En Oscarbelønnt skrekk-klassiker der et ungt ektepar, Rosemary og Guy, flytter inn i en leilighet i en bygård i New York. Guy er en arbeidsledig skuespiller som sliter med å få karrieren på skinner. Rosemary mistenker ham etter hvert for å ha inngått en pakt med djevelen.

A quiet and inconspicuous man rents an apartment in France where he finds himself drawn into a rabbit hole of dangerous paranoia.

An enigmatic actress may have a hidden agenda when she auditions for a part in a misogynistic writer's play.

With dazzling nature photography, Academy Award®–nominated director Markus Imhoof (The Boat Is Full) takes a global examination of endangered honeybees — spanning California, Switzerland, China and Australia — more ambitious than any previous work on the topic.

The night of August 24, 1944. The fate of Paris is in the hands of General von Choltitz, governor of Grand Paris, who is preparing, on Hitler’s orders, to blow up the French capital. The descendent of a long line of Prussian military men, the general has never had any hesitation when it came to obeying orders. This is what’s on Swedish consul Raoul Nordling’s mind as he takes the secret staircase that leads to General von Choltitz’s suite at the Hôtel Meurice. The bridges on the Seine and the major monuments of Paris (including the Louvre, Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower) are mined with explosives, ready to be detonated. Armed with all the weapons of diplomacy, the consul will try to convince the general not to follow Hitler’s order of destruction.

Den følelsesladde og gripende historien følger et energisk ungt par i et forstadsområde utenfor Connecticut som bestemmer seg for å gi slipp på alt og følge sin store drøm. De er klar til å rive seg løs fra det ordinære livet, men kan de gjøre det uten å rives fra hverandre?

Høyt over den norske fjellheimen ved Grotli skyter et engelsk og et tysk fly hverandre ned etter en voldsom kamp den 27. april 1940. Tre tyske og to engelske piloter overlever nødlandingen og søker tilfeldigvis ly i samme fangsthytte. Selv om krigen har gjort dem til fiender, må de samarbeide om de skal overleve på den isolerte hytta på vinterfjellet. Den tyske bombepiloten leutnant Horst Schopis er en høyt utdannet, femte generasjons militæroffiser. Navigatoren sersjant Wolfgang Strunker er en fåmælt mann, med en overraskende tørr humor. Mekanikeren korporal Josef Schwartz er en hardbarket, dedikert nazist som vokste opp med Hitler som forbilde. Britiske Royal Air Force Fighter Pilot Captain Charles P. Davenport er en britisk gentleman fra overklassen. Britiske Royal Navy Gunner Private Robert Smith er en "wise guy", tatt rett fra Liverpools gater.

Masaki, a baseball player and gas-station attendant, gets into trouble with the local Yakuza and goes to Okinawa to get a gun to defend himself. There he meets Uehara, a tough gangster, who is in serious debt to the yakuza and planning revenge.

A young boy has lost his mother and is losing touch with his father and the world around him. Then he meets Hesher who manages to make his life even more chaotic.

Oliver Twist the modern filmed version of Charles Dickens bestseller, a Roman Polanski adaptation. The classic Dickens tale, where an orphan meets a pickpocket on the streets of London. From there, he joins a household of boys who are trained to steal for their master.

The Parade, in a tragicomic way, tells the story about ongoing battle between two worlds in contemporary post-war Serbian society - the traditional, oppressive, homophobic majority and a liberal, modern and open-minded minority... The film, which deals with gay rights issues in Serbia, features footage of the 2010 Belgrade gay pride parade. The film introduces a group of gay activists, trying to organize a pride parade in Belgrade.

Den mytologiske boken ”The Nine Gates and the Kingdom of Shadow” ble skrevet på 1600-tallet – etter sigende sammen med Satan selv. Alle eksemplarer ble brent på bålet – sammen med forfatteren – men når boksamleren Dean Corsa kommer i besittelse av et eksemplar får han adgang til en verden som har vært forseglet i nesten 400 år…

Pietro is a successful businessman with a wife and a daughter. One day he helps his brother save two women from drowning at the beach. When he returns home he finds that his wife has died. Now Pietro has to take care of his daughter, Claudia. When he drives her to school soon after, he decides to wait for her all day in front of the school, and soon that's what he does every day.

Kyle Pratt opplever alle mødres mareritt når hennes seksårige datter Julia forsvinner sporløst på en flytur fra Berlin til New York. Kyle er nedbrutt av sin ektemanns plutselige død, og selv om verken flykapteinen eller sikkerhetsvaktenvil tviler på henne, tyder alt på at datteren aldri har vært ombord.

Three very different women who are hiding a secret are forced to work together to save their own skin.

The O'Neills lived happily in their house in the Australian countryside. That was until one day fate struck blindly, taking the life of Peter, the father, leaving his grief-stricken wife Dawn alone with their four children. Among them, eight-year-old Simone denies this reality. She is persuaded that her father still lives in the giant fig tree growing near their house and speaks to her through its leaves. But the tree becomes more and more invasive and threatens the house. It must be felled. Of course, Simone won't allow it.

A landscape gardener is hired by famous architect Le Nôtre to construct the grand gardens at the palace of Versailles. As the two work on the palace, they find themselves drawn to each other and are thrown into rivalries within the court of King Louis XIV.

Radha Mitchell, Johnny Lee Miller og Will Ferrell spiller hovedrollene i Woody Allens eksperimentelle film. Vi får se historien om Melinda både som et alvorlig drama og en festlig komedie.

When a feared judge of the French court, Xavier Racine, encounters a French-Danish juror, Ditte Lorensen-Coteret, at a murder trial, their shared past is slowly uncovered.

Ulisse, Fulvio and Domenico decide to rent an apartment together in order to live with their modest work. However the three encounter any difficulties that have forced them to always be one step away from starvation. Ulisse has to maintain his wife and daughter selling recordings of important foreign singers, Fulvio has the task of reviewing silly scandals of celebrities instead of writing articles for major artists, while Domenico must keep his wife and children going to make love with old single pensioners.