A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.

Returning wounded from the war Maksym was overcome by self-doubt, in his physiological state. He is undergoing rehabilitation. He loses contact with his wife. He is tormented by dreams. In one of his dreams Maksym goes to the island to catch a lot of fish, as the paramedic advised him. Maksym takes a boat, net, dynamite from the best man and sails to the island.

A young man talks to his psychiatrist about strange visions he has been having in his dreams.

All-stars from the previous Step Up installments come together in glittering Las Vegas, battling for a victory that could define their dreams and their careers.

Hana spends twenty years suppressing a maleficent curse that was placed upon her bloodline, only to have a family member knowingly release it forcing her to kill or to be killed.

Након што су разоткривени као Другачији, људи који се не уклапају ни у једну од пет фракција - Трис и Фор беже од Џенин, вође класе Ерудита жедне моћи. Када издајничке трупе Неустрашивих под њеним вођством освоје рушевине Чикага окупљајући Различите, Трис и Фор покушавају да нађу савезнике у граду међу фракцијама Искрених, Добронамерних, фракције Несебичних и Неустрашивих, као и међу онима који не припадају ниједној фракцији. Поред осећаја кривице и туге због насилне смрти родитеља и пријатеља, Трис покушава да открије тајну због које су се жртвовали и која објашњава зашто Џенин неће одустати док је не ухвати. Очајнички покушавајући да занемари бол и губитак вољених, Трис се суочава са најмрачнијим изазовима и страховима у потрази за кључем тајни из прошлости, а потом и будућности света.

Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...

The Imjin War reaches its seventh year in December of 1598. Admiral Yi Sun-shin learns that the Wa invaders in Joseon are preparing for a swift withdrawal following the deathbed orders of their leader Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Determined to destroy the enemy once and for all, Admiral Yi leads an allied fleet of Joseon and Ming ships to mount a blockade and annihilate the Wa army. However, once Ming commander Chen Lin is bribed into lifting the blockade, Wa lord Shimazu Yoshihiro and his Satsuma army sail to the Wa army’s rescue at Noryang Strait.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

After 25 years together, married life has taken its toll on Xavier and Sophie, so when Sophie decides to invite their neighbours over for dinner, Xavier is less than enthusiastic to say the least! He can’t stand how obviously still in love they are and their lack of discretion… especially at night! On coming face-to-face with the uninhibited couple, Xavier and Sophie will be forced to confront their own, sad reality, before finding themselves pushed into a corner by a somewhat… indecent proposal.

Follows the Díaz-Aguirre family, whose perfect universe turns upside down after the death of the patriarch, who in his will asks his wife to recover the 'Sardinete', his first fishing boat which is rusting in a Moroccan port.

When the progress of robotics makes Paralympic athletes the new sports stars, Maria dreams of competing against her sister. For that, she will have to enter a world of crime and violence.

Hannah and Matt, a young couple on their first holiday together, quickly discover that they may not see eye-to-eye. Feeling as though she let her boyfriend down, Hannah enlists the help of a mysterious gypsy woman, in the hope that the couple's troubles can be overcome. However, when Matt wakes to find his girlfriend has disappeared, the gypsy woman's sinister intentions become all too clear.

Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape. But its first practical test goes horribly wrong, leaving the military no choice but to release the imprisoned giant ape to stop the colossal robot before it destroys downtown Chicago.

An unsupervised junior soccer team loses its ace player to the leader of a rival gang. Since only an entire team can win, they must have her back to be able to win the game against the national team. The existence of The Wild Soccer Bunch is at stake ...

Survivalist Burt Gummer returns home to Perfection, to find that the little town has been shaken up again by morphing, man-eating Graboids.

Antonio and Beba are a pair of panda bears besieged by the classic obstacles of a young couple. Their life together is defined by routine, until one day they are forced to live with their favorite singer.

У животу сваког оца пре или касније дође тренутак када жена одлази на заслужен одмор, а он сам остаје са својим дететом. Чини се, никакав проблем! Тако су размишљали и Игор, Артјом и Сауна. Али још првог дана, измучени стресом и јурњавом за децом, добијају жељу да им деца брже одрасту. Увече у бару срећу старог пријатеља Валентина, који одлучује да им испуни жеље.