BTS 2021 Muster "Sowoozoo" was held on June 13-14, 2021 in South Korea and broadcasted live for fans.

防弹少年团(BTS)和ARMY一起现场跳舞的表演“BTS舞台舞蹈许可:首尔实时观看”。 加入我们,让 BTS 和 ARMY 再次与音乐和舞蹈合二为一,从首尔到世界各地的电影院进行不容错过的现场音乐会体验! “BTS舞台舞蹈许可:首尔实时观看”是最新的世界巡演系列,由 21 世纪流行偶像 BTS 领衔主演,拥有强大的表演和他们令人难以置信的职业生涯中最伟大的热门歌曲。 在四场售罄的演出中,约有 813,000 人观看了较早的洛杉矶演出,使其成为 2021 年最成功的演出之一。

突如其来的狂风暴雨将灵界彻底淹没,小阎王决定留守其中,最终下落不明。他在最后托付牡丹前往人间寻找幽助,而牡丹来到人间后也筋疲力尽,身负重伤。从灵界的引路人白石的口中得知,这一切都是由冥界而起。远在数千年前,冥界意图将魔爪伸向人间,由此和灵界之主阎王发生一场惨烈的战争,冥界之众最终战败,被封禁在宇宙的尽头。如今掌管冥界的夜魔带着徒众卷土重来,人界面临莫大的危机。 在这生死存亡的关头,幽助、桑原、藏马、飞影等人必须找到代表地、风、火、水、精灵的灵气门,以将能量输送给灵界,而夜魔却将能令盗向冥界。一场正邪之战就此拉开序幕……

阳光明媚的一天,碧海蓝天,海鸥飞翔,在一座植被茂密的小岛上,漩涡鸣人、佐助、小樱以及井野、志乃登一众下忍没有任何修炼任务,而是悠哉游哉地坐在海边举行烧烤聚会,只不过这群性格别扭的家伙却分坐在不同地方,各自为政。超级贪吃的漩涡鸣人意外在沙滩下发现一支普普通通、破破烂烂的瓶子,他随手打开瓶盖,却从里面喷出一股浓郁的烟雾。烟雾散去,一个身形巨大的怪大叔出现,他就是传说中的壶中魔神,可以满足人们三个愿望。   鸣人他们起初并不相信魔伸的说法,但在见识了对方的法力之后,却不由得佩服起来。可惜他们有意无意浪费了两个愿望,而今只剩下最后一个,各怀私心的下忍们在岛上展开了一场激烈的争夺战…


After parting with Sasuke at the Final Valley, Uzumaki Naruto has been away from the village of Konohagakure to further his training. Two and a half years later, he finally returns to the village and takes his mission in Team Kakashi, then he finds the clue on Orochimaru. Naruto leads the team and heads to the place where Orochimaru is in order to save his friend Sasuke. However, little does he know that "Akatsuki" is seeking after his life to acquire the Nine-Tailed sealed in his body.

This two-part, four-hour look at the life and presidency of George W. Bush features interviews with historians, journalists and several members of the president’s inner circle. Part One chronicles Bush’s unorthodox road to the White House. The once wild son of a political dynasty, few expected Bush to ascend to the presidency. Yet 36 days after the November 2000 election, Bush emerged the victor of the most hotly contested race in the nation's history. Little in the new president’s past could have prepared him for the events that unfolded on September 11, 2001. Thrust into the role of war president, Bush's response to the deadly terrorist attack would come to define a new era in American foreign policy. Part Two opens with the ensuing war in Iraq and continues through Bush’s second term, as the president confronts the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina and the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression.



Hüseyin Al Baldawi arrives in Brussels in August 2015. He has traveled thousands of kilometers until he got there from Iraq. A year after his arrival, he receives his residence permit and decides to go to Greece. This journey from Brussels to Athens involves the viewers on the difficulties faced by Hüseyin and thousands of other immigrants. While the story of Hüseyin is taking shape through the countries he travels, the forgotten people he meets and the selfish society of Europe give us many messages, as well.


This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

Called the most audacious prison escape in US history, The Texas 7 is the story of seven violent criminals who had nothing left to lose. They launched a cunning plan to escape, but their ferocity and violence ultimately lead to their downfall. Filmed on death row in Texas – and with exclusive access and interviews with eyewitnesses and surviving gang members, this feature documentary is about the dramatic escape and six week manhunt which gripped America.

Forced collectivism, famines, errors and mistakes mark Stalin´s ruthless rise to dictorial power and only increase his madness until he even declares a chicken to be an English spy that should be liquidated.


去年底上映的《热血新仔》是打破了荷兰历史票房纪录的现象级影片,在德国比利时等地也受到欢迎。该片主人公是五名下岗失业的反社会人格小混混,超二的无厘头剧情搭配上动感十足的七八十年代复古迪斯科音乐恶搞出了风格,同时背后还有着一定的现实和讽刺意义。 趁着热潮未褪,影片原版人马又推出了《热血新仔》第二部,于12月8日起在荷兰上映,首周动员到110万美元票房,比第一部197万美元的成绩有所缩水。比起第一部的黑马姿态,《热血新仔2》承受了更大压力并受到了更多的批评。“新仔”们此番出了要大战领镇的混混们还要面对变异僵尸的袭击,它少了点现实度,但依旧让人爆笑,比《僵尸肖恩》更二更欢乐。

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.


 在多萝西和翡翠城的人民打败乌尔芬·朱斯一年后的第二天,这个恶棍正试图报复他。然而,要指挥卡拉西的军队,乌尔芬不仅需要魔法书,还需要多萝西的银拖鞋。拖鞋安全地藏在多萝西家里。不幸的是,多萝西的客人蒂姆被好奇所压倒,捡起鞋子,不小心把自己、多萝西和拖鞋送到了奥兹岛。翡翠城和它的市民再次陷入危险之中。   在多萝西和翡翠城的人民打败乌尔芬·朱斯一年后的第二天,这个恶棍正试图报复他。指挥卡拉西乌尔芬的军队不仅需要魔法书,还需要多萝西的银拖鞋。

A young teenager travels to Florida, unknowing that a group of dangerous tiger sharks are ravaging the beach.