Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

GCW presents Fight Club straight from the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ! The event features the GCW World Championship match where Mox defends against Gage in a match that we have been waiting for during the last decade. Who will be the new GCW World Champion?


A new member has joined Eli and the Shane Gang! Junjie, once the protector of the Eastern Caverns, is a master of the slugslinging art of Slug Fu! But even with the power of five slingers, the Shane Gang find themselves in over their heads as they race across The 99 Caverns in search of the Legendary Elemental Slugs. The five Elementals are ancient slugs of great power, and the forbearers of all slugs found in SlugTerra today. In the wrong hands, they could bring Slugterra to the brink of destruction. So when an evil alliance starts hunting down the Elementals, Eli and his friends — old and new — take off in pursuit of the greatest threat their world has ever faced!

After the Combiner Wars ended, Cybertron started to be rebuilt. However, an undead Starscream has been reincarnated as Trypticon, wreaking havoc around him. To combat this menace, Windblade gathers up a ragtag team of Transformers, including Optimus Prime and Megatron, to resurrect an ancient ally. And while some may be forever changed by the events, others may not emerge with their sparks intact.


A multi-part documentary about the making of the Jurassic Park trilogy. Each part walks through the making of part of one of the films, including the hurricane during the shooting of the first film, and how advances in CGI for Jurassic Park helped change the world of special effects forever. All interviews for these retrospective documentaries come with comments from Spielberg, Johnston, Neill, Dern, Goldblum, the effects crews, the child actors, and Peter Stormare. This documentary is broken into six parts: Dawn of a New Era (25 min), Making Prehistory (20 min), The Next Step in Evolution (15 min), Finding the Lost World (28 min), Something Survived (16 min), and The Third Adventure (25 min).

在第一部的事件之后,变异合唱团继续在 Tromaville 肆虐。 Chrissy 和 Lauren 是两个无辜的女同性恋恋人,他们不仅要与白痴、变种人和怪物作战,还要与邪恶的 Tromorganic Foodstuffs Conglomerate 作战。 他们和神鸭凯文能否拯救特罗马维尔高中和整个世界?

现在,温迪(Wendy)已长大成人,并有了自己的孩子。当凶猛的闪电来临时,她会用小飞侠彼得·潘(Peter Pan)的故事来抚慰孩子,而小飞侠彼得·潘是个不愿意长大的孩子。温迪那固执的12岁女儿简(Jane)根本没有耐心听这些无聊的故事,直到胡克(Hook)船长用这个女孩当作诱饵来捕获他的竞争对手。小飞侠、廷克·贝尔(Tinker Bell)和迷失的男孩们都来帮助她。然而,无论如何他们不能使简相信想象中的魔法。除非她相信,否则她是飞不起来的,而且她也没有其它办法回家。更糟的是,在仙境中如果没有简的信念,廷克·贝尔就无法活下去。当这个小精灵开始慢慢地消失时,彼德奋力去寻找一个从危险的胡克船长手中拯救这个女孩的方法,让她明白只要有了信仰、信任和精灵的魔力,任何事情都是可能发生的。

The Tooth Fairy is back. 15 years after the events of the first movie, Corey, now grown up but mentally scarred has gone to a class reunion. However, the Tooth Fairy is back, and this time - You better have flossed properly.


The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.


精明干练的乔安娜•米尔斯(Sarah Michelle Gellar 萨拉•米歇尔•盖拉 饰)是圣路易斯一家运输公司的销售经理,她的事业蒸蒸日上,前途光明。然而最近她却保守噩梦的困扰,在梦中,她总会目睹一起残忍的凶杀案,这令她备受折磨,疲惫不堪。


The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.

尚克劳德范达美重返“魔鬼命令”战场,再度披挂上场演出的生平第一部续集。当年人类异想天开的创造出宇宙战士,到最後却集体叛变。毫无人性、感情的宇宙战士中,鲁克(尚克劳范达美饰演)是一个改造失败的例子,因为他残存的人性,使得他在第一集里,拯救了人类。 这次,鲁克凭着他的经验,成为改造宇宙战士计划的最佳指导。在鲁克的监督之下,第二代的宇宙战士设备更新颖、功能更强大。一旦他们失去控制,情况将无法收拾。不料,瑕疵再度出现,新一代的宇宙战士,再度失控,危害人类的存亡。于是鲁克再度出击,务必确保人类的生存。

A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.