Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.
Tuleviku Inglismaal on vägivald noorte argipäeva loomulik osa. Ka Beethoveni muusikast vaimustunud Alex deLarge (Malcolm McDowell) ja tema kolm kaaslast hulguvad õhtuti mööda tänavaid ja otsivad võimalusi oma vägivaldseid fantaasiaid välja elada. Ühel päeval vahistatakse Alex ja talle mõistetakse vanglakaristus. Et seda lühendada, nõustub ta osalema uudses teraapias, mis muudab inimese võimetuks isegi vägivallale mõtlema. Näiliselt vägivallast terveks ravitud, lastakse noormees tagasi ühiskonda. Kuid ühiskonnas, mis ei tunne andestust, ei ole kerge taas õigele rajale saada isegi siis, kui sa midagi halba ei tee.
A man refuses all assistance from his daughter as he ages and, as he tries to make sense of his changing circumstances, he begins to doubt his loved ones, his own mind and even the fabric of his reality.
The untold story of Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson – brilliant African-American women working at NASA and serving as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history – the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.
Pearl Jam play live at Austin City Limits, Texas on October 3rd 2009. >> SETLIST: 01. Just Breathe, 02. The End, 03. The Fixer, 04. Johnny Guitar, 05. Amongst The Waves, 06. Unthought Known, 07. Army Reserve, 08. Do The Evolution, 09. Lukin, 10. Red Mosquito, 11. Inside Job, 12. Porch, 13. Outro
In 1994, Sarajevo was a city under siege. Mortars and rocket propelled grenades rained onto the city, killing indiscriminately, every day. Amongst the madness, two United Nations personnel: a British military officer and another Brit working for the UN Fire Department, decided it would be fun to persuade a global rock star, Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden, to come and play a gig to the population. Scream for Me Sarajevo brings that story, in all its madness, to the big screen. A story of musicians who risked their lives to play a gig to people who risked their lives to live them.
Edward Bloom on kogu oma elu olnud suurte isude, tohutute kirgede ja pikkade lugude mees. Hilisematel aastatel jääb ta oma pojale Williamile tohutuks saladuseks. Nüüd, tõelise mehega tutvumiseks, hakkab Will kokku panema oma isast tõetruu pilti tema imeliste seikluste tagasilöökidest.
Benjamin, a recent college graduate very worried about his future, finds himself in a love triangle with an older woman and her daughter.
Nicholas Angel on Londoni edukaim politseinik, kelle tulemused on kolleegide omadest ligi 400% paremad. Ta on lausa nii suurepärane, et kõik teised tunduvad tema kõrval kahvatud. Seetõttu otsustatakse mees saata väikelinna Sandfordi, kus ta täht ei lööks niivõrd särama. Algul näiline tagasilöök saab aga väärt kulminatsiooni, kui Sandfordis hakkab juhtuma rida kummalisi ja veriseid juhtumeid. Uinuval väikelinnal on aeg saada tubli annus suurlinna õiglust.
A novelist fed up with the establishment profiting from "Black" entertainment uses a pen name to write a book that propels him into the heart of hypocrisy and the madness he claims to disdain.
At an airport, the Emerald Archer must protect a young princess from assassins.
Endine kirjanik Marcel Marx on asunud elama Le Havre’i nimelisse sadamalinna. Temast on seal saanud kingapuhastaja. Uus amet on võimaldanud Marcelil hakata inimesi tõeliselt mõistma. Vähemasti nii talle endale tundub. Oma kirjaniku-ambitsioonid on Marcel seljataha jätnud, kuid eluga, mida ta jagab töö, kohaliku lemmikbaari ning abikaasa Arletty vahel, on ta mõõdukalt rahul. Ühel päeval satub tema teele alaealine pagulane Aafrikast. Umbes samal ajal saab Marcel teada, et tema raskesti haigestunud naine peab minema haiglarežiimile. Marcel püüab võidelda inimliku minnalaskmise tundega nende vahenditega, mis on tal ainukesena käepärast: tema enda helge meel ning naabrite täielik abi. Marceli vastaseks saab aga valitsuse bürokraatia kohaliku politsei näol, kes soovib immigrandist poissi kinni nabida.
A chronicle of the crimes of Ted Bundy, from the perspective of his longtime girlfriend, Elizabeth Kloepfer, who refused to believe the truth about him for years.
After kidnapping a father and his two kids, the Gecko brothers head south to a seedy Mexican bar to hide out in safety, unaware of its notorious vampire clientele.
This film, adapted from a work of fiction by author Tracy Chevalier, tells a story about the events surrounding the creation of the painting "Girl With A Pearl Earring" by 17th century Dutch master Johannes Vermeer. A young peasant maid working in the house of painter Johannes Vermeer becomes his talented assistant and the model for one of his most famous works.
Kui Berliner Mieke (Jessica Boehrs) kuulutab end e-posti teel ameeriklase Scottile (Scott Mechlowicz), lükkab ta ta meheks. Kui ta oma vea avastab, proovib ta temaga ühendust võtta, kuid see on võimatu. Ainus viis teda vallutada näib olevat reisimine Berliini (Saksamaa) ja selleks saadavad teda reisil tema sõbrad Cooper (Jacob Pitts) ning kaksikud Jenny (Michelle Trachtenberg) ja Jamie (Travis Wester).
The story of Captain Richard Francis Burton's and Lt. John Hanning Speke's expedition to find the source of the Nile river in the name of Queen Victoria's British Empire. The film tells the story of their meeting, their friendship emerging amidst hardship, and then dissolving after their journey.
An Alsacian Baron massacres the family of a French Duke, and takes his lands and his title. Isabella, the Duke's baby child, escapes the massacre, is raised by gypsies, and comes back twenty years later to exact revenge.
This real-life look at FBI counterterrorism operations features access to both sides of a sting: the government informant and the radicalized target.
Lil and Roz are two lifelong friends, having grown up together as neighbors in an idyllic beach town. As adults, their sons have developed a friendship as strong as that which binds their mothers. One summer, all four are confronted by simmering emotions that have been mounting between them, and each find unexpected happiness in relationships that cross the bounds of convention.