Two Tarahumara brothers, with a deep spiritual connection and a fervent desire to become the best ultramarathon runners in the world, will see their dreams shattered when they are violently recruited by a dangerous cartel as drug runners, putting their family at risk and forcing them to join forces to finally take control of their own destiny.

Tommy Seebach Mortensen; or just Tommy Seebach to the whole nation; were born in Copenhagen in 1949 and passed away far too early in 2003. "Tommy" received four stars out of six by Politiken,[6] Berlingske Tidende[7] and Ekstra Bladet;[8] B.T. awarded it six stars out of six.[9] Dagbladet Information described it as "... a story of an artist who became a victim of the musical genre which he himself had helped innovate, and who, instead of gaining the broad recognition he had longed for his entire life, ended up with a status somewhere in between national heritage and kitsch clown..."[10] Politiken called the film "worthy, worth seeing and moving", Ekstra Bladet "a moving portrait of a man caught between the music, his family and the bottle".

On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.

Uwielbiany przez swoich uczniów ksiądz podejmuje się prowadzenia wykopalisk archeologicznych. Nie wszystkim jednak podobają się jego metody nauczania.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

When an honest cop, Vijay Kumar's family is ruthlessly slaughtered by a politician and his aides, he decides to change his identity and commits his life to bring his daughter up in a serene atmosphere. But some freak events end up compromising his identity and what he does to save his daughter and avenge the death of his family unfurls as Theri.

We Włoszech wciąż obowiązuje prawo, które zabrania dzieciom nieuznawanym przy urodzeniu poznawania tożsamości swoich biologicznych rodziców, chyba że ukończą 100 lat. Komedia opowiada historię spotkania Giovanniego i Gustava, mających odpowiednio 34 i 99 lat, oraz ich zabawnej podróży w poszukiwaniu swojego pochodzenia.

Ta opowieść miłosna stanowi kronikę trwającej całe życie skomplikowanej relacji legendy muzyki Leonarda Bernsteina i Felicii Montealegre Cohn Bernstein.

School's out and 13-year-old Walter has lost his father. In his seemingly aimless wanderings around the Roman coast, a fascinating and mysterious place catches his eye: an abandoned villa with a huge, murky swimming pool. But the villa is not unguarded...

This immersive eight-hour documentary follows workers in a Virginia factory over the course of an entire day, from clock-in to clock-out. Long, unbroken sequences of assembly and fabrication focus on the bodies of African American and Vietnamese American workers, while both mobile and fixed cameras transform their acts into pure movement. Everson’s “shift-film” adjusts the frame on race, class, and labor, celebrating the everyday and imbuing working bodies with new dimensions.

Director Alfred Hitchcock is revered as one of the greatest creative minds in the history of cinema. Known for his psychological thrillers, Hitchcock’s leading ladies were cool, beautiful and preferably blonde. One such actress was Tippi Hedren, an unknown fashion model given her big break when Hitchcock’s wife saw her on a TV commercial. Brought to Universal Studios, Hedren was shocked when the director, at the peak of his career, quickly cast her to star in his next feature, 1963’s The Birds. Little did Hedren know that as ambitious and terrifying as the production would be to shoot, the most daunting aspect of the film ended up coming from behind the camera.

Misja kosmiczna wysłana z wysuszonej ziemi na Tytana, księżyc Saturna, w celu zdobycia cennych zasobów wody, nieoekiwanie wchodzi w konflikt z obcymi.

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.

Jim Beckett wydawał się być wszystkim o czym marzyła Tess. Gdy poprosił ją o rękę, nie zastanawiała się długo. Jednak wkrótce po ślubie Tess odkryła jego przerażającą tajemnicę - Jim był seryjnym mordercą odpowiedzialnym za śmierć dziesięciu kobiet. Dzięki jej pomocy został aresztowany i skazany na dożywocie. Jednak minął rok, a Jim uciekł z więzienia. Tess wiedziała, Ze będzie jej szukał. postanowiła stawić mu czoła. Poprosiła więc byłego komandosa J.T. Dillona, by przygotował ją do walki. Tymczasem Jim dał o sobie znać mordując bliskich Tess. Stało się jasne, że sama nie da sobie z nim rady. Ale czy obcy człowiek - J.T. będzie chciał ryzykować dla niej życie? [opis dystrybutora dvd]

7000 years ago, Ayodhya's Prince Raghava and Prince Sesh along with the Mighty Vanar Warriors travels to the island of Lanka with an aim to rescue Raghava's wife Janaki, who has been abducted by Lankesh, the king of Lanka.

A detailed documentary about the band AC/DC. It begins with the beginnings of the band, which was still young at the time, through Bon Scott's death to their great successes. An exciting story for every fan who also wants to see behind the scenes of AC/DC.

Astrid is the wife of an acclaimed lawyer. Silenced for 25 years, her family balance suddenly collapses when her children initiate their search for justice.

Chilling story of a farmhand who realizes his popular boss has been committing incest with his daughter for years.

June, 2, 2021. A man walks into the woods with his camera. Between one shot and the next, he realizes that, hidden in the mountains, there's something odd. Something he'd never seen before.