When a car bomb explodes on the American side of the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican drug enforcement agent Miguel Vargas begins his investigation, along with American police captain Hank Quinlan. When Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his shady partner, Menzies, are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, his investigations into their possible corruption quickly put himself and his new bride, Susie, in jeopardy.

Neurotični komičar Alvy Singer (W. Allen) prisjeća se sa sjetom svoje najveće ljubavi Annie Hall (D. Keaton) tražeći razlog njihovog prekida od prije godinu dana. Već 15 godina Alvy redovito posjećuje psihijatra. Još kao mali dječak padao je u bezrazložne depresije i smatrao kako su njegovi razredni kolege kreteni. Bio je dvaput oženjen, jedan brak mu se raspao zato što se on i supruga, liberalka (C. Kane), nisu mogli složiti oko toga kako je ubijen J. F. Kennedy. Ipak, njegova najveća ljubav bila je Annie Hall, priprosta i zbunjena djevojka koju je upoznao na tenisu. Kako se sve više zajubljivao u Annie, Alvy ju je polako uspio nagovoriti da se ozbiljno posveti svom hobiju - pjevanju, počne čitati i pohađati večernja predavanja. Kada se Annie razvila iz djevojke u ženu, veza s Alvyjem postala joj je tijesna.

Schoolteacher Bertram Cates is arrested for teaching his students Darwin's theory of evolution. The case receives national attention and one of the newspaper reporters, E.K. Hornbeck, arranges to bring in renowned defense attorney and atheist Henry Drummond to defend Cates. The prosecutor, Matthew Brady is a former presidential candidate, famous evangelist, and old adversary of Drummond.

Francuska glumica i japanski arhitekt upuštaju se u kratku, intenzivnu avanturu u poslijeratnoj Hirošimi, a njihova snažna uzajamna fascinacija potiče ih da istjeraju vlastita ranjena sjećanja na ljubav i patnju.

As the young girls have discovered the truth about the cruel fate of a magical girl, one magical girl after another is destroyed. Throughout it all, there is one magical girl who continues to fight alone - Homura Akemi. Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part II: Eternal is a retelling of the second half of the TV anime series.

Dante je trgovac koji radi u lokalnoj samoposluzi u New Jerseyju. Iako jednog dana nije trebalo raditi, šef ga moli da zamjeni kolegu koji je opravdano odsutan. Nezadovoljan što mora raditi, ipak, dolazi na posao, ali mu se cijeli dan po glavi vrzma misao da danas nije trebao biti na radnom mjestu. Iako Randal radi u susjednom video-klubu, gotovo čitav dan provodi kod Dantea. Kako bi im što prije prošlo vrijeme, razgovaraju o filmovima iz Ratova zvjezda. Danteova djevojka Veronica, također ga često obilazi i uvjerava kako bi trebao napustiti neambiciozan posao i upisati koledž. Kako se bliži kraj radnog vremena, Dante i Randal upadaju u sve luđe životne situacije, pune nezamislivih situacija u realnom životu, praćene nezaobilaznim crnim humorom Kevina Smitha.

Harry Caine, a blind writer, reaches this moment in time when he has to heal his wounds from 14 years back. He was then still known by his real name, Mateo Blanco, and directing his last movie.

The story of a poor young woman, separated by prejudice from her husband and baby, is interwoven with tales of intolerance from throughout history.

Two Navy men are ordered to bring a young offender to prison, but decide to show him one last good time along the way.

Two women, Nic and Jules, brought a son and daughter into the world through artificial insemination. When one of their children reaches age, both kids go behind their mothers' backs to meet with the donor. Life becomes so much more interesting when the father, two mothers and children start to become attached to each other.

A group of rambunctious toddlers travel a trip to Paris. As they journey from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame, they learn new lessons about trust, loyalty and love.

U filmu "Luda braća", Ferrell glumi Brennana Huffa, povremeno zaposlenog 39-godišnjaka koji živi s majkom Nancy (Mary Steenburgern). Reilly glumi Dalea Dobacka, kronično nezaposlenog 40-godišnjaka koji živi s ocem Robertom (Richard Jenkins). Kad se Robert i Nancy vjenčaju te počnu živjeti zajedno, Brennan i Dale prisiljeni su živjeti jedan s drugim kao polubraća. Dok njihova narcisoidnost i puka agresivna lijenost prijete da će razoriti obitelj, ova dvojica sredovječnih, nezrelih dečki smislit će ludi, razrađeni plan da ponovno spoje svoje roditelje. Da bi im to uspjelo, moraju stvoriti malo vjerojatnu vezu koja će ih možda, ali samo možda, napokon izvući iz kuće.

Animal control officer Walter Sparrow becomes obsessed with a novel that he believes was written about him, as more and more similarities between himself and his literary alter ego seem to arise.

Vječiti protivnik Austina Powersa, ludi znanstvenik dr. Zlo, putuje vremenskim strojem u prošlost kako bi pronašao način na koji će onesposobiti tajnog agenta. Osjetivši kako više nije u naponu moći, Austin prati svog neprijatelja natrag u šezdesete. Uz pomoć seksipilne CIA-ine agentice, Felicity Shagwell, Austin se suočava s novim suludim Zlovovim planom. Smrtonosni laser, smješten na Mjesecu, usmjeren je na Washington, a katastrofu je moguće izbjeći jedino plaćanjem bilijunskog iznosa...

Get ready for a wildly diverse, star-studded trilogy about life in the big city. One of the most-talked about films in years, New York Stories features the creative collaboration of three of America's most popular directors, Martin Scorsese, Francis Coppola, and Woody Allen.

Life as the sole sale item in the clearance corner of Eben's Bikes can get lonely. So Red, a unicycle, dreams up a clown owner and his own juggling act that steals the show. But all too soon, the applause turns into the sound of rainfall, as reality rushes back. Red must resign himself to sitting in the corner and await his fate.

Julian makes a lucrative living as an escort to older women in the Los Angeles area. He begins a relationship with Michelle, a local politician's wife, without expecting any pay. One of his clients is murdered and Detective Sunday begins pumping him for details on his different clients, something he is reluctant to do considering the nature of his work. Julian begins to suspect he's being framed. Meanwhile Michelle begins to fall in love with him.

Famed forensic psychiatrist Dr. Jack Gramm enjoys a reputation as one of the most sought-after profilers around. His expert testimony has resulted in the conviction of many criminals, including serial killer Jon Forster. On the eve of Forster's execution, one of Gramm's students is murdered in a vicious copycat crime, and Gramm himself receives an ominous message informing him that he has less than 90 minutes to live.

After their airplane crashes behind enemy lines, four soldiers must survive and try to find a way back to their battalion. However, when they come across a local peasant girl the horrors of war quickly become apparent.

Newtonovi - otac George, majka Beth, sin Brennan i kći Sara - spremaju se na dvotjedni godišnji odmor koji bi trebao biti ponovno okupljanje Georgeove velike obitelji. George na tom putu želi vratiti duh nekadašnjih kampiranja na koja je njega i njegovu obitelj nekada vodio otac, pa iznajmljuje skupu kamp-prikolicu, nabavlja smiješne kape i prsluke, pa čak u videoteci posudi film koji su oni nekada gledali. U zadnji čas javlja se Georgeov brat Richard koji ih telefonom zamoli da preuzmu jednu njegovu pošiljku i prevezu je do mjesta na kojemu se trebaju sastati. Newtonovi pristaju i ne sluteći da će iz velikog metalnog kontejnera izaći bernardinac Beethoven, koji će za tren napraviti nered u njihovoj lijepoj novoj kućici na kotačima. Slijedit će glasanje u kojem će se najviše Beth založiti da Beethovena ne vode sa sobom. Osim toga posuđeni film sadrži tajni kod koji su na DVD upisala dvojica lopova, pa su i oni u blizini Newtonovih...