U spoju još luđe oktanske akcije i još urnebesnije buddy komedije, Marcus i Mike će se u novoj avanturi naći u bijegu dok pokušavaju svome bivšem zapovjedniku očistiti ime nakon što je iznenadno ubijen i nakon toga optužen za korupciju.

Film živopisno prepričava kako je slavni hotel Taj Mahal Palace u Mumbaiju u Indiji zaposjela skupina terorista 2008. godine. Među posvećenim hotelskim osobljem nalaze se poznati chef Hemant Oberoi i konobar koji odluče riskirati svoje živote kako bi zaštitili goste. Dok svijet promatra, očajan par prisiljen je na nezamislive žrtve kako bi zaštitio svoje novorođenče.

The sexy Gin is the new love of Hache, but this can not forget his former girlfriend, so the love triangle is inevitable.

Kada osamdesetogodišnja Židovka Maria Altmann sazna da bi najslavniji portret Gustava Klimta trebao biti u njezinom vlasništvu, započinje bespoštednu borbu za ono što joj pripada zajedno s mladim odvjetnikom Randolom Shoenbergom. Ovaj neobični par doputovat će iz Amerike u Beč i dići na noge cijelu Austriju, jer se kući ne misle vratiti praznih ruku.

Detective Ma Seok-do changes his affiliation from the Geumcheon Police Station to the Metropolitan Investigation Team, in order to eradicate Japanese gangsters who enter Korea to commit heinous crimes.

Četvero djece roditelji iz Londona šalju na selo, starom profesoru, obiteljskom prijatelju. U njegovoj kući djeca otkrivaju tajanstveni ormar kroz koju ulaze u bajkovitu zemlju Narniju u kojoj žive fantastični ljudi, životinje i bića. No, ova mirna zemlja je pod vlašću zle vještice, zbog koje vlada vječna zima. Djeca moraju pomoći lavu Aslanu poraziti vješticu, razbiti čarolije i osloboditi stanovnike Narnije.

Priča o zastrašujućem terorističkom napadu tijekom Bostonskog maratona ispričana je od strane stvarnih ljudi koji su taj dan sudjelovali u spašavanju i potrazi za počiniteljima. Davis, policijski povjerenik Bostona odigrao je ključnu ulogu u potrazi za braćom koja su odgovorna za napad. U bombaškom napadu poginulo je pet osoba, uključujući i osmogodišnjeg dječaka. Bombe su bile "upakirane" u dva ekspres lonca napunjena čavlima. Jedan je policajac nekoliko dana nakon napada podlegao ozljedama, a ranjeno je više od 260 ljudi. Jedan od napadača, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, umro je u izmjeni vatre s policijom. Njegov mlađi brat, Dzhokhar uhićen je dan nakon napada.

A young and cynical female journalist learns love may transcend trials and time as she discovers a story that will change her life forever. When war separates lovers on their wedding anniversary Feb. 14, 1944 at LA Union Train Station, Navy pilot Neil Thomas makes a promise he isn't sure he can keep - to return to the train station safe by their next anniversary. For sixty years Caroline Thomas keeps her promise by waiting at the train station until her missing in action husband can finally keep his with the "lost valentine." The message and meaning shows romance and love can be real; worth fighting, and maybe even dying for.

September, 1945. Sebastian impatiently waits for the return of his friend Angelina, whom he has not seen for two years. When the plane carrying the young woman to her small village in the Alps is reported to have crashed in the mountains, Sebastian is convinced that Angelina is still alive. Along with his faithful dog Belle, Sebastian embarks on the most dangerous adventure of his life.

Three young women vacationing in Paris find themselves whisked away to Monte Carlo after one of the girls is mistaken for a British heiress.

Elite Bangladeshi CIA agent Masud Rana – codename MR-9 – teams up with an American CIA operative to bring down an international criminal organization headed by a ruthless businessman.

A compilation film featuring the eleventh episode of the Swordsmith Village Arc and the first episode of the Hashira Training Arc.

Vlad Tepes is a great hero, but when he learns the Sultan is preparing for battle and needs to form an army of 1,000 boys, he vows to find a way to protect his family. Vlad turns to dark forces in order to get the power to destroy his enemies and agrees to go from hero to monster as he's turned into the mythological vampire, Dracula.

When Mitchie gets a chance to attend Camp Rock, her life takes an unpredictable twist, and she learns just how important it is to be true to yourself.

Brad i Dusty su uspjeli postići nemoguće: primirje i zajedničko očinstvo. Sve djeluje skladno sve dok Dustyjev macho tata Kurt i Bradov ultra emotivan otac Don ne najave svoj dolazak za Božić. Kurt (Mel Gibson) će unijeti razdor između Dustyja i Brada svojim nametanjem mišljena i neslaganjem s njihovim zajedničkim odlukama vezanim za odgoj njihove djece. Hoće li Dusty i Brad uspjeti dokazati Kurtu da je njihov moderan način odgoja učinkovit i spasiti zajednički Božić?

A Marine must do whatever it takes to save his kidnapped sister and stop a terrorist attack masterminded by a radical militia group.

Everyday teen hero Kim Possible and her best friend Ron Stoppable embark on their freshman year of high school, all while saving the world from evil villains. While Kim and Ron have always been one step ahead of their opponents, navigating the social hierarchy of high school is more challenging than the action-hero ever imagined. With Drakken and Shego lurking in the wings, Kim must rely on her family and Team Possible—Ron, tech-genius Wade, new friend Athena, and Rufus, a Naked mole-rat.

Stephanie Plum s 30.g, , nezaposlena i svježe razvedena, živi sa svojim hrčkom u Trentonu, NJ. Slomljena i očajna, pronalazi posao kod svog bratića koji se bavi jamčevinama. U potrazi za brzom zaradom prihvaća najveći slučaj - ući u trag lokalnom policajcu traženom za ubojstvo,s kojim dijeli romantičnu prošlost, a koji joj je slomio srce u srednjoj školi.

Delphine and Yvan divorce. While his financial situation does not allow him to find a home, Yvan remembers that he owns 20% of his ex-wife's house. He then returned to live with Delphine, in his 20%. The two ex will discover the joys of forced housemates.

18-year-old Penny Cooper spent years pining for Johnny Sanders Jr., but when a mysterious musician shows up on the beach, Penny is torn.