Pop-punk princess Avril Lavigne plays the hits that earned her legions of screaming fans (and launched a thousand ringtones) on The Best Damn Tour, a full-length presentation of her 2008 concert in Toronto. Opening with monster hit "Girlfriend," Lavigne rocks through every one of her major singles, including "Complicated," "My Happy Ending," and the ubiquitous "Sk8er Boi."

The plot revolves around three men waiting to be deported in a prison. To escape the monotony, they form chess pieces from their bread rations, with which they then play against each other. Grünstein, a Polish Jew, proves to be a real talent, because although he is a beginner, he manages to defeat even the experienced player Lodeck, a German sailor, with his "Grünstein Variant".

Get ready for one last romp of magical, musical shenanigans because Harry and his pals are back for their senior year at Hogwarts! The gang's in for their biggest adventure yet as they face off against old enemies, new foes and giant snakes! Will they win or will they lose? Either way, this is the end!

Living in Tucumán, 75-year-old Julio Pereyra (Santiago Bal) has always dreamed of visiting the coast, and after seeing his doctor, he realizes it’s either now or never. He hopes to enlist his errant son, Marcos (Federico Bal, the star’s real-life son), to take him by motorcycle; both Marcos and his by-the-books sister (Anita Martínez) are opposed to the idea. But before he reaches his final destination, Julio will have the opportunity to check several things off his bucket list in this emotionally resonant road movie.

The story is based around an American Idol kind of TV talent show and the eventual winner of the contest: a young orphan woman, who works at an orphanage herself. As I learned from the werkfilm on the DVD, the story was specifically written for Oláh, who in real life was the runner-up of the very first such TV show in Hungary “Megasztár” (“MegaStar”) in 2004. She didn’t win there despite being many viewers’ favorite and having a terrific voice. It is kind of a consolation that she won in the movie, although reading the legal troubles about getting her fee must have made the victory sour.

Zobacz, co spotka upiorki ze Straszyceum, kiedy odwiedzą nawiedzone korytarze Szkoły Duchów! Gdy Spectra Vondergeist postanawia rozwikłać zagadkę ducha nawiedzającego Draculaurę, przenosi się do tajemniczego Świata Duchów... Pozostałe upiorki podążają za nią i odkrywają niesamowite Duszyceum - szkołę tylko dla duchów! Jednak wizyta straszyciółek nie podoba się potwornie surowej pani dyrektor Zjawie, która nakłada na Spectrę okropną karę łańcuchów aresztu uniemożliwiających jej powrót do Straszyceum. Teraz doskonale niedoskonałe upiorki muszą przybrać postać duchów, aby ocalić Spectrę od uwięzienia w innym świecie...

A country singer dies prematurely, but cannot enter heaven until she performs a good deed back on earth.

"A musical film of the totalitarian era" is the the second title of the film. The film is based on a legendary school film of Tomáš Vorel, called INg (1985).The story line stays the same - a young engineer finds a new job and wants to work, this proves to be impossible in the last days of the communist era.

Dla nieśmiałej Zoë tworzenie muzyki oznacza wszystko. Ale odkąd jej ojciec odszedł, nigdy więcej już nie zagrała na gitarze. Kiedy zostaje potrącona przez autobus Mikera, super wykonawcy na miarę Biebera, chociaż z początku nie jest jego fanką, zaczyna w okół nich iskrzyć. Oczywiście związek tych dwojga, nie będzie miał w pełni poparcia wśród przyjaciół ...

After a nuclear attack in Tokyo, the female population is attacked by infected males who have become sex-crazed zombies, hungry for human flesh. Officeworker Momoko and nurse Nozomi seek shelter in a Shinto Shrine, where they meet housewife Kanae and school girl Tamae. With no choices left to them, the group of girls decides to take a stand and arm themselves with assault rifles and explosives to fight off hordes of horny zombies. What is the secret to killing the zombies for good?

Layla pochodzi z plemienia mieszkających na pustyni Beduinów, ale jest niezależną i nowoczesną dziewczyną. Studiuje w mieście i ma świetne kontakty z ojcem, który uczy ją prowadzić samochód, umacniając w niej poczucie samodzielności. Kiedy Layla wraca do rodzinnej wioski, wolność i niezależność okazują się złudzeniem – musi podporządkować się tradycji spajającej od wieków plemię. Łatwej sytuacji nie ma też matka dziewczyny, Jalila, która jest świadkiem ślubu męża z nową młodszą żoną. Początkowo to właśnie surowa Jalila nie pozwala córce spotykać się z chłopakiem, którego poznała na studiach, wkrótce jednak okazuje się, że nie ma ona tak złych intencji, jakby się wydawało.

John Meehan created a terrifying trap of seduction, deceit and betrayal for countless victims. The illuminating revelations into his backstory showcase a series of events that flipped switches to create a monster wired for psychopathy. Goffard exposes John’s troubled background that built the foundation for his ominous fantasy world of lies and manipulation. In addition to hearing the Newell family’s terrifying tale, John’s first wife Tonia Bales and her daughters Emily and Abigail Meehan speak out, along with other women from his past who were caught in his web of lies.

Young father agrees to fulfill three criminal boss's wishes in order to get money for his son's surgery abroad.

When an energy experiment goes haywire, a rash of massive hurricanes rips across North America. A high school science teacher must get his family to safety before the hurricanes merge, creating a "hypercane" with the power to wipe the US off the map.

A rebellious girl is sent to stay on her grandmother's horse ranch for Christmas. She falls into friendship with her grandmother's pony and becomes determined to help save the ranch from foreclosure.

ACTS OF MEN should have been a film about the daily lives of massacre survivors in Brazil. Everything was planned for us to start shooting in April 2005. But reality did not wait. On the last day of March, exactly one month before shooting was scheduled to begin, things changed: A terrible massacre took place in Baixada Fluminense, near the city of Rio de Janeiro. Twenty-nine people were killed by a death squad, the largest massacre in the history of Rio de Janeiro. The killers are extermination groups made up of policemen who work in the area, and who are involved in extortions, kidnapping, drug dealing and homicide. This has been going on since the 1950s, but it has never been as extreme as it is today

On 3 April 2011, as he was boarding a flight to Taipei, the Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei was arrested at Beijing Airport. Advised merely that his travel “could damage state security”, he was escorted to a van by officials after which he disappeared for 81 days. On his release, the government claimed that his imprisonment related to tax evasion.

Po śmierci babki Recep pogrąża się w rozpaczy. Pewnego dnia bardzo odległa krewna, poszukująca mieszkania, wprowadza się do niego i zmienia jego życie.

Young heroin addict dies in the pursuit of his calling, and his brother goes on a vendetta against the narco gang that supplied his drugs.