When a crisis suddenly engulfs an elementary school campus, a determined art teacher tries everything she can to save her class.

Bývala školská futbalová hviezda, Eddie Palmer, sa po dvanástich rokoch vo väzení vráti domov. Snaží sa usporiadať si život, no popritom si vytvorí nezvyčajné puto so Samom, osamelým chlapcom z problémového domova. Eddieho nový život a rodinu však ohrozuje jeho minulosť.

A look at the relationships and rivalries within The Rolling Stones in their formative years, as well as the creative musical genius of Brian Jones, key to the success of the band.

A raw and emotionally revealing look at one of the most iconic artists of our time during a transformational period in her life as she learns to embrace her role not only as a songwriter and performer, but as a woman harnessing the full power of her voice.

10-year-old Bart Millard lives with his mother and abusive father Arthur in Texas. One day his mother drops him off at a Christian camp where he meets Shannon. Upon his return from camp, Bart finds his mother has left and movers are removing her belongings. He angrily confronts his father, who denies that his abusiveness was the reason she left. Years later, in high school, Bart and Shannon are dating. Bart plays football to please his father but is injured, breaking both ankles and ending his career. The only elective with openings is music class, so he reluctantly signs up.

Príbeh muža, ktorý sa usilovne snaží odlíšiť sny od skutočnosti. Pri potulkách svetom každý, s ktorým sa stretol, chcel diskutovať o zmysle života a on niekedy odpovedal, inokedy len načúval ľuďom, ktorí pozerali na život z najrôznejších uhlov sociologického, náboženského, vedeckého, umeleckého. Je možné, že sa mu všetci snažili oznámiť to isté? Pozorujeme svet skutočnosti a fantázie očami tohto pútnika, bez toho aby sme si aj my boli istí, kde leží hranica, ktorá tieto dva svety oddeľuje. Experimentálne spracovanie, doplnené zaujímavými animačnými postupy, robí z tohto snímku podivuhodnú a jedinečnú tvorivú víziu.

Je obdobie stužkových a štvrtáčka na strednej škole Mandy a jej najlepší kamarát a rovnaký outsider Ben sú na škole svedkami samých prehnaných pozvánok na stužkovú. Mandy sa sústredí len na to, aby sa dostala na svoju vysnívanú školu Harvard, ale keď začne doučovať basketbalovú hviezdu Grahama, musí prehodnotiť, či jej vysnívaná škola stojí za všetko, čomu verí.

Two mismatched entrepreneurs – egghead innovator Mike Lazaridis and cut-throat businessman Jim Balsillie – joined forces in an endeavour that was to become a worldwide hit in little more than a decade. The story of the meteoric rise and catastrophic demise of the world's first smartphone.

Seven years after the death of his wife, widower Shigeharu seeks advice on how to find a new wife from a colleague. Taking advantage of their position as a film company, they stage an audition. Interviewing a series of women, Shigeharu is enchanted by the quiet Asami. But soon things take a twisted turn as Asami isn’t what she seems to be.

Film je emotívnou a srdcervúcou oslavou života jedinečnej a nezabudnuteľnej Whitney Houston, jednej z najúspešnejších speváčok v histórii pop music. Whitney Houston už ako dieťa rada spievala so svojou matkou Cissy v kostole v New Jersey, ale ani vo sne by ju nenapadlo, že sa stane speváckou ikonou svojej generácie. Snímka nás prevedie životom,kariérou a veľkolepými vystúpeniami s najobľúbenejšími hitmi nezabudnuteľnej Whitney Houston.

Self-important author Leon joins his best friend on a summer holiday near the Baltic Sea to complete his novel. When they arrive, they find their house is already occupied by a carefree woman who challenges Leon to open up. Meanwhile, forest wildfires rage around them and impending disaster looms.

A steely special ops agent finds his morality put to the test when he infiltrates a crime syndicate and unexpectedly bonds with the boss' young son.

Geniálny londýnsky detektív John Luther padol až na úplné dno. Nevyriešený prípad mu, ale nedá spať, a tak utečie z vezenia, aby chytil sadistického sériového vraha.

Nikto ťa nezachráni je film o talentovanej mladej žene Brynn, ktorá sa vzdialila svojej komunite. Osamelá žena plná nádeje nachádza útechu v dome, kde vyrastala, avšak vyruší ju podivné zvuky pochádzajúce od votrelcov z inej planéty. Nasleduje akčné stretnutie Brynn s mimozemskými bytosťami, ktoré ohrozujú jej budúcnosť a zároveň ju nútia čeliť vlastnej minulosti.

Following a tense encounter with a mysterious stranger with otherworldly powers, a man is banished to a parallel, tyrannical, liberal Earth, where he fights to get back the woman he loves.

Paul and Sophie, interns at a mysterious London firm, become steadily aware their employers Humphrey and Dennis are anything but conventional – they are disrupting the world of magic by bringing modern corporate strategy to ancient magical practices.

Príbeh profesionálneho bankového lupiča, ktorý sa kvôli láske chce sám udať polícii a zapletie sa do násilného konfliktu s dvomi skorumpovanými agentami FBI. Tí ho plánujú obrať o jeho ulúpené peniaze.

While visiting family in Mexico, a lonely boy befriends a mythical creature hiding on his grandfather's ranch and embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.

After an impulsive travel decision to visit friends, Freddie, 25, returns to South Korea for the first time, where she was born before being adopted and raised in France. Freddie suddenly finds herself embarking on an unexpected journey in a country she knows so little about, taking her life in new and unexpected directions.

Customers and clerks frolic in a general store. Roscoe walks out of the freezer wearing a fur coat, then does some clever cleaver tossing. In Buster's film debut he buys a pail of molasses.