Tikra garsiausio budelio istorija. Šokiruojanti sąžinės ir pareigos drama. Albertas Pjerpointas - gerbiamas pilietis, pavyzdingas vyras ir profesionalus... budelis. Per 22 tarnybos metus jis pasiuntė myriop 608 - is žmogžudžius, tarp jų - daugiau nei 200 nacių karo nusikaltėlių. Nepaisant šių įspūdingų skaičių, Albertas niekada nebuvo šaltakraujis žudikas.

Julie Kohler, whose husband was inexplicably shot dead on the church steps after their wedding, is prevented from suicide by her mother. She leaves the town to track down, charm and kill five men who do not know her.

Police officer Jane Rydert's life goes into a tailspin the day her older sister, Cassidy, shows up at her door after sixteen years of confinement in a psychiatric hospital.

Charles and Peter have passed their law degree and are looking forward to wooing a few girls in the country. For that, they need a chaperone and persuade their fellow student Ditlev to play Charles's aunt from Brazil. Ditlev has a talent for acting and takes the role very seriously, but when Charles's real aunt turns up, things get complicated.

High school teacher Mary Stauffer and her eight-year old daughter, Beth are held captive for 53 days by an obsessed former student. Based on a true story.

On a flight home to Chicago for a family wedding, childhood friends Josh and Molly innocently agree to fake a wedding engagement to make Josh's dying father happy. Things quickly get out of hand with their two boisterous families, and a series of events causes them to pretend to be a couple and start planning a phony wedding. When the playacting begins to foster real feelings, the two must make some serious decisions: Split up and return to their lives in LA, or make a life as a couple back in Chicago?

A dwindling group of German soldiers battle to return to their lines on the harsh Eastern Front.

Broliai Beikeriai groja naktiniuose klubuose. Sunkiais laikais prie jų prisijungia žavioji mergina Siuzi, kuri sugeba ne tik išgelbėti pasirodymus, bet ir susigaudyti Beikerių jausmuose…

On October 9th, 1963, at 10:39 pm, 260 million cubic meters of rock fell down from Mount Toc to the artificial lake formed by the Vajont dam, the higher dam in the world. The landslide formed a 250-meters wave and 50 million cubic meters of water completely destroied all the below towns, killing more than 2000 people. Planned by engineer Semenza, Vajont dam (263 meters) had to carry the electricity in all the houses of the country. Tina Merlin, a journalist from 'L'Unitá', tried for years to denounce the danger to build a dam near the Mount Toc and expecially to denounce all the omissions by the corrupted politicians and workers in charge of the dam construction. They preferred to trust in old geologist Dal Piaz instead to hear engineer Semenza young son's alarming analysis. No one seemed to understand the high danger until that October fatal night.

A modern-day witch likes her neighbor but despises his fiancée, so she enchants him to love her instead... only to fall in love with him for real.

When her scientist ex-boyfriend discovers a portal to travel through time -- and brings back a 19th-century nobleman named Leopold to prove it -- a skeptical Kate reluctantly takes responsibility for showing Leopold the 21st century. The more time Kate spends with Leopold, the harder she falls for him. But if he doesn't return to his own time, his absence will forever alter history.

The film portrays MacArthur's life from 1942, before the Battle of Bataan, to 1952, the time after he had been removed from his Korean War command by President Truman for insubordination, and is recounted in flashback as he visits West Point.

Good-natured astronomer Sam is devastated when the love of his life leaves him for a suave Frenchman. He therefore does what every other normal dumpee would do — go to New York and set up home in the abandoned building opposite his ex-girlfriend's apartment, wait until she decides to leave her current lover, and then win her back.

With varying degrees of success, recently divorced friends Dave, Vic and Donny are trying to move on with their lives. Vic feels vilified by his ex-wife's parents, while Donny has a shaky bond with his teen daughter, Emma. Dave, meanwhile, has an enviable problem -- he has more dates than he can handle. As they confront their post-marital challenges, the men take solace in one another's plights.

Reporteris Ernestas Hemingvėjus – karo ligoninės greitosios pagalbos automobilio vairuotojas.Vykdydamas pareigą, jis sužeidžiamas ir atsiduria ligoninėj, kur susipažįsta ir įsimyli slaugytoją Agnes von Kurowsky.

Futbolo veteranas Dodžas Konolis užverbuoja karo didvyrį Karterį Rutherfordą – "Kulką", kad šis padėtų nuolat pralaiminčiai jo komandai. Tačiau su nauju žaidėju jis gauna gerokai daugiau nei tikėjosi. Prie komandos prisijungus Karteriui, netrukus pasirodo protinga ir žavinga laikraščio žurnalistė Leksė Litleton, kurios slapta redaktoriaus duota užduotis – atskleisti visą tiesą apie Karterio nepelnytai gautą didvyrio vardą. Karteris ir Dodžas akimirksniu susižavi Leksės grožiu, tačiau tik vienas iš jų gali laimėti merginos širdį.

Nightclub manager Darnell Wright is a perpetual playboy who is almost as devoted to his job as he is to the pursuit of beautiful women. After he sets his sights on the ultra-classy Brandi Web, he launches an all-out assault to win her heart. Ultimately, charm, lust and passion prevail, but Darnell learns the hard way that when you play, you pay. Brandi is much harder to get rid of than she was to get--especially when she realizes that she has a rival vying for Darnell's affection. When he finally decides to call it quits, Brandi becomes an obsessed femme fatale stalking the new love of her life.

Rich, successful Bryce meets beautiful Lissa at a bar one night and invites her back to his house, not suspecting for a moment that Lissa isn't really who she seems. What unfolds next is a dangerous, tangled web of double-crosses and seduction.

The adventures of married couple Henry and Nancy Clark, vexed by misfortune while in New York City for Henry's job interview.

After a whirlwind courtship, retired movie star Eve Wilde prepares to marry her fourth husband, the renowned English writer Harold Alcott. Sparks soon begin to fly when Eve's first ex and other guests arrive at her estate for a weekend get-together.