While on vacation in Brazil, Scooby-Doo and the gang encounter a mythical beast at a game of soccer.

Hector Valentin returns to France from Canada when he inherits a small sawmill. He has difficulties restarting the run-down operation which has inefficient workers and is hampered by the dirty tactics of its bigger...

Bruce Lee is universally recognized as the pioneer who elevated martial arts in film to an art form, and this documentary will reveal why Bruce Lee's flame burns brighter now than the day he died over three decades ago. The greatest martial artists, athletes, actors, directors, and producers in the entertainment business today will share their feelings about the one who started it all. We will interview the people whose lives, careers, and belief systems were forever altered by the legendary "Father of Martial Arts Cinema". Rarely seen archival footage and classic photos will punctuate the personal testimonials. Prepare to be inspired.

ორფეოსი (ჟან მარე) - სიკვდილით შეპყრობილი პოეტი (პრინცესა). მას და პრინცესას (მარია კაზარესს) შეუყვარდათ. ორფეოსის ცოლი, ევრიდიკე, გაიტაცეს პრინცესას მემამულეებმა და ორფეოსი მასთან ერთად ქვესკნელში ჩადის. იქ ისინი დაიკარგნენ და პრინცესა ათავისუფლებს ორფეოსს ქვესკნელიდან, რათა განაგრძოს თავისი ცხოვრება ევრიდიკესთან (მარი დეა) დედამიწაზე..

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

An exploration of technologically developing nations and the effect the transition to Western-style modernization has had on them.

A detective breaks all rules of ethical conduct while investigating a colleague’s involvement in drug pushing and Yakuza activities.

In nineteenth-century Łódź, Poland, three friends want to make a lot of money by building and investing in a textile factory. An exceptional portrait of rapid industrial expansion is shown through the eyes of one Polish town.

Ermus Daglek, retired Empathtek engineer, commandeers a defunct factory where he creates androids based on persons from his past and recreates a dinner party where he lost the love of his life - until they malfunction and escape.

სისხლიანმა ომმა, რომელმაც კორეა ორ შეურიგებელ ბანაკად დაყო, მოუშუშებელი ჭრილობები დატოვა უბრალო ადამიანების სულებში. მათ შორის არის პატარა ქალაქის სამი მცხოვრები - უბედური გოგონა, მორცხვი ახალგაზრდა მხატვარი და ამერიკელი ჯარისკაცის ვაჟი, რომლის დედაც გაგიჟდა მწუხარებითა და სიღარიბით. ამ განსხვავებულ გმირებს აერთიანებდა საერთო ბედი, სავსე უიმედობითა და სისასტიკით.

A group of strangers come across a man dying after a car crash who proceeds to tell them about the $350,000 he buried in California. What follows is the madcap adventures of those strangers as each attempts to claim the prize for himself.

Self-important author Leon joins his best friend on a summer holiday near the Baltic Sea to complete his novel. When they arrive, they find their house is already occupied by a carefree woman who challenges Leon to open up. Meanwhile, forest wildfires rage around them and impending disaster looms.

Friends battle former U.S. presidents when they come back from the dead as zombies on the Fourth of July.

Criminal genius Egon Olsen presents his accomplices Benny and Keld with yet another infallible plan that can only end badly. The booty is a red suitcase containing values ​​worth five million. The sinister mastermind Bang-Johansen carries the suitcase. The Olsen Gang follows him to Paris, where they put their cunning and carefully organized plan into motion.

Officers Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh of the Los Angeles Police Department must stop a dangerous crime lord from China from getting his brother out of jail.

Ryūichi and his small gang of Triad vie for control of the Japanese underworld in a crime-ridden Shinjuku quarter while Detective Jojima tries to bring it down.

When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man.

The story of a disturbed individual named Yuuki who captures two Japanese girls.