Kuklus draudimo bendrovės darbuotojas Baksteris, norėdamas kažkaip pakilti karjeros laiptais, savo viengungio buto raktus skolina ne tik draugams, norintiems „nuklysti į šoną“, bet ir viršininkui. Ir iš tikrųjų reikalai ima taisytis, tačiau nutinka netikėta dalykas: Baksteris susipažįsta su viršininko meiluže Fran - nelaiminga, depresijos prislėgta mergina - ir įsimyli ją ...

An emotional journey of a former school teacher, who writes letters for illiterate people, and a young boy, whose mother has just died, as they search for the father he never knew.

Meilės mieste Paryžiuje gyvena jauna, žavi ir naivi mergina vardu Amelija. Nuo pat vaikystės į pasaulį ji žiūrėjo visai kitokiomis akimis. Sukrėsta netikėtos mamos mirties (tiesiai ant jos užkrito nuo Noterdamo katedros nušokusi savižudė turistė iš Kanados) ir visiškai nekreipiančio į ją dėmesio gydytojo tėčio, kuris buvo prilietęs dukrelę tik vieną kartą ir tai per medicininį patikrinimą, ji pradėjo domėtis labai keistais dalykais - pastebėti pačius nereikšmingiausius dalykus. Užaugusi Amelija dirba kavinėje ir gyvena išnuomotame bute Monmartro rajone, bet jaučiasi labai vieniša. Tačiau ateina diena, po kurios viskas apsiverčia aukštyn kojom. Per televizorių pamačiusi reportažą apie tragišką princesės Dianos mirtį, Amelija paleidžia iš rankų buteliuko kamštelį, kuris nurieda iki kambario sienos ir išjudina iš vietos vieną plytą. Už jos mergina suranda senovišką dėžutę su nepažįstamo žmogaus nuotrauka, plastmasiniais kareivėliais ir kitokiomis smulkmenomis.

Lisbela is a young woman who loves going to the movies. Leléu is a con man, going from town to town selling all sort of things and performing as master of ceremonies for some cheesy numbers, such as the woman who gets transformed into a gorilla. He gets involved with Linaura, a sexy and beautiful woman who happens to be the wife of the most frightening hitman of the place. The hitman finds out his wife's affair and goes after Leléu, who has to leave in a hurry. In another town, he meets and falls instantly in love with Lisbela, who is engaged to Douglas, a hillbilly who tries hard to pass for a cosmopolitan Rio de Janeiro dweller.

Dona Hermínia is back, but now rich and famous since she is the host of her own successful TV show. However, the overprotective character will have to deal with her children's departures, as Marcelina and Juliano decide to move out. In counterpart, she will welcome, as a visitor, her sister Lúcia Helena, who's been living in New York.

The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.

Based upon the true story of Olga Benário, the German-born wife of Brazilian communist leader Luís Carlos Prestes. During the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas (1930-1945) she was arrested and sent to Nazi Germany, where she was put to death in a concentration camp. After World War II began, Vargas decided to uphold the Allies.

Dailidė Džepetas svajoja, kad jo išdrožtas medinis berniukas Pinokis atgytų, ir fėja senuko norą patenkina, bet įspėja medinuką, kad jei jis nori tapti tikru berniuku, jis turi būti doras. Kartą pakeliui į mokyklą Pinokis sutinka sukčius – lapę ir katiną. Šie prikalbina medinuką pasirodyti lėlių teatre. Čia jis pelno didelį susižavėjimą, bet praranda laisvę. Ar pavyks grįžti pas Džepetą, atskirti blogį nuo gėrio ir tapti tikru berniuku?

Inspired by the moving book “Só as Mães São Felizes”, by Lucinha Araújo, Cazuza's mother, the film covers a little more than 10 years of the singer’s crazy and brief life – from the beginning of his career in the Circo Voador venue, in 1981, to the huge success and the apotheosis of his shows with the Barão Vermelho band, his solo career, his relations with his parents, friends, lovers and passions, and the courage he had to face his final years, with HIV, until his death, in 1990.

The story of Francisco, a very simple and poor man whose dream was to see his children become country music stars, and who made all the efforts to make it happen.

Valdomiro gets involved in yet another scheme, this time involving the same people that tricked him into losing everything - and he brings everyone from Ms. Jô's hostel along.

Nuotaikinga ir įžvalgi komedija apie 50-mečio verslininko ir jo naujo 26-erių boso santykius. Denio Foremano laukia sukrėtimas. Kompaniją, kurioje jis dirba, įsigyja didelė korporacija ir jis pažeminamas pareigose. Naujasis Denio bosas Tomas Karteris, dvigubai jaunesnis verslo mokyklos favoritas, skatina darbe vadovautis šiuolaikiškesniais metodais. Denis gi įpratęs su klientais bendrauti tiesiogiai ir asmeniškai, o Tomas linkęs, kad darbai būtų atliekami greičiau, tiesiog naudojantis mobiliuoju telefonu. Tuo pat metu abu vyrai turi problemų šeimose. Danas turi dvi paaugles dukras ir patiria šoką sužinojęs, kad 16-metė Jana nėščia, jo nekilnojamas turtas įkeistas ir jau kuris laikas nesumokėti mokesčiai už dukrų mokslą. Tuo tarpu Tomą, tik ką pakilusį pareigose, paliko vos septynis mėnesius kartu pragyvenusi žmona. Ir taip sudėtingi Tomo ir Dano santykiai dar labiau komplikuojasi, kai Tomas pradeda romaną su Alekse, vyresniąja Denio dukra..

A young wizard must create new spells in his magic book before the planets align. His uncle and aunt, powerful mages themselves, help him achieve that. Based on the award-winning Brazilian TV series.

Dummie has homesickness. He wants to go back to Egypt to seek the grave of his parents so that he can say goodbye to them. Klaas sees that trip is not going to be easy. He finds flying to Egypt scary, it costs way too much money and Dummie has no passport. But if Dummie's painting by Miss Friek is sold for a large amount and he can organise a passport, then can Klaas, Goos, Dummie and Miss Friek leave for Egypt. But is the Tomb of Achnetoet still available after four thousand years? With a plan by Master Drab, Dummie and Goos are investigating. But the search is full of dangers and the best friends walk into a trap. Can Klaas save them on time or keep Dummie and Goos captive forever?

Three young friends, Tita, Mari and Aninha decide to change their situations and travel to a beach place for a weekend. On the road, they meet Estrella, a hippie that wants a hide to try to find her unknown father. Together, they will live hilarious, absurd and moving situations. More than a change the air, they change themselves.

After having broken up with his girlfriend and left his job, Simon has come back to his small hometown in the countryside, where he meets up again with his old friend Julien. The two thirty-year-old, unemployed and idle men decide to reinvest in an old dream from their teenage years: hitting the road for an adventurous journey. They buy a huge motor-home, but the trip is delayed by various troubles, and they decide to start their journey right where they are. Through this first motionless stage of their trip, Simon and Julien are confronted with themselves and what they wanted to run away from.

Luísa is a romantic, dreamy and delicate young woman married to Jorge, an engineer, a man of good habits and good economic conditions. They didn't know each other well, but got married and Luísa was a good wife, "she was clean and happy as a bird". Everything get changed when she meets a childhood love, her cousin Basílio. What seemed to be a great adventure will became a nightmare and Luísa will discover the price of her infidelity.

A Beverly Hills housewife in the middle of a divorce tries to find focus in her life by taking over her daughter's Wilderness Girls troop.

Nauji mielojo paršelio Mažylio nuotykiai, šį kartą – dideliame mieste, kur jis atsiduria norėdamas padėti savo šeimininkui senajam Hogetui išgelbėti gimtąją fermą nuo žlugimo. Šaunusis filmo herojus patenka tarsi į naują, jam visiškai nepažįstamą, šiek tiek beprotišką pasaulį, kuriame patiria galybę netikėčiausių nuotykių ir sutinka daug naujų pažįstamų: šuniukų, kačių, šimpanzių šeimynėlę ir net orangutangą, vardu Telonijus. Kiekvienas iš jų turi savo charakterį, įpročius ir požiūrį į gyvenimą. Didmiesčio džiunglėse šauniajam paršeliui tenka patirti ir ne itin malonių nuotykių, o naujieji pažįstami ne visada iš karto nusiteikę draugiškai. Tačiau įgimtas Mažylio nuoširdumas ir gerumas padeda nugalėti visus sunkumus.

Colonel Furtado struggles to keep his lands, the Sobradinho Farm, and win the heart of his cousin Esmeraldina. In the process, he fights big beasts, experiences the taste of a bohemian life in town, fends usurers and thieves off, and uses all his cunning to get rid of haunting entities. His rival is the man he was brought up with, Pernambuco Nogueira, a werewolf.