While under the care of the Outer Sailor Guardians, Hotaru begins to age rapidly. Then, the time comes for all the Sailor Guardians to reunite!

Lucas is a young man who lives with his religious aunt Lourdes in a quiet country town. He helps his aunt by holding religious meetings with the ladies of the area, in the living room, playing biblical songs on the keyboard. This quiet life will end as soon as the charitable aunt communicates the arrival of another nephew, Mario, just out of jail. The clash of reality between the cousins ends up causing unusual situations, and an unexpected attraction among the boys.

Simon, a deeply religious man living in the 4th century, wants to be nearer to God so he climbs a column. The Devil wants him come down to Earth and is trying to seduce him.

After the earthquake of Guilan, a film director and his son travel to the devastated area to search for the actors from the movie the director made there a few years previously. In their search, they see how people who have lost everything in the earthquake still have hope and try to live life to the fullest.

The action takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. Crimea on the eve of complete liberation from the White Guards. Returning from patrol, the four brave “elusive” knocked down an airplane. In the field bag of the captured pilot, they find a secret report, which speaks of the existence of defensive fortifications around the coastal city, which the Reds have yet to take. Young heroes get the task to get a map of fortifications and go to the city...

It’s 1941 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor has destroyed America’s morale. The US President Franklin D. Roosevelt then decides to risk it all by bombing Tokyo and raise more hope for his citizens. After completing its mission, a unit of the US Air Force is forced to make an emergency landing in China. Its commander Jack Turner (Emilie Hirsch) barely survives but gets rescued by Ying (Crystal Liu), a local widow who will stop at nothing to hide him from the Japanese occupant.

Filmo veiksmas vyksta 1880 metais, Paryžiuje. Jauna mergina vardu Eugenie su šeima pasidalina paslaptimi, kad gali girdėti ir matyti dvasias. Išsigandę artimieji priima sprendimą Eugenie patalpinti į psichiatrijos ligoninę. Šiai vietai vadovauja garsus profesorius Jean-Martin Charcot, kuris garsėja novatoriškais gydymo metodais. Herojė žino, kad gydymo jai nereikia, bet ar pavyks rasti sąjungininką, kuris padės pabėgti iš šios baisios vietos?

While awaiting the next fuel truck at a middle-of-nowhere Arizona rest stop, a traveling young knife salesman is thrust into a high-stakes hostage situation by the arrival of two similarly stranded bank robbers with no qualms about using cruelty—or cold, hard steel—to protect their bloodstained, ill-gotten fortune.

On 9 April 1940, German soldiers arrive in the city of Oslo. The King of Norway faces a choice that will change his country forever. The King's Choice is a story about the three most dramatic days in Norway's history, the royal family's escape and King Haakon's difficult choice after Nazi Germany's invasion of Norway.

A dysfunctional couple head to a remote lakeside cabin under the guise of reconnecting, but each has secret designs to kill the other. Before they can carry out their respective plans, unexpected visitors arrive and the couple is faced with a greater danger than anything they could have plotted.

Ar netolimoje ateityje robotai jaus, mylės, bus žmogiškesni už patį žmogų? Amerikiečių režisieriaus Kogonados subtiliame mokslinės fantastikos filme Džeiko (akt. Colin Farrell) ir Kyros (akt. Jodie Turner-Smith) šeimą ištinka netektis – sugenda mylimiausias žaislas Jangas (akt. Justin H. Min) ir jam nebegalioja garantija. Jangas yra nuo tikro žmogaus niekuo nesiskiriantis robotas, tad atsisveikinti su juo ne taip paprasta. Džeikas pažada dukrai Mikai (akt. Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja) bet kokia kaina atgaivinti robotą ir leidžiasi į odisėją per Jango atminties bangas. Robotas mąsto, ką reiškia būti žmogumi, o žmogus neria į dirbtinio intelekto gelmes.

Tolimame neįvardytos imperijos pasienio poste magistratas svajoja, kaip išeis į nerūpestingą pensiją. Tačiau viskas pasikeičia atvykus pulkininkui Džolui patikrinti pasienio saugumo situacijos. Džolas negailestingai tardo barbarais vadinamus čiabuvius. Matydamas jo elgesį ir ypač sukrėstas jaunos moters kankinimo, magistratas išgyvena sąžinės krizę ir ryžtasi donkichotiškam pasipriešinimo žingsniui. Garsusis Kolumbijos režisierius Ciro Guerra savo debiutui anglų kalba pasikvietė įspūdingą aktorių trijulę: Johnny Deppą, Robertą Pattinsoną ir Marką Rylance’ą. „Laiko ir vietos abstraktumas filmą kilsteli virš tradicinės istorinės dramos žanro ir siūlo subtilią dabarties interpretaciją.

The last years of Bettino Craxi, one of the most important and controversial italian leader of the 1980's.

Fred Bartel is the charismatic boss of a trendy Parisian communication agency, Happy Few. After a heated tax audit, he was forced by the administration to relocate overnight his company in La Courneuve. Fred and his team meet Samy, a young suburb who will quickly propose to teach them the rules and practices to adopt in this new environment.

After her father dies, a young woman returns to her Yorkshire village for the first time in 15 years to claim the family farm she believes is hers.

A mother of two gathers her loved ones to celebrate her birthday in her big house near the Loire Valley. The festivities are disrupted by the arrival of her daughter, who is known for her unpredictable outbursts.

While staying at a tropical resort, a man becomes convinced the American timeshare company running it has an evil plan to take away his loved ones.

Ruth is a pregnant woman on a killing spree. It's her misanthropic unborn baby dictating Ruth's actions, holding society responsible for the absence of a father.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.

The third entry in the Dune film series, adapted from Dune Messiah, the second in Frank Herbert's series of six novels.