In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor specializing in female roles, discovers that he is only praised for his acting due to his status as his father's heir. Devastated by this, he turns to Otoku, a servant of his family, for comfort, and they fall in love. Kikunosuke becomes determined to leave home and develop as an actor on his own merits, and Otoku faithfully follows him.

Bewildered, Don Camillo learns that Peppone intends to stand for parliament. Determined to thwart his ambitions, the good priest, ignoring the recommendations of the Lord, decides to campaign against him.

Omnimon confronts Mephistomon (who was formed from Apocalymon's data) in a dark corner of the Digital World over Mephistomon's attempt to destroy both the Digital World and the Real World and incorporate the data in order to become truly invincible. They fight, but then Mephistomon sees a chance and slips into the Real World.

Henry se skupaj z Maggie tokrat udeleži razkošne zabave premožnega založnika Davida Westona. Toda ko se uprizoritev dvoboja iz 18. stoletja zalomi in eden izmed Davidovih sinov umre, se Henry in Maggie lotita preiskave, da bi ugotovila, kdo ga je hotel umoriti. Preiskovalca se kmalu znajdeta sredi hudega spora med dediči za družinsko bogastvo. Je kateri izmed njih morilec?

A psychotic small-time criminal realizes that the everyday robberies, rapes and murders he commits aren't profitable enough, so he figures to hit the big time by kidnapping the daughter of a rich man.

Barcelona, Spain, in the late sixties. Eugenio, a young jeweler who has fallen in love with Conchita, a singer, to the point of learning to play the guitar to accompany her in her performances, will first have to learn to overcome his stage fright.

Medtem ko si prizadeva hitro kaj zaslužiti, dobi mladi Norbert od svojega prijatelja Matriala ponarejeni bankovec za 500 frankov. Denar porabi v trgovini s fotografskim materialom, lastnik pa se odloči bankovec spet posredovati nekomu drugemu. Nič hudega sluteči lastnik je pošteni dostavljavec Yvon Targe, ki ne sluti, da je bankovec ponarejen. Ko skuša kupiti hrano, ga aretirajo. Pozneje skuša ovaditi in tožiti fotografa, vendar so pomočnika v trgovini Luciena že podkupili, da molči glede tiste transakcije. Zaradi škandala je Yvon slednjič ob službo. Da bi lahko vzdrževal družino, se kot voznik avtomobila udeleži nekega ropa. Podvig pa se na žalost izjalovi in Yvon mora za tri leta v ječo. Med služenjem kazni njegov otrok umre za davico, žena pa ga zapusti. Poblazneli Yvon se preda tatvinam in nasilnemu kriminalu, nazadnje pa zagreši še hladnokrvni umor.

When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the acting roles are not coming his way any more, he sets out on a quest to find his former co-star Lance Henriksen to discover his secret of Hollywood longevity and gets more than he bargained for in the process.

Targeted by a dirty cop after witnessing a murder, bank clerk Mario flees to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where a couple of oddball Italian expats drags him into a journey of self-discovery and bad decisions.

An American woman falls in love with a romantic Parisian head waiter who tries to save her from her possessive wealthy ex-husband who wants to keep her under his control.

With a rubber bone as a lure, Donald Duck tries to entice Pluto to try his mechanical dog washer. When the bone gives Pluto trouble, Donald tries a toy cat as a lure only to unexpectedly fall into the washer himself, get scrubbed and then hung out on the line to dry.

As teenagers, Blandine and Magalie were inseparable. Years passed and they lost sight of each other. As their paths cross again, they decide to take the trip together that they have always dreamed of. Direction Greece, its sun, its islands but also its galleys because the two former best friends now have a very different approach to holidays... and to life!

A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.

Magno Mainak is a 2009 crime thriller based on the novel of same name by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay. It was directed by Swapan Ghosal and produced by New Wave Communications. This is the third Byomkesh Bakshi film adaptation. Subhrajit Dutta played Byomkesh while Rajarshi Mukherjee played Ajit. Piyali Munsi, Rupanjana Mitra, Gargi Roychowdhury and Biplab Chatterjee acted in other roles.

High school students Ksenya and Boris are in love but all the world is against them.

In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.

Several characters coincide during the Christmas holidays in the winter season of Saint Moritz.