Japonija, praeito amžiaus 50-ieji metai. Dvi jaunos mergaitės Satsuki ir Mei, kartu su savo tėvu, persikrausto į namą kaime, kad būtų arčiau savo sergančios ir netoliese besigydančios mamos. Šalia namo yra stebuklingas miškas, kur gyvena keistos būtybės. Kartą nutinka netikėtas dalykas, dėl kurio seserys susipyksta ir išsiskiria...
Shuhei Hirayama is a widower with a 24-year-old daughter. Gradually, he comes to realize that she should not be obliged to look after him for the rest of his life, so he arranges a marriage for her.
Seth Green and Matthew Senreich serve up more hilarious Star Wars-inspired satire in this second compilation of sketches featuring the zany stop-motion animation of Adult Swim's "Robot Chicken." Gary the stormtrooper deals with irascible boss Darth Vader on Take Your Daughter to Work Day, while Anakin babysits a certain up-and-coming Jedi.
After her death, Gabrielle writes a poignant posthumous love letter to her grieving husband, Philippe, who is enduring the family ritual of the funeral alone.
Writer Harry Block draws inspiration from people he knows, and from events that happened to him, sometimes causing these people to become alienated from him as a result.
Šių laikų Japonija, vakarinės Tokijo apylinkės. Esant vietos stygiui, žmonės naikina miškus ir kalvas, apstatydami juos gyvenvietėmis. Šios vietos seniau priklausė meškėnšuniams, dar vadinamiems tanukiais. Stumiami iš savo gimtųjų žemių tanukiai pradeda herojinę, tačiau beprasmę kovą už savo išlikimą. Bandydami nepasiduoti, jie atkuria vis dar praktikuojamą transformavimosi meną, kurio pagalba gali pasiversti žmonėmis...
Jacques Houot, 82, may just have found the fountain of youth. The Colorado-based French ski racer, downhill mountain biker, road cyclist and incorrigible flirt is the embodiment of joie de vivre. Jaques has survived countless close calls, including avalanches, cancer, car accidents, a heart attack and even attempted murder. As a survivor, he tries to enjoy every day he has, ripping through the mountains with his signature catchphrase, “No problem!”
After his brother's death, Larry Talbot returns home to his father and the family estate. Events soon take a turn for the worse when Larry is bitten by a werewolf.
An idle part-time college lecturer is annoyed by the yapping sound of a nearby dog. He decides to take drastic action.
Texas Ranger Jake Cutter arrests gambler Paul Regret, but soon finds himself teamed with his prisoner in an undercover effort to defeat a band of renegade arms merchants and thieves known as Comancheros.
Įtemptas, fantastinis, paslaptingas detektyvas, kuriame neįtikėtina trijulė tiria keistus įvykius, įspėjančius apie niekingą sąmokslą, slypintį tiesiai po jų rajonu. Kaimynystėje gyvenantį narkotikų prekeivį Fonteiną nušauna konkurentas Aizakas, o kitą rytą jis patiria didžiulį šoką atsibudęs savo lovoje nesužeistas. Jis, Slidusis Čarlzas ir Jojo pradeda tirti šį incidentą ir galiausiai jų paieškos nuveda į didžiulį požeminį kompleksą, kuriame vyriausybės remiama laboratorija atlieka eksperimentus su vietiniais juodaodžiais gyventojais. Supratęs, kad yra dirbtinis klonas, kurį valdo Niksonas, Fonteinas iš pradžių jaučia neviltį, bet nusprendžia, kad turi pasipriešinti šiems baltiesiems instituciniams valdovams vardan savo rajono.
It has been a year since Mic Mic and Oscar returned from their incredible adventure. And now, after a diabolical plan by Vulture to sabotage the delivery of the Grizzly cub to his opponent in the American presidential elections, Mic Mic, Oscar, Panda teenager and Stork set off on another great adventure as they ride a zeppelin to return little Grizzly to its rightful parents and save the American elections and the whole continent from an erupting volcano.
James “Brick” Davis, a struggling attorney, owes his education to a mobster, but always has refused to get involved with the underworld. When a friend of his is gunned down by a notorious criminal, Brick decides to abandon the exercise of the law and join the Department of Justice to capture the murderer.
A New York drug dealer is kidnapped, and his wife must try to come up with the money and drugs to free him from his abductors before Christmas.
A horrific explosion creates a dimensional portal between Tromaville and its dimensional mirror image, Amortville. While the Toxie is trapped in the mirror dimension, Tromaville comes under the control of his evil doppelganger, the Noxious Offender.
Annie lives in harmony with her husband Laurent and her children: the sensitive elders Maximilien and César; the younger Antoine whom Poupi, never-complaining teen, helps raising him. But a positive pregnancy test will disturb the harmony.
Evan values family above all else, and anyone who gets between him, his wife, and newborn son learns that the hard way. But when it comes to violent tendencies, it seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Radijo laidų vedėja tampa kanibalų šeimos auka, o buvęs Teksaso reindžeris juos sumedžioja.
Out to steal a trophy from a local bowling alley, a group of college students accidentally unleash the imp -- a sadistic little spirit that creates demons and loves sexy women.
An action-packed romance Americana western epic adventure about an egg's epic Hollywood journey from farm to table.