3 robot-themed episodes from various Scooby-Doo series. First stop is Cyber Gulch, where the Mystery, Inc. gang must solve the riddle of the man-a-trons or get terminated in Go West, Young Scoob. En route to Florida, Freddy runs into a real Monster Truck at a championship stock car race in Gentlemen, Start Your Monsters. Buckle up for a roller-coaster ride of fun and fear in Foul Play in Funland when the gang discovers a fully operated amusement park...with nobody in it! Will they find the phantom in the Hall of Mirrors? Stay tuned for more escapades with Scooby-Doo - and watch out for those robots!

With more than 50 million Latinos now living in the United States, Latinos are taking their seat at the table as the new American power brokers in the world of entertainment, business, politics and the arts. As Latinos’ influence in American society has soared, they have entered mainstream American culture, and the proof is in the music. Executive produced by legendary music mogul Tommy Mottola, THE LATIN EXPLOSION: A NEW AMERICA features a dazzling array of artists at the center of Latino cultural power and influence, including Marc Anthony, Emilio Estefan Jr., Gloria Estefan, José Feliciano, Eva Longoria, George Lopez, Jennifer Lopez, Los Lobos, Cheech Marin, Ricky Martin, Rita Moreno, Pitbull, Romeo Santos, Shakira, Thalía and Sofía Vergara. Narrated by John Leguizamo.

Kogure Nao is a shy and cute high school student. One day, Onise Taiga asks her "would you like to date with me on the promise that we will get married?" Nao is unable to turn down his proposal because she is scared of him. Taiga has red hair and piercing eyes. His appearance gives off the impression that he is a bad boy, but he is actually considerate to others and good at cooking. After getting to know Taiga, Nao begins to have feelings for him.

In late 19th Century Hong Kong the British may rule the land, but the pirates rule the waters. One Coast Guard officer is Dragon Ma, who is determined that his beloved Coast Guard will not be made a fool of.

When Nami falls ill, the Straw Hats seek medical care for her on Drum Island. There they meet reindeer doctor Tony Tony Chopper and the Wapol Pirates.

The Straw Hat Pirates landed at Asuka Island, home of the most valuable sword in the world: The Seven Star Sword. Which was said to curse anyone who takes it in possession. When they got back to the Going Merry, they discovered that Zoro is missing from his guard duty. Before they could plan out a search party to relocate him. Luffy and friends escape from the port as Marines were on their tail. They found a new place to dock, which is near a village. Whose job is to keep the Seven Star Sword sealed. Soon it was attacked by the Marines, and among them is Zoro. Luffy and the others don't know why he's helping out the Marines. But it all comes to conclusion when Luffy encounters Saga: Zoro's childhood friend from Swordsman training.

Married couple, Ning and Kwin move to a condo with their daughter Ing and rent out their house to tenants, Ratree, a retired doctor and her daughter, Nuch. As Kwin's behavior becomes increasingly disturbing, he is seen sporting a triangle-shaped tattoo, the same as Nuch's. Meanwhile, Ning realizes that their daughter is being possessed by some unseen forces.

Sjørøvere eller romere - det finnes bare èn ting som Asterix frykter mer: Den britiske maten... Cæsar har innledet sitt felttog mot Britannia. Det varer ikke lenge før han har hele landet i et jerngrep. I en liten by holder en håndfull modige briter stand mot den romerske overmakten. Men de trenger hjelp. En av byens sønner drar over kanalen for å søke hjelp hos Asterix og hans tapre gallere. Asterix og hans menn vet ikke hvilket eventyr de begir seg ut på. I Britannia står de ikke bare overfor sjørøvere og romere. De møter den mest fryktede fienden av alle: Den britiske maten...

The evil Dr. Kochin uses the dragon balls to resurrect his mentor, Dr. Wheelo, in an effort to take over the world. Dr. Wheelo, his body having been destroyed by the avalanche that killed him fifty years before, desires the body of the strongest fighter in the world as his new vessel. Believing Roshi to be the world's strongest warrior, Dr. Kochin abducts Bulma and forces Roshi to surrender himself to save her. When Goku hears of their abduction, he goes to their rescue.

Når en kvinnelig aktor som driver en sak mot en av landets farligste MC-gjenger utsettes for et sprengattentat, vokser mediekarusellen og politiet anklages nå sterkere enn noensinne for ikke å kontrollere den organiserte kriminaliteten. Men politiet er mer aktivt enn hva media kan forestille seg. Politiledelsen gir ordre til den enheten som har som sin eneste oppgave å arbeide mot den tyngste kriminaliteten, GSI, å sette inn alle midler. Men marerittet er et faktum når det kommer frem at attentatet har sin opprinnelse nettopp i metodene som politiledelsen har sanksjonert, og flere attentat er på gang

While fighting for the political supremacy of their respective families, a Hindu man and a Muslim woman share a forbidden romance.

A new team of paranormal researchers has come to the hotel to investigate its murder-soaked past; the puppets -- led by a new member, Torch -- shed some light on the matter, as they tunnel, burn, strangle and hook to survive.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.

Henrietta and Junior farm a secluded piece of land that has been in Junior's family for generations, but their quiet life is thrown into turmoil when an uninvited stranger shows up at their door with a startling proposal. Will they risk their relationship & personal identity for a chance to survive in a new world?

A killer is on the loose, and an FBI agent sifts through clues and learns that the bloodthirsty felon's victims of choice are other serial killers.

A group of friends seal themselves inside a secluded Cape Cod vacation home after a mysterious orange fog leaks from an old nearby factory. Once trapped, they quickly learn there is no escape.

Two college students driving coast to coast are lured off the main highway and onto a deserted Texas road. Here they are stalked by the menacing Leatherface and his demented family...a bizarre cannibalistic clan with blood on their hands and a feast on their minds. The students’ only chance for escape is a survivalist with enough firepower to blast Leatherface and the rest of the grisly predators to hell. A depraved shocker of intense terror from the gruesome beginning to the bloody finish.

An introverted teen sparks with his new neighbor, and together the couple begins to explore the haunted house that his family has unknowingly just purchased.

A beautiful island is home to thousands of species of aquatic life. Now there is a new species: the 5-Headed Shark is all heads and teeth. Shaped like a demented starfish, this monster terrorizes the open ocean before invading the beaches of Puerto Rico, endangering the once peaceful island paradise.