Distraught when her middle-aged lover breaks a date with her, 21-year-old Toni Simmons attempts suicide. Impressed by her action, her lover, dentist Julian Winston reconsiders marrying Toni, but he worries about her insistence on honesty. Having fabricated a wife and three children, Julian readily accepts when his devoted nurse, Stephanie, who has secretly loved Julian for years, offers to act as his wife and demand a divorce.

Agent 007 battles mysterious Dr. No, a scientific genius bent on destroying the U.S. space program. As the countdown to disaster begins, Bond must go to Jamaica, where he encounters beautiful Honey Ryder, to confront a megalomaniacal villain in his massive island headquarters.

Siblings Maisie and Tony, along with their mother, gather for their sister Eileen's wedding. It is a joyous occasion, but through flashbacks, it becomes clear that the family was not always happy. Their father was physically abusive to his wife and left the children emotionally traumatized. As a result, the children have grown into unhappy adults, looking for love they didn't receive when they were young.

An American doughboy, stationed in France during the Great War, goes on a daring mission behind enemy lines and becomes a hero.

На почетку филма Бонд младу девојку Трејси Драко одвраћа од самоубиства. Касније упознаје њеног оца Марка Дракоа који му нуди чудан договор. Он хоће да се Бонд ожени са Трејси у замену за информације о Ернесту Блофелду. Џејмс прихвата договор, а из британског обавештајне службе добија неочекивани одмор. Бонд се претвара да је професор историје и одлази у Блофелдову лаборатију у Швајцарској под изговором да проучава да ли Ернест потиче из племићке породице. Тамо сазнаје да Блофелд својим пацијенткињама жели да убризга вирус који би оне рашириле по целом свету. Када Блофелд сазна да је професор у ствари Џејмс Бонд затвара га у забачену собу лабораторије, али Бонд успева да побегне и да спречи остварење плана нападом на лабораторију хеликоптером. Након тога успева да побегне Спектриним војницима, заједно са Трејси, коју је Блофелд такође заточио у лабораторији. Од овог филма Блофелд постаје Бондов највећи непријатељ, будући да после заказаног венчања убија Трејси Драко.

A mysterious spacecraft captures Russian and American space capsules and brings the two superpowers to the brink of war. James Bond investigates the case in Japan and comes face to face with his archenemy Blofeld.

A British spy ship has sunk and on board was a hi-tech encryption device. James Bond is sent to find the device that holds British launching instructions before the enemy Soviets get to it first.

A confident young cop is shown the ropes by a veteran partner in the dangerous gang-controlled barrios of Los Angeles, where the gang culture is enforced by the colors the members wear.

A white Bull Terrier named Baxter is given to an elderly woman by her daughter. As time passes, the dog develops aggressive and murderous behavior in order to be adopted by another family.

Cool government operative James Bond searches for a stolen invention that can turn the sun's heat into a destructive weapon. He soon crosses paths with the menacing Francisco Scaramanga, a hitman so skilled he has a seven-figure working fee. Bond then joins forces with the swimsuit-clad Mary Goodnight, and together they track Scaramanga to a Thai tropical isle hideout where the killer-for-hire lures the slick spy into a deadly maze for a final duel.

After capturing the notorious drug lord Franz Sanchez, Bond's close friend and former CIA agent Felix Leiter is left for dead and his wife is murdered. Bond goes rogue and seeks vengeance on those responsible, as he infiltrates Sanchez's organization from the inside.

Diamonds are stolen only to be sold again in the international market. James Bond infiltrates a smuggling mission to find out who's guilty. The mission takes him to Las Vegas where Bond meets his archenemy Blofeld.

An emotionally-beaten man with his young daughter moves to his ancestral home in Newfoundland to reclaim his life.

Baltimore, Maryland. Sylvia sees a girl being attacked from her lover Terry's bedroom window. The assailant flees and his victim is saved. But that same night another girl is found murdered.

Бонд је на трагу човеку који од руске владе краде драгуље и реликвије и замењује их копијама. То га води до богатог авганистанског принца, Камала Кана и његове помоћнице, кријумчарке драгуља, познате као Октопуси. Након напете партије триктрака и кратког заробљеништва, Бонд открива заверу која прети дестабилизацији целог света.

A newly-developed microchip designed by Zorin Industries for the British Government that can survive the electromagnetic radiation caused by a nuclear explosion has landed in the hands of the KGB. James Bond must find out how and why. His suspicions soon lead him to big industry leader Max Zorin who forms a plan to destroy his only competition in Silicon Valley by triggering a massive earthquake in the San Francisco Bay.

After the death of his son, travel writer Macon Leary seems to be sleep walking through life. Macon's wife is having similar problems. They separate, and Macon meets a strange, outgoing woman who brings him 'back down to earth', but his wife soon thinks their marriage is still worth another try.

Бонд је после повреде ноге послат на одмор који прекида крађа пројектила НАТО-а. Реч је о томахавцима велике разорне моћи, а иза свега стоји СПЕКТРА која прети да ће бомбе лансирати на густо насељене области. Њихов стари непријатељ и једини човек који их може спречити у тој намери јесте Џејмс Бонд. Бонд има и задатак да неутралише своје старе непријатеље-Максимилијан Ларго (Клаус Марија Брандауер) и Ернест Ставро Блофелд (Макс фон Сидоу). Бонд заводи Ларгову девојку Домину (Ким Бејсингер), али ће се морати сукобити са убилачком секс-бомбом-Фатима Блаш (Барбара Карера). Бонд ће уз помоћ свог шарма, Кју-овог арсенала и старог пријатеља Феликса Лајтера и Домине победити СПЕКТРУ и свету поново вратити стари мир.

Dracula and Renefield relocate to 70's era New York in search of Cindy Sondheim, the reincarnation of Dracula's one true love, Mina Harker. "Trouble adjusting" is a wild understatement for the Count as he battles Cindy's psychiatrist, Jeffrey Rosenberg, a descendant of Van Helsing, who may almost certainly, possibly, may be in love with Cindy too.

Lenny Brown moves to California to find his fortune in tax shelter investments. When the federal government changes the tax laws, poor Lenny finds himself $700,000 in hock with nowhere to turn. His friend, Joel, introduces him to cocaine to give Lenny that needed "boost". What ensues next is a descent into drug addiction and insanity as Lenny tries to regain control of his life, all the while needing that extra "boost".