When a crisis suddenly engulfs an elementary school campus, a determined art teacher tries everything she can to save her class.

Eddie Palmer (Justin Timberlake) je bio zvijezda američkog nogometa u srednjoj školi, no snovi su mu se urušili kad je završio u zatvoru. Po izlasku upoznaje dječaka Sama (Ryder Allen) te ga uzima pod svoje krilo jer naime Sama zlostavljaju u školi jer se identificira sa ženskim rodom, a uz i obitelj ga je napustila. Kako oni formiraju sve dublje prijateljstvo, tako i Palmer u jednu ruku slaže kockice svog života u smislenu cjelinu.

A look at the relationships and rivalries within The Rolling Stones in their formative years, as well as the creative musical genius of Brian Jones, key to the success of the band.

A raw and emotionally revealing look at one of the most iconic artists of our time during a transformational period in her life as she learns to embrace her role not only as a songwriter and performer, but as a woman harnessing the full power of her voice.

10-year-old Bart Millard lives with his mother and abusive father Arthur in Texas. One day his mother drops him off at a Christian camp where he meets Shannon. Upon his return from camp, Bart finds his mother has left and movers are removing her belongings. He angrily confronts his father, who denies that his abusiveness was the reason she left. Years later, in high school, Bart and Shannon are dating. Bart plays football to please his father but is injured, breaking both ankles and ending his career. The only elective with openings is music class, so he reluctantly signs up.

Waking Life is about a young man in a persistent lucid dream-like state. The film follows its protagonist as he initially observes and later participates in philosophical discussions that weave together issues like reality, free will, our relationships with others, and the meaning of life.

It's prom season, and high school senior Mandy and her best friend and fellow outsider Ben are surrounded by over-the-top "promposals." Mandy is only focused on getting into her dream school Harvard, but as she starts tutoring basketball all-star Graham, she must re-evaluate whether her dream school is worth the cost of everything she believes in.

Grupa kanadskih programera stavlja apsolutno sve na kocku zbog sulude ideje spajanja računala i telefona u jedan uređaj. Tako nastaje prvi BlackBerry pametni telefon koji preko noći osvaja cijelo tržište, a njegovi kreatori postaju milijarderi. Ali, da biste ostali na ovoj visini, nije dovoljno biti tehnološki genij.

Seven years after the death of his wife, widower Shigeharu seeks advice on how to find a new wife from a colleague. Taking advantage of their position as a film company, they stage an audition. Interviewing a series of women, Shigeharu is enchanted by the quiet Asami. But soon things take a twisted turn as Asami isn’t what she seems to be.

Naomi Ackie glumi Whitney u glazbenom biografskom filmu koji se temelji na epskom životu i glazbi kultne pjevačice.

Self-important author Leon joins his best friend on a summer holiday near the Baltic Sea to complete his novel. When they arrive, they find their house is already occupied by a carefree woman who challenges Leon to open up. Meanwhile, forest wildfires rage around them and impending disaster looms.

Moralnost nepokolebljivog specijalnog operativca nađe se na kušnji kada se infiltrira u zločinačku organizaciju i neočekivano se zbliži sa šefovim mladim sinom.

Genijalni, ali osramoćeni londonski policijski detektiv John Luther, progonjen neriješenim ubojstvom, pobjegne iz zatvora kako bi ulovio sadističkog serijskog ubojicu.

Tiha Brynn Adams u svakom se društvu osjeća kao crna ovca. Mlada i talentirana sramežljiva žena ne pronalazi mjesto za sebe u društvu i odlučuje se zatvoriti u četiri zida. Smješta se u kuću svojih roditelja. Samoća joj ne smeta. Provodi vrijeme u razmišljanju i sanjarenju, radosna što su buka i gužva ostali iza nje. Poznato mjesto donosi joj mir koji je krhkoj osobi toliko nedostajao. Pokušava se izvući iz dugotrajne depresije. Noću čuje šuštanje i tiho škljocanje. Zna da se pljačkaši često ušuljaju u osamljene kuće u nadi da će doći do lakog plijena, ali ovoga puta je nisu posjetili lopovi.

Following a tense encounter with a mysterious stranger with otherworldly powers, a man is banished to a parallel, tyrannical, liberal Earth, where he fights to get back the woman he loves.

Započinjanje novog posla uvijek je stresno (posebno kada ga ne želite), ali kada Paul Carpenter stigne u ured J.W. Wellsa nema pojma kakve se nevolje spremaju. Upravo će otkriti da je naizgled respektabilan establišment koji mu sada isplaćuje platu zapravo paravan za mračnu organizaciju koja ima moćne i neobične ciljeve. Zajedno sa svojom novom koleginicom Sophie, Paul se upušta u avanturu uz pomoć začaranog peškira, kako bi otkrio tajne ovog poduhvata i otkrio šta se događa noću u ovim mračnim zabranjenim hodnicima.

Tom Carter je pljačkaš koji je tijekom karijere ukrao 9 milijuna dolara iz nekoliko manjih banaka diljem SAD-a. Bez uhićenja, bez otkrivanja identiteta. Nakon što upozna Annie, Tom želi napustiti posao i početi novi život s voljenom ženom. Naravno da stvari neće ići tako glatko. Dva mlada FBI agenta kojima je dodijeljen njegov slučaj odluče tih 9 milijuna zadržati za sebe, a usput prišiti Tomu ubojstvo njihovog nadređenog.

Tijekom posjeta obitelji u Meksiku usamljeni se dječak sprijatelji s mitskim stvorenjem koje se skriva na ranču njegova djeda te krene u pustolovinu života.

After an impulsive travel decision to visit friends, Freddie, 25, returns to South Korea for the first time, where she was born before being adopted and raised in France. Freddie suddenly finds herself embarking on an unexpected journey in a country she knows so little about, taking her life in new and unexpected directions.

Customers and clerks frolic in a general store. Roscoe walks out of the freezer wearing a fur coat, then does some clever cleaver tossing. In Buster's film debut he buys a pail of molasses.