Finiass Teilors Bārnums vienmēr ir gribējis atstāt neizdzēšamas pēdas izklaides žanra vēsturē. Un tajā brīdī, kad likās, ka visa pasaule ir pret viņu, Bārnums nolemj sekot savam sapnim un izveido aizraujošu koncertprogrammu, kura kļūst par sensāciju un liek pamatus mūsdienās zināmajam šovbiznesam. Filmas pamatā - patiesi notikumi. Filma "Izklaides karalis" ir krāšņs šovs, kurš priecēs visa vecuma skatītājus.

Whilst on a short weekend getaway, Louise shoots a man who had tried to rape Thelma. Due to the incriminating circumstances, they make a run for it and thus a cross country chase ensues for the two fugitives. Along the way, both women rediscover the strength of their friendship and surprising aspects of their personalities and self-strengths in the trying times.

A brilliant but clumsy high school senior vows to get into her late father's alma mater by transforming herself and a misfit squad into dance champions.

A second-class horror movie has to be shown at Cannes Film Festival, but, before each screening, the projectionist is killed by a mysterious fellow, with hammer and sickle, just as it happens in the film to be shown.

Pīters Pārkers kopā ar labākajiem draugiem dodas vasaras brīvdienās uz Eiropu. Tomēr no iecerētās atpūtas nekas nesanāks, jo Pīters piekritīs palīdzēt Nikam Fūrijam tikt skaidrībā, kas tās par noslēpumainajām būtnēm, kas izraisa katastrofas un postījumus visā kontinentā.

This simple romantic tragedy begins in 1957. Guy Foucher, a 20-year-old French auto mechanic, has fallen in love with 17-year-old Geneviève Emery, an employee in her widowed mother's chic but financially embattled umbrella shop. On the evening before Guy is to leave for a two-year tour of combat in Algeria, he and Geneviève make love. She becomes pregnant and must choose between waiting for Guy's return or accepting an offer of marriage from a wealthy diamond merchant.

Soniks kopā ar savu jauniegūto draugu - policistu Tomu Vakovski stāsies pretī doktoram Robotnikam, kuram ir plāns: sagūtīt Soniku un izmantot viņa neierobežotās superspējas, lai sagrābtu varu visā pasaulē.

For years, Axel has cut off ties with his family, devastated by a tragedy for which he was made to bear responsibility. When the freighter on which he was cook stopped in his hometown, he decided to visit his mother, Françoise. It's a shock: she no longer recognizes him. Having Alzheimer's disease, Françoise now forgets whole sections of her life. Axel is the first of the siblings to disappear from his memory. Why him? What is he hiding behind this oversight? And while Ivan and Lucie have agreed to have her admitted in the center, Axel opposes it frontally and delays her departure to take care of her, despite the tensions. Between the mother and the son opens the face-to-face so long feared and yet necessary.

Vēl nedzirdēti stāsti par Skūbija-Dū un Šagija pirmo satikšanos, iepazīšanos ar jaunajiem detektīviem Fredu, Velmu un Dafni un „Mistērijas” rašanos. Draugiem jāatrisina līdz šim lielākā un sarežģītākā mīkla – iecere uzrīdīt pasaulei rēgu suni Cerberu. Kamēr viņi traucas, cik spēj, lai novērstu šo sunisko sazvērestību, atklājas, ka Skūbija liktenī ierakstīti vēl grandiozāki plāni.

A single mother risks her life to save her starstruck daughter from the clutches of a talent agent's sex trafficking ring, on a secluded island.

Data—arguably the world’s most valuable asset—is being weaponized to wage cultural and political wars. The dark world of data exploitation is uncovered through the unpredictable, personal journeys of players on different sides of the explosive Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data story.

A film by Bernard Crutzen on the media treatment of the crisis by the French-speaking Belgian media. What they say, how they say it, and what they keep quiet. With particular attention to the notion of “conspiracy”.

Pieci visparastākie vidusskolas pusaudži iegūst pārdabiskas spējas, kad citplanētieši draud iekarot viņu pilsētiņu un visu pasauli. Liktenis viņus ir izredzējis uzdevumam izglābt planētu, un tikai viņiem tas var būt pa spēkam. Taču lai to paveiktu, viņiem vispirms jātiek galā ar ikdienas dzīves problēmām un jāapvienojas vienā spēka reindžeru komandā, pirms ir jau par vēlu.

A shy high school student's Christmas wish comes true only it isn't exactly as wonderful as she'd hoped.

Aurora's life suddenly gets complicated after her seven grandkids arrive to her house for vacation.

Kādas tumšas un bīstamas pilsētas sirdī divi slepkavas īsteno ļaunu plānu, kāda skolotāja cīnās ar neārstējamu slimību, bet noslēpumaina apkopēja un dīvaina viesmīle dzīvo bīstamas dubultās dzīves. Kādu nakti viņu dzīvesstāsti savijas, pie apvāršņa parādoties kādam atriebības dzītam kriminālam ģēnijam.

Based on the novel 'Evolution Man' by Roy Lewis, this tells the story about the first man - young Edward - to descend from apes. Edward is ejected by his tribe, but is very resourceful. He learns to walk, discovers fire, manages to hunt - and we follow him as he evolves. He has a generous nature, and search for true humanity - a world where we don't eat our fathers.

As she reaches her mid-thirties and quits her lucrative job, singleton Olivia finds herself unsure about her future and her relationships with her successful and wealthy friends. She begins to envy the security of her richer friends and, although their lives may seem easier, Olivia's friends have their problems too: screenwriters Christine and Patrick are unable to collaborate on their latest project, Jane and Aaron have lost the romance in their relationship, and Franny and Matt have difficulties handling the demands of parenthood.