Aspiring to an easy job as personal physician to a wealthy family, Noboru Yasumoto is disappointed when his first post after medical school takes him to a small country clinic under the gruff doctor Red Beard. Yasumoto rebels in numerous ways, but Red Beard proves a wise and patient teacher. He gradually introduces his student to the unglamorous side of the profession, ultimately assigning him to care for a prostitute rescued from a local brothel.

When a car bomb explodes on the American side of the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican drug enforcement agent Miguel Vargas begins his investigation, along with American police captain Hank Quinlan. When Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his shady partner, Menzies, are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, his investigations into their possible corruption quickly put himself and his new bride, Susie, in jeopardy.

The story of a gentle-hearted beast in love with a simple and beautiful girl. She is drawn to the repellent but strangely fascinating Beast, who tests her fidelity by giving her a key, telling her that if she doesn't return it to him by a specific time, he will die of grief. She is unable to return the key on time, but it is revealed that the Beast is the genuinely handsome one. A simple tale of tragic love that turns into a surreal vision of death, desire, and beauty.

Traveling through an unnamed European country on the brink of war, sickly, intellectual Ester, her sister Anna and Anna's young son, Johan, check into a near-empty hotel. A basic inability to communicate among the three seems only to worsen during their stay. Anna provokes her sister by enjoying a dalliance with a local man, while the boy, left to himself, has a series of enigmatic encounters that heighten the growing air of isolation.

The two remaining puppets learn about eating healthy, but things go awry when they receive a mysterious phone call.

After serving prison time for a juvenile offense, Freddo gathers his old buddies Libano and Dandi and embarks on a crime spree that makes the trio the most powerful gangsters in Rome. Libano loves their new status, and seeks to spread their influence throughout the underworld, while the other two pursue more fleshly desires. For decades, their gang perpetrates extravagant crimes, until paranoia threatens to split the friends apart.

The story of a poor young woman, separated by prejudice from her husband and baby, is interwoven with tales of intolerance from throughout history.

While traveling home from Vegas, an amorous lounge singer named Dino gets conned by a local mechanic/songwriter into staying in town for the night. The mechanic's songwriting partner, Orville, offers Dino his home for overnight lodging and enlists a local waitress/call girl to pose as his wife in order to placate Dino's urges.

Roy Earle (H. Bogart), kriminalac koji je bio član i zloglasnoga ganga Johna Dillingera, izlazi iz zatvora. Vraća se okrnjenim ostacima svoje nekadašnje družine i priprema za novi pothvat. U međuvremenu upoznaje hromu djevojku Velmu (J. Leslie), koja ga privlači svojom prostodušnošću i tako ga udaljuje od privržene mu Marie (I. Lupino). Earle osigurava operaciju Velmine noge, a zatim kreće u novu pljačku banke.

The streets of the Bronx are owned by '60s youth gangs where the joy and pain of adolescence is lived. Philip Kaufman tells his take on the novel by Richard Price about the history of the Italian-American gang ‘The Wanderers.’

Edinburgh, 1831. Among those who undertake the illegal trade of grave robbery is Gray, ostensibly a cab driver. Formerly a medical student convicted of grave robbery, Gray holds a grudge against Dr. MacFarlane who had escaped detection and punishment.

Mike discovers that being the top-ranking laugh collector at Monsters, Inc. has its benefits – in particular, earning enough money to buy a six-wheel-drive car that's loaded with gadgets. That new-car smell doesn't last long enough, however, as Sulley jump-starts an ill-fated road test that teaches Mike the true meaning of buyer's remorse.

A group of rambunctious toddlers travel a trip to Paris. As they journey from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame, they learn new lessons about trust, loyalty and love.

A young heroin addict roams the streets of New York to panhandle and get her next fix, while her unstable boyfriend drifts in and out of her life at random.

A mother takes her two sons on an unusual road trip from New York to Pittsburgh, St. Louis and eventually Hollywood in her quest to find a man to take care of them all.

Vječiti protivnik Austina Powersa, ludi znanstvenik dr. Zlo, putuje vremenskim strojem u prošlost kako bi pronašao način na koji će onesposobiti tajnog agenta. Osjetivši kako više nije u naponu moći, Austin prati svog neprijatelja natrag u šezdesete. Uz pomoć seksipilne CIA-ine agentice, Felicity Shagwell, Austin se suočava s novim suludim Zlovovim planom. Smrtonosni laser, smješten na Mjesecu, usmjeren je na Washington, a katastrofu je moguće izbjeći jedino plaćanjem bilijunskog iznosa...

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Six would-be thieves enter a prestigious dance competition as a cover for their larger goal of pulling off a major heist.

With school out for the summer, The Littles are vacationing in a cabin by the lake, and Stuart is so excited he could burst! But when Snowbell the cat is captured by a mean-spirited creature known simply as the Beast, it's up to Stuart and a skunk named Reeko to rescue him and a few other friends.

Newtonovi - otac George, majka Beth, sin Brennan i kći Sara - spremaju se na dvotjedni godišnji odmor koji bi trebao biti ponovno okupljanje Georgeove velike obitelji. George na tom putu želi vratiti duh nekadašnjih kampiranja na koja je njega i njegovu obitelj nekada vodio otac, pa iznajmljuje skupu kamp-prikolicu, nabavlja smiješne kape i prsluke, pa čak u videoteci posudi film koji su oni nekada gledali. U zadnji čas javlja se Georgeov brat Richard koji ih telefonom zamoli da preuzmu jednu njegovu pošiljku i prevezu je do mjesta na kojemu se trebaju sastati. Newtonovi pristaju i ne sluteći da će iz velikog metalnog kontejnera izaći bernardinac Beethoven, koji će za tren napraviti nered u njihovoj lijepoj novoj kućici na kotačima. Slijedit će glasanje u kojem će se najviše Beth založiti da Beethovena ne vode sa sobom. Osim toga posuđeni film sadrži tajni kod koji su na DVD upisala dvojica lopova, pa su i oni u blizini Newtonovih...