BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.

In post-war Italy, the family of typical housewife Delia is in turmoil over the impending engagement of beloved firstborn Marcella. The arrival of a mysterious letter, however, will ignite Delia's courage to face her abusive husband and imagine a better future.

Prvi put u povijesti Spider-Mana identitet našeg prijateljskog heroja iz susjedstva je otkriven i on više nije u stanju odvojiti svoj normalan život od visokih rizika super heroja. Kad zatraži pomoć doktora Strangea, ulozi postaju još veći, prisiljavajući ga da otkrije što uistinu znači biti Spider-Man.

„Bilo jednom… u Hollywoodu“ priča je o glumcu i njegovom dvojniku koji kreću na put kako bi pronašli svoje mjesto pod suncem u filmskoj industriji daleke 1969. godine. Radnja filma se odvija u Los Angelesu 1969. na vrhuncu hippie Hollywooda. Glavni likovi u filmu Rick Dalton, bivša zvijezda jedne western TV serije i njegov dugogodišnji dvojnik Cliff Booth u vrijeme zadnjih trzaja zlatnog Hollywooda bore se za svoj uspjeh u svjetskoj prijestolnici filmske industrije koju više ne prepoznaju. Ali Rick ima poznatu susjedu - Sharon Tate…

A bird that wants to become a hero, a carrier pigeon with an endless list of achievements under his belt and a mouse inventor who want to fly at all costs are some of the characters in this animated film. Peace reigns in a farm located in the forests of Argonne (France), where the rooster no mercy to his son how to wake up and the sheep are all one. But running the year 1918, and the war between humans begins to touch them closely when an army captain pigeon lands in order to enlist some birds, among which strain the little bird.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

Radnja je smještena u 2092. godinu i prati posadu broda za sakupljanje svemirske smeća pod nazivom The Victory. Kad otkriju humanoidnog robota po imenu Dorothy za kojeg se zna da je oružje za masovno uništavanje, upletu se u rizičan posao …

Kinesko-američka Njujorčanka Rachel Chu putuje u Singapur sa svojim dečkom Nickom na vjenčanje njegova najboljeg prijatelja. Ubrzo se njegova tajna otkriva: Nickova obitelj bogata je i u Aziji ga smatraju najpoželjnijim neženjom.

A retired contract killer goes on a bloody rampage when a young girl finds herself at the mercy of gangland human traffickers and only one man can come to her rescue, with an arsenal of weapons and years of experience in the art of killing.

Based on the popular books, the story tells of Tony who wants a friend to add some adventure to his life. What he gets is Rudolph, a vampire kid with a good appetite. The two end up inseparable, but their fun is cut short when all the hopes of the vampire race could be gone forever in single night. With Tony's access to the daytime world, he helps them to find what they've always wanted.

Serena Bruno is an architect who studied and got several masters in different countries of the world but she decides to go back to Italy so she can live and work there. She will soon find out that her native country is not as open minded and she will struggle to find a job that she truly loves and is passionate about. Along the way she will meet Francesco a gay man who will help and support her throughout her journey.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

On the flat island of Texel, Marie is a girl who has a vivid imagination who dreams about mountains. She feels oppressed by the strict religious island community and its narrow-minded way of life. Being the only girl in a big and poor family during wartime, she doesn't have much of a choice than to marry Paul, the beachcomber’s son. From the moment a regiment of Georgians are stationed on the island, Marie’s life changes and flourishes. With their film, music, and especially with their inventive, unusual survival strategies and entirely different life style, this isolated group of outsiders and in particular the young soldier Goga opens a new way for Marie. Through them, she realizes all her dreams without fear.

A couple's camping trip turns into a frightening ordeal when they stumble across the scene of a horrific crime.

Born into a modest family, Gerry Boulet found fame with the Québec rock group Offenbach. After a life of drug and alcohol abuse and a great love story, Gerry died of cancer in 1990.

Majestic mountains, a still lake and venomous betrayals engulf a married couple attempting to celebrate their first anniversary.

U Cloverdaleu u Massachusettsu živi optometrist Steve Finch (MATTHEW BRODERICK), koji smatra da nema tog doba u godini koje se može usporediti s božićnim. Mnogo je godina provodio niz toplih i lijepih tradicija koje njegov obitelj - njegova žena Kelly (KRISTIN DAVIS), kći Madison (ALIA SHAWKAT) i sin Carter (DYLAN BLUE) – više ne mogu podnijeti. Unatoč prosvjedima iscrpljene obitelji, sjajno organizirani Steve popunio je kalendar u prosincu davežom - od godišnjega fotografiranja do rituala „ubiranja plodova“ pa sve do pjevanja božićnih pjesama. Odredio je i vrijeme za kupnju, „razmišljanje“ i zimski karneval, koji Steve veselo nadgleda. Ali Steveov Božić najednom je uništen kada se ljigavi prodavač automobila Buddy Hall (DANNY DeVITO) useli u susjednu kuću i Steve se počne natjecati s njime. Buddy uskoro počinje minirati Stevea i njegova reputacija "Kralja Božića" slabi kada Buddy odluči osvijetliti svoju novu kuću s toliko svjetala da bude vidljiva s ceste.

George i Alice Newton vlasnici su male tvrtke koja proizvodi "osvježivače zatvorenih prostora". Imaju troje djece - tinejdžericu Ryce i nešto mlađe Teda i Emily. Glavna "zvijezda" u obitelji je prekrasni pas bernardinac kojem su nadjenuli ime Beethoven. Jednom prilikom Beethoven luta po njihovom malom gradu i zaljubi se u kuju Missy koja je također čistokrvni bernardinac. Njezin vlasnik, kojeg ona obožava, upravo se rastaje od antipatične i pohlepne Regine . Regina mrzi pse, ali kako u ime alimentacije želi izvući sve, oduzima mužu i Missy. Novi Reginin dečko, primitivni Floyd , ostavi po Regininoj uputi Missy na balkonu, a ona pobjegne i ode s Beethovenom u kino. Nakon deset tjedana izlegne četiri prekrasna šteneta. Newtonova djeca, Ted i Emily, naslute da je Beethoven zaljubljen pa krenu za njim. Pronađu ga s Missy i štencima u podrumu Reginine kuće. Pojavi se Regina, a oni se sakriju. Ona odvede Missy, a štenci je ne zanimaju. Djeca ih uzmu kući.

Donna's senior prom is supposed to be the best night of her life, though a sadistic killer from her past has different plans for her and her friends.