2015年,Twins出道15年再合体,于12月31至2016年1月4日在香港红馆举行一连五场的《Twins LOL Live in Hong Kong》跨年演唱会,透过主题曲「LOL」(Laugh Out Loud)歌声散发欢乐的正能量。Twins以「明爱暗恋补习社」、「眼红红」、「恋爱大过天」、「女校男生」等经典歌会友,又请来好友容祖儿、BOYZ、Shine、As One、 C Allstar、农夫等多个组合表演嘉宾,全场爆满,现场气氛持续热烈。    《Twins LOL Live in Hong Kong》双碟装Blu-ray另收录嘉宾表演Medley以及泰臣的「LOL物语」。

You always stumble before reach. The glass in your hand gets chipped every time. Then everything should start again from the start. There are, however, things you can discover only through repetition. The answer resides in yourself.

有人自愿失恋、有人被失恋;无论何者,失恋的人都会伤心难过,但因为决定失恋,才能开始另一段恋情,又或者从此不能自拔?导演叶念琛继2015《纪念日》后,再次探究感情的错失!一贯他爱情电影以阿宝作为女主人翁展开故事主线,平凡OL嘉宝(邓丽欣 饰)跟男友拍拖多年,一心冀盼跟男友组织家庭,可是男友吊儿郎当把婚姻大事抛诸脑后。嘉宝好姊妹诗婷(麦明诗 饰)将嘉宝运程妙算一番,预言嘉宝将会分手收场,可是诗婷却未能预测自己的恋爱运程!

This documentary covers Hitchcock's early British career, up to his move to America in 1940.

  朝廷寻宝队押元祐党人前往徐州境内寻元祐党宝藏,芒砀山寨主樊瑞探得这一消息,派人去劫寻宝队准备携藏宝图作为见面礼投奔梁山,而公孙胜也奉梁山之命前来解救元祐党义士,当他赶来之时,寻宝队已被樊瑞抢先劫走押回了山寨,樊瑞见是梁山好汉不禁大喜,于是向公孙胜献出截获的藏宝图以表投奔之心,不想公孙胜打开藏宝图一看却发现宝图是假的。梁山众好汉逼樊瑞交出元祐党义士,樊瑞恼羞成怒和梁山打了起来,最后公孙胜设下石头阵将其擒住,公孙胜拷问寻宝队才知这里根本就没有元祐党义士,他们竟是被人雇佣的。   原来真正的寻宝队早被知府侯占灭口,并已派出手下秘密按藏宝图前去寻宝,元祐党义士也遭囚禁,给芒砀山放出消息的也正是侯占,他精心预谋让樊瑞来当这件事的替罪羊,为挖开藏宝地点的山洞,侯占又故弄玄虚弄走一队囚犯并嫁祸给了樊瑞。   公孙胜分析整件事情断定这是一个陷阱,樊瑞为了向梁山好汉证明自己的清白,开始调查事情真相。左御使奉命来徐州调查寻宝队失踪之事,却被侯占设计愚弄蒙蔽,认为寻宝队是被芒砀山混世魔王樊瑞所劫。公孙胜决定从左御使这里寻找元祐党义士的线索,他施计接近左御使并取得了他的信任。   樊瑞根据一系列线索逐渐查出所有事情的幕后指使就是知府侯占,却不小心打草惊蛇,侯占设下圈套在凤仙楼宴请左御使欲引樊瑞现身来将其灭口,樊瑞中计前往,幸得公孙胜的巧妙制止樊瑞得以脱身。公孙胜探到牢房有瘟疫被封锁的消息,他与樊瑞迅速将疑点转向牢房,为了将功补过樊瑞主动请缨要求去牢房一探究竟,两人约定有情况会以信号弹联络。   原来弄去挖宝的囚犯被落石砸死,侯占意识到藏宝地有机关,只好封闭牢房暗中向藏宝地输送人手挖宝并押元祐党人前去破解机关,混入囚犯队伍的樊瑞正被侯占手下带至宝藏地点,在这里他终于找到了元祐党义士,趁众人不注意他偷偷放出信号弹。樊瑞与侯占手下斗智斗勇,终于救下险境中的元祐党义士,但他们却遭到侯占众手下的围攻,危急时刻,梁山兵马赶到相救。   与此同时,启程回京准备上奏的左御使被公孙胜施计留住并给以宝藏之暗示,左御使应暗示带兵来到藏宝地点,看到被绑的侯占手下,他 终于明白了整件事情都是侯占在搞鬼,将侯占等人押送京城审问。樊瑞感谢公孙胜留住左御使得以将侯占的罪行公诸于世,就拜公孙胜为师投奔梁山而去。

When the promise of living in a perfect digital world traps the citizens of Sanctuary City online, Combat Wombat and Sweetie must return to save the day and kick some wom-butt!

A female police detective (Marsha Hunt) enters jail to gain the confidence of a shoplifter and learn the identity of the leader of a stolen goods racket.


Set in the Cold War era of the 1950's, Relations between the United States and Russia are tense. Senator Joseph McCarthy has many Americans convinced that the Communists have infiltrated society. Paranoia runs rampant, as decent Americans lose their jobs on suspicion alone. Floyd Woods served as one of the FBl's top Special Agents until he was accused of having Communist sympathies. Floyd lost his job despite lack of evidence to support these claims. He now works as a small time insurance investigator, who's flown into the small town of Sherrill, NY to investigate a life insurance claim, only to find himself distracted by the locals' odd behavior.

In late 2003, two filmmakers from the Sundance award-winning Guerrilla News Network spent three weeks on the frontlines of the simmering guerrilla war in Iraq, gathering intelligence, dodging bullets, and capturing the untold stories of what has become the world's most covered, and misunderstood, conflict. BattleGround is an irreverent journey that will challenge the orthodoxies of Left and Right, and highlight the humanity of all sides of the conflict. BattleGround will be a critical film for anyone who wants to understand the powerful forces that are sucking America deeper and deeper into a Middle Eastern quagmire. Is Iraq our generation's "Bright Shining Lie," or is it the frontline in a global battle for national survival? Or is to some combination of both?

The Megalodon shark. A prehistoric killing machine 60 feet long, flashing 200 pounds of teeth and weighing over 20 tons. It's the deadliest predator the world has ever seen. The scientists say it's been extinct for more than 10,000 years. The scientists are wrong. In the darkness of the deep, an underwater research station has been viciously destroyed. Now a tough team of daring divers led by Spencer Northcutt [Antonio Sabato Jr. "Melrose Place"] is taking an experimental sub to war. It's killer instinct vs. sophisticated technology, deadly jaws vs. harpoon-tipped torpedoes, mega-shark vs. modern man is a thrilling extreme deep sea fight to the death.

Minda Lalari, owner of a cloth dying shop, assists victims who have been neglected by law enforcement and ensures justice for them.

They are a true crook quartet, the kind you don't meet every day: Eliza, the old lady with the kind eyes. Bred, the charming boy. Jane, who loves Bred. And Larry, who is not afraid to do the filthier jobs. At the moment, the four musketeers of the underworld are targeting the jeweller Stockwell in London's posh Bond Street...

1. Just One Drink 2. Temporary Ground 3. Love Interruption 4. Machine Gun Silhouette 5. Offend In Every Way 6. The Same Boy You've Always Known 7. Alone In My Home 8. You Know That I Know 9. We're Going To Be Friends 10. Entitlement 11. Carolina Drama 12. You've Got Her In Your Pocket 13. A Martyr For My Love For You 14. Goodnight, Irene Jack’s performance from the Wendy Williamson Auditorium in Anchorage, Alaska is a gem in its own right. With the ethereal setting adding to the mystique of the circumstance, the show was one of the most thrilling in White’s twenty-plus-year career, and those who were there to enjoy it (who had waited all day in the snow), bore witness to a once-in-a-lifetime performance. We present that memorable show here, in its entirety, on DVD, with expertly engineered sound and editing by TMR’s in-house film guru Brad Holland. Acoustic in Alaska is truly spectacular.