Saban, Ramazan and Bayram are sailors in an Ottoman Navy and Hüsamettin is their commander. Hüsamettin's aide Ramazan, Saban who is foster son of Hüsamettin's sister and Bayram who is married to Hüsamettin's niece stays at Hüsamettin's family residence. Hüsamettin's sister thinks Ramazan is her foster son Saban when she realizes her mistake she introduces Ramazan to her brother as her son in law Bayram since she was afraid of Hüsamettin's short-tempered character. Things get complicated when real Saban and Bayram come to the residence. Now Saban has to be Ramazan and Bayram has to be Saban. Meanwhile, a gulyabani (a ghoul from Turkish folklore) haunts the residence.

Draama, mis räägib perekonnast, ahnusest, võimust ja naftast. Loo keskmes on mees nimega Daniel Plainview, kellest saab võimas naftamagnaat. Mehe majandusliku edukuse taga ei peitu aga õnn. Aina kasvav rikkus ja võim seab ohtu armastuse, lootuse, usu, ambitsioonid ning isa ja poja suhted.

Paul Atreides on nutikas ja andekas noormees, keda ootab talle endale hoomamatu vägev saatus. Oma pere ja rahva tuleviku tagamiseks tuleb tal universumi kõige ohtlikumale planeedile rännata. Kui kurjad jõud asuvad võitlema planeedil asuva hinnalisima ressursi – inimkonna suurima potentsiaali valla päästva eseme - varu pärast, jäävad ellu vaid need, kes suudavad oma hirmudest jagu saada.

In 1940s France, a new teacher at a school for disruptive boys gives hope and inspiration.

A posse discovers a trio of men they suspect of murder and cow theft and are split between handing them over to the law or lynching them on the spot.

He is a civil servant in the bland state office. His whole life changes when his reports get mixed up in the hospital and he gets news that he's going to die very soon.

Real zombies arrive and terrorize the crew of a zombie film being shot in an abandoned warehouse, said to be the site of military experiments on humans.

Ray and Ken, two hit men, are in Bruges, Belgium, waiting for their next mission. While they are there they have time to think and discuss their previous assignment. When the mission is revealed to Ken, it is not what he expected.

Los Angeles, 1969. TV star Rick Dalton, a struggling actor specializing in westerns, and stuntman Cliff Booth, his best friend, try to survive in a constantly changing movie industry. Dalton is the neighbor of the young and promising actress and model Sharon Tate, who has just married the prestigious Polish director Roman Polanski…

A tragicomedy dramatizing how an innocent villager is driven into the crime world only to collect enough cash to make his biggest dream come true: Return to his village home and marry the girl next door.

The funny little details of everyday life. Simple things that make us laugh. An unforgettable performance by stand-up comedian Cem Yilmaz directing the full size Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra.

Jack Traven, an LAPD cop on SWAT detail, and veteran SWAT officer Harry Temple thwart an extortionist-bomber's scheme for a $3 million ransom. As they corner the bomber, he flees and detonates a bomb vest, seemingly killing himself. Weeks later, Jack witnesses a mass transit city bus explode and nearby a pay phone rings. On the phone is that same bomber looking for vengeance and the money he's owed. He gives a personal challenge to Jack: a bomb is rigged on another city bus - if it slows down below 50 mph, it will explode - bad enough any day, but a nightmare in LA traffic. And that's just the beginning...

Kui Los Angeleses röövitakse Hiina konsuli tütar, palub konsul juhtumi lahendamisel oma vana tuttava, inspektor Lee (Jackie Chan), abi. USAs ei taha FBI aga temast midagi kuulda, mispärast määratakse hiinlase paarimeheks targutav uurija James Carter (Chris Tucker). Mehed on erinevad kui öö ja päev, kuid sellegi poolest mõistavad nad, et peavad jõud ühendama ja kriminaali trellide taha saatma.

The lovely Ayşe moves from her country village to Istanbul in the hope of becoming an actress. One day she meets Haşmet, a grumpy, world-weary street photographer. He takes it upon himself to cure Ayşe of what he sees as her blind optimism, but some of it begins to rub off on the old cynic.

Salih is a mechanic and the son of a respected barber named Ali. A woman named Tina arrives at Cholera Street, where she takes up residence and works as a prostitute.

Vabariigi eelnev valitseja on tellinud ühelt salajaselt organisatsioonilt suure hulga roboteid, mis moodustaks enamuse moodustatavast sõjaväest. Padme (Natalie Portman) aga ei poolda suure armee loomist, sest näeb selles ohtu väiksemate riikide vabadusele. Kui aga Padme, Obi-wan (Ewan McGregor) ja Anakin (Hayden Christensen) end kinnipüütuna keset hiiglaslikku lahingut leiavad, ei jää enam muud valikut...

A matriarch and her grandson forge a special bond during family picnics every two months, until her health causes a conflict among the relatives.

An agoraphobic woman living alone in New York begins spying on her new neighbors only to witness a disturbing act of violence.

Pete and Debbie are both about to turn 40, their kids hate each other, both of their businesses are failing, they're on the verge of losing their house, and their relationship is threatening to fall apart.

After a tragic loss and a long career hiatus, a champion boxer crosses paths with an anchorwoman and returns to the ring.