Up All Night: The Live Tour is a DVD release from the British-Irish boy band One Direction, which was released on 28 May 2012. The video concert DVD was recorded as part of One Direction's Up All Night Tour at the International Centre in Bournemouth, includes songs from their multi-platinum debut album Up All Night and five covers, including "I Gotta Feeling", "Stereo Hearts", "Valerie", "Torn" and "Use Somebody".

When the Scooby gang visits a dude ranch, they discover that it and the nearby town have been haunted by a ghostly cowboy, Dapper Jack, who fires real fire from his fire irons. The mystery only deepens when it’s discovered that the ghost is also the long lost relative of Shaggy Rogers!

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

2013. During Operation Bidone, the Federal Police seized a truck loaded with palm heart, which contained 697 kg of cocaine. The investigation falls on the team assembled by Ivan Romano, based in Curitiba and composed by Beatriz, Júlio and Ítalo. The traffic connections lead them to the dower Alberto Youssef and later to the former Petrobras director Paulo Roberto Costa, who reveals an immense structure involving builders and the government, in order to divert public money. As the investigation progresses, the group led by Ivan is increasingly approaching some of the country's most influential politicians.

Filmuko veiksmas vyksta praėjus keliems metams po sunkių kautynių su galinguoju Buu. Kūrimo Dievas Wiss'as ir naikinimo Dievas Bilsas yra atsakingi už pusiausvyrą visatoje. Prabudęs iš ilgo miego Bilsas sužino apie super sajaną vardu Songokas, kuris nugalėjo galaktikos valdovą Fryzą. Bilsas nusprendžia nuvykti į žemės planetą ir mesti jam išūkį. Songokas apsidžiaugia, kad po ilgo laiko atsirado stiprus priešininkas su kuriuo galima rimtai susikauti. Ar Gokas sugebės laimėti svarbią kovą prieš naikinimo Dievą Bilsą?...

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

When her nation is invaded, a young princess is taken into the Princess Protection Program. She is relocated to Louisiana, where she stays with a covert agent and his tomboyish daughter, and must learn how to behave like an ordinary teenager.

Pastor Dave responds to the unimaginable tragedy of having his church, located on the grounds of the local university, burned down.

Trojus ir Gabrielė sužinojo, kad įstojo į skirtingus koledžus. Jų širdyse naujo gyvenimo lūkesčiai susimaišė su nežinia, liūdesiu ir nerimu. Taip jaučiasi ne tik Trojus su Gabriele, bet ir kiti jų mokyklos draugai. Kartu prisijungę prie grupės "Wildcats", savo patirtį, ateities viltis ir baimes jie išreiškia ant scenos sukurdami pritrenkiančius muzikinius pasirodymus.

Vasaros atostogų metu klube organizuojamas talentų konkursas, kuriame dalyvauti apsisprendžia Trojus, Gabrielė, Rajanas, Čadas, Teilor bei Šarpėj.

Vienos sėkmingiausių visų laikų finansinių TV laidų „Pinigų monstras“ vedėjas Ly Geitsas (aktorius George‘as Clooney‘is) yra užsitarnavęs „Volstryto burtininko“ pavardę. Ilgametė patirtis, daugybė pažinčių bei ryšių pavertė vyrą vienu sėkmingiausių ir įtakingiausių finansinių konsultantų. Tiesa, dėl nenuspėjamumo ir impulsyvumo gyvo eterio metu jis yra tikras galvos skausmas laidos prodiuserei Petei (akt. Julia Roberts). Tačiau ji purkštauja tik dėl akių, nes laidos reitingai kalba patys už save. Vieną dieną, filmuojant eilinę laidą, į televizijos studiją įsibrauna nepažįstamas vyras ir, grasindamas susisprogdinti, paima įkaitais visą „Pinigų monstro“ kūrybinę grupę. Netrukus tiesioginio eterio metu paaiškėja, kad, pasinaudojęs Ly Geitso patarimu investuoti į vieną įmonę, vyras prarado visas šeimos santaupas.

Best friends Galleria, Chanel, Dorinda, and Aqua, A.K.A. the girl band "The Cheetahs," get the opportunity of a lifetime when they strut their way to Barcelona, Spain, to perform in an international music festival. Along the way, the "amigas Cheetahs" learn that, although their paths are not the same, they are lucky to have one another for the journey.

Sandra, a young woman forced to leave the south of France to flee a violent husband. Without attachment, she returned to Boulogne-sur-Mer, the city of her childhood which she left almost 15 years ago. She finds her mother there and a world she left behind. Without money, she is hired in a fish cannery where she befriends two workers. But one day, one of her colleagues tackles her insistently, she defends herself and kills him accidentally.

In their pursuit of perfect Christmas well - known characters accompanied by some new faces happen to experience tiny miracles! The adventures they come across help them realize that the most important things in life - hope, acceptance and family - are within their reach and that real love is the best Christmas present!

A year in the life of Alice Klieg, a woman with Borderline personality disorder who wins the Mega Millions lottery, quits her meds and buys her own talk show.

Henris jau seniausiai nebeužsiima savo profesine veikla. Vienas pavojingiausių ir ieškomiausių žudikų pasaulyje dabar gyvena nuošalioje miško trobelėje ant ežero kranto. Tačiau vieną dieną jo ramybę sudrumsčia sniego motociklo garsas, o netrukus jis pamato ir nekviestą atvykėlę, permirkusią krauju. Sužeistoji mergina nukrenta nuo sniego motociklo, o vyriškis akimirksniu supranta, kad jos sužeidimai yra labai rimti, reikalaujantys profesionalios medicininės pagalbos. Henris privalo apsispręsti. Ar vežti merginą į ligoninę ir rizikuoti savo prieglobsčio atskleidimu? O gal palikti atvykėlę mirti ir toliau likti saugiam?

Stéphane, Cathy and Thierry are the best employees of the Employment Agency of their city. But their results are so good that the agency will have to close because of a lack of unemployed. The three colleagues then have the crazy idea of creating unemployment to save their job.