In the mountains of Madrid, Spain, a railway track on an abandoned bridge and a poem erased from the wall of a ruined building reveal a deliberately silenced story: the system established by Franco's dictatorship after the civil war (1936-39) that allowed hundreds of companies to use thousands of convicted Republicans as slave labor.

Радња филма смештена је у Лос Анђелес, а бескрајно дуг булевар познат у Лос Ангелесу, жена која је доживела амнезију, као и смртоносни мистериозни заплет су само неки од елемената ове љубавне приче Дејвида Линча. Наиме, пошто је доживела аутомобилску несрећу у Лос Анђелесу коју је једина преживела, Рита ( Лора Харинг) доживљава амнезију. После несреће, њен пут ће се на чудан начин испреплетати са путем плавоокехер Бети Елмс (Наоми Вотс), која покушава да се на неки начин прослави, али упознавши Риту, спремна је да скрене са свог пута јер ју је заинтригирала ситуација у којој се Рита нашла. Бети је вољна да помогне Рити да реше ову мистерију, али две жене убрзо откривају да ништа није онако како изгледа у граду снова.

When retired hitman’s wife goes on vacation with her friend, she asks him to look after the friend's teenage daughter. Things go awry when he is forced to use a little violence to protect the girl from juvenile delinquents, but then they are found dead and the girl is kidnapped.

When the crew of a space junk collector ship called The Victory discovers a humanoid robot named Dorothy that's known to be a weapon of mass destruction, they get involved in a risky business deal which puts their lives at stake.

A drug squad attempts to take down a criminal organization and they must go undercover to do so, so they begin working at a chicken restaurant, that becomes famous for its delicious chicken. Due to the unexpected popularity, the detectives find themselves in a situation they never expected.

While everyone thinks that Momo is a wild party girl, the reality is that she is shy and lonely. Can Momo confess her love to her classmate, Toji, or will her best friend Sae steal him away? It's a bittersweet drama of growing up and fitting in.

Кад Абдул Карим, млади службеник, допутује из Индије да би учествовао на Златном јубилеју краљице, изненадиће се кад схвати да је освојио наклоност краљице. Док краљица преиспитује стеге своје дугогодишње позиције, њих двоје ће склопити невероватан, али одан савез који ће њен блиски круг људи покушати да уништи. Како се пријатељство буде продубљивало, краљица ће почети да увиђа свет који се мења кроз туђе очи и с радошћу ће повратити своју људскост.

When his family is murdered, a deaf-mute named Boy escapes to the jungle and is trained by a mysterious shaman to repress his childish imagination and become an instrument of death.

Ранчер на граници Аризоне постаје мало вероватни бранилац младог мексичког дечака који очајнички бежи од картелских атентатора који су га прогонили у САД.

Three murder cases take place in Tokyo. Numbers are left at the murder scenes, possibly hinting at where the next murder will take place. An investigation begins of the serial killer and Detective Kosuke Nitta works on the case. He believes the next murder will take place at Hotel Koruteshia Tokyo. To catch the killer, Kosuke Nitta goes undercover and begins working at the front desk of the hotel. Naomi Yamagishi works at the front desk of Hotel Koruteshia Tokyo. She is selected to train Kosuke Nitta for his front desk job, but they can't get along. Kosuke Nitta is focused on catching the killer, but Naomi Yamagishi prioritizes the safety of the guests. As they begin to understand each others differences, they also begin to build a trust between each other. Who is the murderer?

The Fable is a legendary yakuza hitman equal to none—but his boss orders him and his sultry associate to lay low and learn how to live a "normal life" in Osaka.

Every Saturday fireman Anton Kalashnikov welcomes his 14-year-old daughter Kira from the dance. TV, dumplings for dinner - a standard set of entertainment from a Saturday dad for a teenage girl. But on this day, everything went wrong. Kira rings the intercom, Kalashnikov opens the front door, but the girl does not go up to the apartment. Anton has to ask for help from his neighbors in a concrete box, breaking through human indifference and past grievances.

Док је на летовању на реци Нил, Херкул Поаро мора да истражи убиство младе племкиње.

Мали град Роз Крик налази се под смртоносном контролом индустријалаца Бартоломеа Борџиа па очајни грађани траже помоћ седморице ловаца на главе, коцкара и ангажованих револвераша. Док припремају град за крвави обрачун за који знају да ће кад-тад да се догоди седморица плаћеника на крају се неће борити искључиво за новац већ и за нешто пуно вредније.

Carter, who awakens two months into a deadly pandemic originating from the DMZ that has already devastated US and North Korea. He who has no recollections of his past finds a mysterious device in his head, and a lethal bomb in his mouth. A voice in his ears gives him orders to avoid getting killed and he's thrown into a mysterious operation while the CIA and North Korean coup chase him close.

After the death of the paranoid emperor Tiberius, Caligula, his heir, seizes power and plunges the empire into a bloody spiral of madness and depravity.

A young woman is trained by a martial arts specialist to become a professional assassin.

A sweet and bitter story about Koichi, who tries to help troubled boys with homemade sweets, until he finds his first love in 8.2 seconds.

Loosely based on the notorious Richard Speck murders, this is the grim tale of a disturbed Vietnam vet returning home via Belfast, who invades a house shared by eight nurses and proceeds to terrorize and murder them.

A winning lottery ticket has grave consequences for a married couple when they start hatching plans to kill each other for the prize money.