Scooby-Doo and the gang investigates a new ghost at a water park resort.

High society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles run into a variety of shady characters while investigating a race-track murder.

Working mum Alice cares for both her son Ashton and her second husband Vincent, who suffers from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). When some complications arise regarding the future of Ashton's education, the couple is forced to decide on how to juggle their lives.

Jedného dňa Lumina a jej najlepší priateľ, ružový morský koník Kuda, vyplávajú na dobrodružnú plavbu do majestátneho morského kráľovstva, aby tu Lumina využila svojich schopností a pomohla priateľom s prípravou kráľovského plesu. A práve tu zistia, že jej čarovné perly nielen pomôžu uskutočniť jej sen, ale sú tiež kľúčom k záchrane celého kráľovstva.

Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of it and capture them at the same time. Many comedic memorable moments are carried out through the movie.

Zoznámte sa s drobným dievčaťom menom Thumbelina, ktorá žije v harmónii s prírodou v čarovnom svete Twillerbees, ktorý sa nachádza skrytý medzi divokými kvetinami. Jedného dňa je však kúsok lúky, na ktorom Thumbelina so svojimi priateľmi žije, kvôli rozmarom jedného rozmaznaného dievčaťa, vykopaný a prevezený do okázalého bytu v meste. Tu sa Thumbelina dozvedá o stavebných plánoch, ktoré môžu zničiť celú krajinu Twillerbees! Preto Thumbelina využíva kúzla prírody a opäť raz dokazuje, že aj ten najmenší človiečik môže dokázať veľké veci.

This time the "amici" (friends) are just four: Necchi, Meandri, Mascetti and Sassaroli. Nevertheless they are older they still love to spend their time mainly organizing irresistible jokes to everyone in every kind of situation. Mascetti is hospitalized in a geriatric clinic. Of course the place become immediately the main stage for all their jokes. After some jokes they decided to place an ultimate incredible and farcical joke to the clinic guests.

As a result of a successful conspiracy against Menshikov, Peter II is prematurely recognized as an adult and is in a hurry to be crowned in Moscow. The Dolgoruky brothers gather for this celebration. There were eight of them - all-powerful and influential representatives of the ancient Rurikovich family - and among them the beautiful Ekaterina, the daughter of the huntsman Alexei.

Shepherdstown is renowned for being the oldest town in West Virginia. It is also quietly referred to as the most haunted town in America, because it has always been home to inexplicable hauntings, bizarre accidents and unsolved crimes. In a town of 1,700 residents, almost every single person has had an experience with the supernatural. Now, a surge of supernatural activity has forced the local police to partner with members of the paranormal community to help solve some of the town's deepest mysteries.

Claudio and Helena are on the verge of breaking up, until the couple experiences another strange phenomenon that looks to help them understand one another more.

I wouldn't answer if I were you' Hello is the story of a young lady who falls prey to an evil killer.. alone in her apartment, eagerly awaiting the return of her boyfriend, the phone rings...

Hrdina španielskeho filmu, bývalý policajt Torrente, sa presťahoval do letoviska Marbella. Keďže prišiel o všetky peniaze, nezostáva mu nič iné, len sa vrátiť k svojej bývalej profesii. Pri vyšetrovaní prípadu narazí na horúcu stopu - mestu hrozí teroristický útok raketovými granátmi, za ktorým stojí zločinec Spinelli. Torrente a jeho partner Cuco sa musia poponáhľať, kým nie je neskoro. Režisérom filmu je Santiago Segura, ktorý si v ňom aj zahral.

As viable water is depleted on Earth, a mission is sent to Saturn's moon Titan to retrieve sustainable H2O reserves from its alien inhabitants. But just as the humans acquire the precious resource, they are attacked by Titan rebels, who don't trust that the Earthlings will leave in peace.

Follows an assassin after completing a job.

Someone from another planet crashed on Earth and evil is chasing him, and then love appears, and it defeats evil through an amulet.

Max Andreev thought the best place to start a new life would be at the other end of the world. What he didn't know, is that you can't outrun your past.

In hustle and bustle of urban life, we sometimes don't know our neighbors next door. And in the village, everyone knows each other and lives with the joys, troubles, and worries of a neighbor, like one big family. That's why a person is pulled to their small homeland, to their roots. The one who forgets their roots experiences a burdensome emptiness and dissatisfaction with their achievements in life.

The back-in-time misadventures of Walter and Ascanio are not finished. The defective time-travel machine will bring them from prehistory all the way to outer space, in a funny, light-hearted trip across the time.

Elitné komando bojuje s nemilosrdnými dinosaurami hlboko v džungliach Južnej Ameriky. Skupina vojakov sa snaží vyslobodiť rukojemníkov v džungli obývanej dlho neobjavenými dinosaurami... Pri návrate z vojenskej expedície havaruje vrtuľník so zásahovou jednotkou v hustej, nedostupnej tropickej džungli - v stratenom svete obývanom dinosaurami. Teraz musia nájsť cestu von z tohto izolovaného údolia, než sa stanú korisťou prehistorických predátorov.