DVD compilation of three werewolf-themed episodes from various Scooby-Doo series; Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf, Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo: Where's the Werewolf, and A Pup Named Scooby-Doo: The Were-Doo of Doo Manor.

When Cindy decides that she doesn't want to marry her boyfriend, she runs to Mexico City, where new friendships and unexpected paths teach her that there are so much more possibilities on her life and her talent than she imagines.

Street dancer Skyler comes out of the shadow of her trained dancer sister, Tosha, & joins a dance competition with the Honey dance studio; the prize is a college scholarship.

Julius Caesar paljastaa uusimman suunnitelmansa päästä eroon sinnikkäistä gallialaisista lopullisesti. Koska hänen armeijansa ei ole onnistunut nujertamaan tätä viimeistä vastarinnan saareketta, hän päättää tuoda sivilisaation kylän porteille. Caesar rakentaa uuden Rooman – Jumaltenrannan – Asterixin kylän ympärille, painostaen gallialaiset joko omaksumaan kulttuurin tai lähtemään. Huolimatta Asterixin ja Obelixin suunnitelmista pysäyttää rakennustyöt, alkavat rakennukset pian nousta ja Rooman kansalaiset saapuvat valtaamaan heidän asuinaluettaan, aiheuttaen kaaoksen Asterixin kylään.

A 36-year-old meek woman realizes that there’s younger people trying to outpace her doing much less, so she makes a risky change by removing her filter.

Hilarious and outgoing, Brittany Forgler, is everybody’s best friend ― except her own. Her partying, underemployment and toxic relationships are catching up with her. She receives a startling wake-up call when a visit to the doctor reveals how unhealthy she is. Motivated to lose weight, but too broke for a gym and too proud to ask for help, Brit is at a loss, until her neighbor pushes her to run one sweaty block. Soon, she sets an almost unthinkable goal: the New York City Marathon.

A young couple purchase their new home to start a life together, only to find out the elderly couple next door have other plans for them.

After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance and a burning ambition to prove herself.

In their pursuit of perfect Christmas well - known characters accompanied by some new faces happen to experience tiny miracles! The adventures they come across help them realize that the most important things in life - hope, acceptance and family - are within their reach and that real love is the best Christmas present!

Nina is a successful TV star, but her life changes when she is diagnosed with cancer. Facing a personal crisis, she has to confront her deepest fears.

As their first year of high school looms ahead, best friends Julie, Hannah, Yancy and Farrah have one last summer sleepover. Little do they know they're about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Desperate to shed their nerdy status, they take part in a night-long scavenger hunt that pits them against their popular archrivals. Everything under the sun goes on -- from taking Yancy's father's car to sneaking into nightclubs!

Tempted away from Newcastle United to join Real Madrid, rising star Santiago Munez finds this latest change of fortune the greatest challenge yet - personally as well as professionally. He is reunited with Gavin Harris, though they must compete to be on the team, and estranged from fiancee Roz, whose nursing career keeps her back home.

Fred Bartel is the charismatic boss of a trendy Parisian communication agency, Happy Few. After a heated tax audit, he was forced by the administration to relocate overnight his company in La Courneuve. Fred and his team meet Samy, a young suburb who will quickly propose to teach them the rules and practices to adopt in this new environment.

Neglected by her husband, Sarah embarks on an impromptu road trip with her young daughter and her best friend, Mindy. Along the way, the dynamic between the two friends intensifies before circumstances force them apart. Years later, Sarah attempts to rebuild their intimate connection in the days before Mindy’s wedding.

Dan Trunkman on perustanut oman yrityksen, joka uhkaa mennä konkurssiin heti alkumetreillä. Dan on kuitenkin varma yhtiön (ja omasta) menestyksestä neuvoteltuaan ison sopimuksen Saksaan. Dan ja hänen epäsovinnainen myyntitiiminsä (eli kaksi firman ainoaa työntekijää) matkustavat Eurooppaan lyömään kaupat lukkoon. Ihan perus bisnesmatka tästä reissusta ei kuitenkaan tule, vaan hommat lähtevät pian ns. lapasesta, kun he joutuvat mitä erikoisimpiin tilanteisiin. Sopassa on myös mukana Danin entinen työnantaja, joka havittelee samaa kauppaa.

Damon Hickey, eläkkeellä oleva komisario, sieppaa hoitajansa Victorian tyttären ja kiristää näin naisen auttamaan kavaltamaan hänen rikolliset työtoverinsa ja puhdistamaan kaupungin ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä. Järkyttyneenä ainoan tuntemansa luotettavan miehen petoksesta Victoria taistelee tiensä läpi huumekauppiaiden ja alamaailman roistojen lauman pelastaakseen tyttärensä.

Two pretty chorus girls, Cecile and Brigitte, who have been sentenced to prison terms, agree to undertake risky undercover work for Senator Conolly in exchange for their freedom. Investigating the disappearance of well-known personalities, as well as young women, Conolly wants the dancers to get hired by a Canary Islands nightclub to keep tabs on the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Forbes...

In this romantic comedy, several friends, each dealing with unhappy love lives, turn to each other for help - but not always with the best results.

We are in 2030, and on vacation we go to Mars! Having made his wife and son Giulio lose his tracks for years, Fabio (Christian De Sica) is about to marry the wealthy Bea on Mars. But what could happen if during an excursion into space, something goes wrong and Giulio suddenly becomes a sprightly old man (Massimo Boldi)? Between hilarious unexpected events and amusing misunderstandings, Fabio will find himself dealing with a seventy-year-old son and a marriage that is in danger of jumping ...