивања. Алиса , међутим, спрема ново, потпуно шокантно изненађење.....

When a bumbling New Yorker is dumped by his activist girlfriend, he travels to a tiny Latin American nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion.

CW Briggs is a veteran insurance investigator, with many successes. Betty Ann Fitzgerald is a new employee in the company he works for, with the task of reorganizing the office. They don't like each other - or at least that's what they think. During a night out with the rest of the office employees, they go to watch Voltan, a magician who secretly hypnotizes both of them.

A collection of seven vignettes, which each address a question concerning human sexuality. From aphrodisiacs to sexual perversion to the mystery of the male orgasm, characters like a court jester, a doctor, a queen and a journalist adventure through lab experiments and game shows, all seeking answers to common questions that many would never ask.

Проницљив и често урнебесно смешан, „Високо друштво“ води нас на путовање од Бронкса и њујоршких банди до луксузних холивудских вила, бљештавила и тајних скандала у високом друштву. Ово је романса о филмским звездама, плејбојима, дебитантима, политичарима и мафијашима који доносили узбуђење и гламур том добу.