Interstellar handler om eventyrene til en gruppe oppdagelsesreisende som benytter seg av en nylig oppdaget ormehull å overgå begrensninger på menneskelig romfart og erobre store avstander er involvert i en interstellar reise.

Den mislykkede komikeren Arthur Fleck er langsomt på vei inn i galskapen, når han forvandler seg til den kriminelle mesterhjernen Joker.

Historien om den amerikanske forskeren J. Robert Oppenheimer og hans rolle i utviklingen av atombomben.

En mytisk og følelsesladet heltereise. DUNE forteller historien om Paul Atreides, en ung mann begavet med mystiske evner og profetiske visjoner og forutbestemt til å bli leder for å gjenopprette freden blant de stridende adelsfamiliene som i generasjoner har kjempet om makten for å kontrollere verdens mest dyrebare ressurs - et verdifullt krydder som kan forlenge livet. Når ondskapsfulle krefter eksploderer i konflikt om eneretten til tilgangen på krydderet, må Paul overkomme farer og ondsinnede planer mot ham for å sikre fremtiden for familien og folket hans. Han må våge seg inn i en verden der bare de som kan overvinne frykten, vil overleve.

En avdanket TV-skuespiller og hans stuntmann strever for å gjenoppnå berømmelse og suksess i filmindustrien i løpet av de siste årene av Hollywoods gullalder i 1969 Los Angeles, Hollywood i 1969 – en by i endring. TV-stjernen Rick Dalton og hans stuntmann Cliff Booth prøver å finne sin plass i en bransje de knapt kjenner igjen. Filmen byr på flere handlinger og en stor samling av kjente skuespillere i denne hyllesten til Hollywoods gullalder.

Nancy har uhyggelige mareritt. Samtidig blir vennene hennes fra skolen, som har akkurat de samme drømmene, slaktet av den fryktelige djevelen fra deres felles mareritt mens de sover. Siden politiet ikke fester lit til Nancys forklaring, må hun selv konfrontere drapsmannen i hans mørke verden.

Based on the true story of a Russian serial killer who, over many years, claimed victim to over 50 people. His victims were mostly under the age of 17. In what was then a communists state, the police investigations were hampered by bureaucracy, incompetence and those in power. The story is told from the viewpoint of the detective in charge of the case.

Set in the port town of Dover in the South-East of England, Mary Hussain suddenly finds herself a widow following the unexpected death of her husband. A day after the burial, she discovers he has a secret just twenty-one miles across the English Channel in Calais.

A horrifying story of a shaman's inheritance in the Isan region of Thailand. But the goddess that appears to have taken possession of a family member turns out not to be as benevolent as it first appears.

Three robbers on the run to a new life cross their way with a woman and her son and with the tragic curse they're bringing. On their trail, the mob boss they worked for and a mysterious secret organization of unscrupulous men. During this crazy epic ride to hell, a jealous girlfriend and an former-cop and his brisk methods will join them. At stake, the child's life and the future of the world.

Three high school seniors throw a party to make a name for themselves. As the night progresses, things spiral out of control as word of the party spreads.

A group of friends - a tomb raider, a chatty salesman, a naughty journalist, a lazy nerd and the shy assistant of a mysterious blind and silent shopkeeper - meet again in the quiet small town where they had shared a terrible secret. When a skeptical policeman discovers the link between a weird animals slaughter and some occult practices, strange things start happening. Together, they will discover the ancient curse of Kaisha and have to face the demons of the past.

Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey, a journey that will lead him to discover that his nightmares hide a shocking truth, something darker and more sinister than he ever imagined.

A group of families on a tropical holiday discover that the secluded beach where they are staying is somehow causing them to age rapidly – reducing their entire lives into a single day.

Eddie Lomax is a drifter who has been in a suicidal funk since the death of his close friend Johnny. Riding his motorcycle into a small desert town where Johnny once lived, Lomax is confronted by a gang of toughs, who beat him and steal his bike. However, Lomax is not a man to take an injustice lying down, and soon he begins exacting a violent revenge on the men who stole his motorcycle, with local handyman Jubal Early lending a hand and several area ladies offering aid and comfort.

After a terrible trauma on her birthday, Emma chooses not to celebrate it again. But when she turns 21, a friend of her breaks the ritual with a surprise party, unaware of awakening horrors, which for years have been waiting in the darkness.

Tokyo, Japan, 1989. Lucy Fly, a foreigner who works as a translator, begins a passionate relationship with Teiji, a mysterious man obsessed with photography.

When a solar eclipse sends a colossal blast of super chilled air towards the earth, it then sets off a catastrophic chain of events that threatens to engulf the world in ice and begin a new Ice Age.

Three young musicians think they have luck on their side when they score the keys to a beautiful villa outside of Rome for the weekend. Unfortunately, they soon discover that they are not alone.

An aspiring writer pays a visit to his sister to look after her house while she is out of town, but what he finds there is more terrifying than any of the stories he writes.