Film, posnet na podlagi stripa "Hellblazer" priznane založbe DC Comics, je zgodba o preiskovalcu okultnega in nadnaravnega Johnu Constantinu (Keanu Reeves), ki se poveže s skeptično policistko Angelo Dodson (Rachel Weisz), da bi skupaj raziskala skrivnosten domnevni umor njene sestre dvojčice. Preiskava ju vodi skozi temačen svet demonov in angelov, ki živijo pod površjem sodobnega Los Angelesa. Constantine ve, kaj je pekel; rodil se je s sposobnostjo, ki si je ni nikoli želel, da vidi angele in demone, ki hodijo po Zemlji v človeški podobi. To ga je pripeljalo do skrajnega obupa. Prisiljen je bil vzeti si življenje, saj je želel ubežati srhljivim vizijam; vendar mu ni uspelo. Proti njegovi volji so ga obudili v življenje in spet je pristal v svetu živih.

Before going on vacation, self-involved psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin has the misfortune of taking on a new patient: Bob Wiley. An exemplar of neediness and a compendium of phobias, Bob follows Marvin to his family's country house. Dr. Marvin tries to get him to leave; the trouble is, everyone loves Bob. As his oblivious patient makes himself at home, Dr. Marvin loses his professional composure and, before long, may be ready for the loony bin himself.

V globinah Zemlje sta se stoletja razvijali dve rasi: plemiški in prefinjeni vampirji in brutalni volkodlaki (likanci), katerih obstoj je bil vedno del sveta mitov in legend. Te nočne rase so smrtni sovražniki in so obsojene, da živijo v večnih vojnah, dokler ne preživi le ena. Sredi tega starodavnega konflikta vampirski bojevnik Selene odkrije zaroto Likancev, da ugrabijo Michaela, mladega zdravnika. Potem ko ga je spremljala po mestu, Selene razvije nenavaden odnos z njim, in ko se Ličani odločijo za napad, stoji med njimi in zdravnikom. Ko poskuša rešiti Michaela, odkrije načrt za Ličane, da bi ustvarila nova bitja, ki združujejo moči obeh ras in nimajo njihovih slabosti. Ta projekt, če bi bil realiziran, bi dal prednost volkodlakom.

The Daywalker known as "Blade" - a half-vampire, half-mortal man - becomes the protector of humanity against an underground army of vampires.

In the final days of World War II, the Nazis attempt to use black magic to aid their dying cause. The Allies raid the camp where the ceremony is taking place, but not before they summon a baby demon who is rescued by Allied forces and dubbed "Hellboy". Sixty years later, Hellboy serves the cause of good rather than evil as an agent in the Bureau of Paranormal Research & Defense, along with Abe Sapien - a merman with psychic powers, and Liz Sherman - a woman with pyrokinesis, protecting America against dark forces.

Tik pred eksplozivnim začetkom 2. svetovne vojne v surovo avstralsko divjino prispe angleška aristokratinja lady Sarah Ashley, ki je podedovala velikansko posestvo. Ker ji zaradi neizkušenosti grozi sovražni prevzem dvoličnega veleposestnika, se za pomoč obrne na robatega kavboja Droverja. Med vodenjem velikanske črede govedi po avstralskih planjavah se počasi zbližata, toda njuno romanco na preizkušnjo postavi brutalnost začetka vojne. S pomočjo ljubezenskih čustev se pogumno zoperstavita nepredvidljivemu kolesju usode.

As the war between the vampires and the Lycans rages on, Selene, a former member of the Death Dealers (an elite vampire special forces unit that hunts werewolves), and Michael, the werewolf hybrid, work together in an effort to unlock the secrets of their respective bloodlines.

When her scientist ex-boyfriend discovers a portal to travel through time -- and brings back a 19th-century nobleman named Leopold to prove it -- a skeptical Kate reluctantly takes responsibility for showing Leopold the 21st century. The more time Kate spends with Leopold, the harder she falls for him. But if he doesn't return to his own time, his absence will forever alter history.

Rogue agent Gabriel Shear is determined to get his mitts on $9 billion stashed in a secret Drug Enforcement Administration account. He wants the cash to fight terrorism, but lacks the computer skills necessary to hack into the government mainframe. Enter Stanley Jobson, a n'er-do-well encryption expert who can log into anything.

In a futuristic world where the polar ice caps have melted and made Earth a liquid planet, a beautiful barmaid rescues a mutant seafarer from a floating island prison. They escape, along with her young charge, Enola, and sail off aboard his ship. But the trio soon becomes the target of a menacing pirate who covets the map to 'Dryland'—which is tattooed on Enola's back.

When members of the nefarious crime syndicate KAOS attack the U.S. spy agency Control and the identities of secret agents are compromised, the Chief has to promote hapless but eager analyst Maxwell Smart to field agent. He is partnered with veteran and capable Agent 99, the only spy whose cover remains intact. Can they work together to thwart the evil world-domination plans of KAOS and its crafty operative?

Vesele nogice se dogajajo na Antarktiki, deželi cesarskega pingvina, kjer vsak pingvin potrebuje srčno pesmico, da privabi sorodno dušo. Tam se rodi pingvinček, ki ne zna peti. Glavni junak Fuši, sin Memphisa in Norme Jean, je najslabši pevec na svetu... zato pa je izvrsten plesalec stepa!

It tells of the events before the film, in which monster hunter Gabriel Van Helsing travels to London to investigate a series of horrific, and decidedly supernatural murders, being committed by the mad scientist Dr. Jekyll, in the form of his evil alter-ego, Mr. Hyde.

Lestat finds acceptance in a tattooed and pierced world, rekindling the desires of all-powerful Akasha.

V viktorijanski Angliji hudobni človek zagreši svoja dejanja z namenom, da izzove svetovno vojno. Oblasti bodo skušale to preprečiti s posebnostjo: vsi literarni junaki. Izredno ligo Quatermaina sestavljajo stotnik Nemo, varuhinja Drakula Mina Harker, nevidni človek Rodney Skinner, ameriški agent tajne službe Sawyer, Dorian Gray in dr. Jekyll / g. Hyde. Ligo zaposluje enigmatični M. Člani lige so trmasti individualisti, pravzaprav izobčenci s preteklostmi, v katerih so luči in sence ter edinstvena darila, ki so jim hkrati prinesla veselje in žalost. Zdaj se morajo naučiti zaupati drug drugemu in delati kot ekipa za dobro in upanje civilizacije, z malo priprav in brez časa za zapravljanje.

Trapped near the summit of K2, the world's second-highest mountain, Annie Garrett radios to base camp for help. Brother Peter hears Annie's message and assembles a team to save her and her group before they succumb to K2's unforgiving elements. But, as Annie lays injured in an icy cavern, the rescuers face several terrifying events that could end the rescue attempt -- and their lives.

Mlada kurirka mora v Londonu dostaviti skrivnostni paket, toda kmalu se izkaže, da gre za smrtonosno bombo, ki je namenjena zaščiteni priči umora zloglasnega zločinca Ezekiela Manningsa. Ko pogumno dekle pred eksplozijo reši tarčo, se oba znajdeta v napeti tekmi s časom in skušata pobegniti pred pokvarjenimi CIA agenti ter ruskimi plačanci, ki so jima ves čas za petami.

Neustavljivi Jason se poda na nov morilski pohod...

A parolee becomes the target of a massive police manhunt after inadvertently picking up a rental car with a female whistleblower tied up in the trunk. Now, as the police attempt to silence the woman before she can testify about the city's rampant corruption, the ex-con who just regained his freedom must defend her life, and clear his own name.

A man blinded in a childhood accident fights crime using his superhumanly-elevated remaining senses.