Death stalks the fogbound streets of Victorian London: young women are going missing, horribly mutilated bodies are found floating in the Thames and criminal gangs terrorize the innocent. At the heart of this tangled web sits the mysterious Li H'sen Chang, sorcerer and hypnotist, and his grotesque sidekick Mister Sin. The Doctor dons deerstalker hat and cape to seek out the sinister force lurking in the shadows of the metropolis, for the Talons of Weng-Chiang are reaching out to shred the human race.

秀真(孙艺珍饰)是一个富家女,跟男友出走却被抛弃,在便利店内与在建筑公司当工人的哲洙(郑宇成饰)相遇。未来的日子里,他们一次又一次相遇,最终彼此相爱了。   哲洙知道自己与秀真的身份悬殊,所以不敢轻易表白情谊,秀真向哲洙求婚。   就算秀真父母阻拦,他们爱情的力量还是说服了父母。   婚后生活甜蜜,秀真还帮忙修复了哲洙与母亲的关系。可是好景不长,秀真的记忆力开始一天比一天衰退,得了阿滋海默氏症,大脑在逐渐死亡。   病魔深深折磨这相爱的两人,秀真有完全忘记一切的一天,可是哲洙却无法从此丢下秀真。   他们的爱,能帮他们跨越记忆的考验吗

This hour long documentary on the making of Alfred Hitchcock's "Marnie" incorporates the usual melange of contemporary interviews with surviving participants and liberal helpings of film clips and production shots. It also presents a nice selection of script pages and memos as well. In the former category we find cast members 'Tippi' Hedren, Diane Baker, and Louise Latham, rejected screenwriters Joseph Stefano and Evan Hunter, final screenwriter Jay Presson Allen, daughter Pat Hitchcock O'Connell, production designer Robert Boyle, makeup artist Howard Smit, unit manager Hilton Green, Hitchcock historian Robin Wood, composer Bernard Herrmann biographer Steven C. Smith, and Hitchcock fan/filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich. An entertaining account of the film's production, the participants offer loads of valuable information and anecdotes. Highly enjoyable for Hitchcock fans and the film's growing number of admirers.

Georg "Schorsch" Kempter is a gardener in a small Bavarian town, working day-in, day-out in his nursery, which is facing bankruptcy. He doesn't like to talk much. He never has. His marriage has long lost all its magic and on top of that, he has trouble to connect with his daughter. Only when he is flying in his own rickety biplane, Schorsch feels truly free. When the owner of the local golf course tries to cheat Schorsch for his money, claiming the shade of green of the grass Schorsch has planted on the golf course is not right, insolvency seems unavoidable. So just when his airplane is about to be impounded, Schorsch grabs the control stick and flies away in an attempt to save his plane and himself. He embarks onto a journey into the unknown, to places he has never seen before, full of odd and special encounters - and with every take-off and every landing, this tough man's heart slowly warms up to what you might call an idea of happiness.

社交媒体时代,你所了解的“真相”不一定真,你所接触到的“新闻”也未必为实。 2020年,一部令人大开眼界的纪录片审视了美国“假新闻”现象的兴起以及造谣、阴谋论和假新闻对普通公民的影响。 通过集中讲述近年来美国几起备受瞩目的虚构新闻事件,包括臭名昭著的“披萨门”事件、影响2016年总统大选的造谣活动、玉盔阴谋等,揭示了后真相文化逐渐成为全球信息环境中日益危险的一部分。


1973年,美国导演JamesBridges以当年的哈佛法学院的实际情况,拍摄了一部名叫“ThePaperChase”的电影,中文翻译为《平步青云》。这部无论导演和演员阵容都并非豪华的电影在后来连续的几十年中,一直都被全美几乎每个法律系的学生视为“第一堂必修课”。   Chase,翻译过来是“追击、追逐”的意思。The Paper Chase,简单直接就道破了法律中追逐缠夹的本性,却不知道为何被按上这么一个无甚相关的中文名字。也许在作者理解中,进入哈佛法学院攻读法律专业,就离光荣与梦想的美式好生活相差无几———眼看着就要平步青云、志得意满了吧。   一个世纪以前,哈佛大学商学院创造性地采用了“实例分析”的授课形式以后,哈佛的法学院在不久以后也如法炮制并名噪一时———很快,全美大学的法学院就纷纷修改了自己的授课模式,把一个又一个的案例分析带进了课堂。   翻开厚厚的课本,你会惊讶地发现里面罗列了各种不同类型的经典案例。至于上课,老师总是手持一份差不多有200多名学生(也就是班上全部学生)的花名册,连名带姓还附照片一张,被点中的学生,则要就指定的案例各自发表意见和看法。课堂的唇枪舌剑,正反互辩的紧张程度与真实的法庭其实已相差无几。在这样的氛围里,学生很快就开始明白,对于绝大多数的案件而言,所谓决定性的优势并不存在,胜或败大半就系于辩护者对案件的分析洞察力以及沟通力之上。   因此,每堂课前的预习,就变得意义非凡,无论是不想在课堂上张口结舌,颜面全无,还是想要在课堂上一鸣惊人,博得喝彩,去图书馆搜罗资料,然后凝心思考、提炼观点都是不得不完成的功课。   于是,法学院学生的校园生活就显得分外忙碌。图书馆是从周一到周四必然要光顾的地方,到了周末,固然可以稍稍放松一下神经,找个消费合理环境舒适的酒吧三五成群地去“喝上一杯”,可是酒过不了一巡,大家便会不自觉地“案件重提”,争论之热烈比起课堂上有过之而无不及。   在每个攻读法律博士的学生心中,唯一不争的事实是,美国有太多的好律师,想要出人头地或者平步青云,一切都须从眼下做起。

Inspired by the true story of Greg Yance. In the film, Yance (Epps) is a hood who goes to jail for possession of drugs. He is given a choice: 5 years in jail or a couple of months in boot camp. He chooses boot camp and finds out it is tougher than he thought it would be. He braves it through and comes home a better man. He then has to deal with the real world, and never gives up no matter what the odds.

  已到迟暮之年的汉娜(吉娜·罗兰兹 Gena Rowlands饰)和保罗(肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery饰),是一对看似婚姻、家庭皆美满的老夫老妻,膝下三个女儿也都出落得亭亭玉立。然而个性迥异的三个女儿,在感情道路上却并非一帆风顺。抱定独身主义的剧场导演梅雷迪思(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson饰),一直坚称自己对男人没有丝毫好感,可当爱情来临的时候却欲罢不能;为追求感官满足米尔德里德(艾伦·鲍斯汀 Ellen Burstyn饰)而背叛婚姻,却遭受内心情感的苦苦挣扎;特立独行的琼(安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie饰),夜夜纵情夜店,直到基纳(瑞恩·菲利普 Ryan Phillippe饰)的出现,她才遇见生命中的真爱。他们的家庭和情感生活,都遭逢着各种突如其来困境的考验。   本片入围1999年第49届柏林国际电影节金熊奖。 ©豆瓣


Based on the book "Ich bin dann mal weg" by Hape Kerkeling where the author describes his journey on the Way of St. James, a pilgrimage route, and the people he encounters there.





文森特(罗伯特•德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)是一名经验丰富的警探,他凭借着冷静的思考个高超的智商破获了一起又一起疑难杂案,深受同僚和市民们的信任。在负责调查一宗重大案件时,文森特震惊的发现,自己一直在追捕的幕后黑手,竟然是自己的亲生儿子乔伊(詹姆斯•弗兰科 James Franco 饰),原来,早年间,文森特离开了妻子和儿子,因为父亲的缺席,乔伊心中充满了痛苦与愤怒。


诺尔·霍克洛弗特(Noel Holcroft)是在国外出生的美国人,是纽约的一位建筑师。在日内瓦,他遇见了一位受人尊敬的瑞士银行家,后者称诺尔已被指定为拥有42亿美元用于纳粹战争罪行的信托基金的执行人,诺尔的父亲是希特勒身边重要的经济顾问,对纳粹的战争暴行于心有愧,于1945年自杀。但为反对希特勒,他偷偷将纳粹基金转移到一个瑞士秘密账户中。根据协议要求,诺尔必须找到父亲两位同事的孩子,三家同时在场才能激活账户。与此同时,一股凶险神秘的力量力图阻止他们,据说这股力量想要占据基金用于建立第四帝国……

We are invited to follow the daily activities of Baasung and Besangot to sap rubber tree in Bukit Duabelas National Park, Tebo, Jambi. There is a dialogue about how many rubber trees should be sapped and the disturbance that arises in doing so, along with talks on how they learn the alphabet; spell it and write it down. The camera moves several times between the hands of the two children and the filmmakers.

Alex is a lonely accountant whose one act of rage results in her being sentenced to court-ordered therapy. There she meets Stella, the owner of a small extermination business who uses her car as a weapon, and Nikki, a dental technician with the face of an angel and the mind of a sociopath. Together these women form their own "silent revolution", wreaking havoc on the abusive men in their lives.