In 1970s London amidst the punk rock revolution, a young grifter named Estella is determined to make a name for herself with her designs. She befriends a pair of young thieves who appreciate her appetite for mischief, and together they are able to build a life for themselves on the London streets. One day, Estella’s flair for fashion catches the eye of the Baroness von Hellman, a fashion legend who is devastatingly chic and terrifyingly haute. But their relationship sets in motion a course of events and revelations that will cause Estella to embrace her wicked side and become the raucous, fashionable and revenge-bent Cruella.

In 1970s Mexico City, two domestic workers help a mother of four while her husband is away for an extended period of time.

Jaunais "pa asmeni skrejošais" policists K atklāj ilgi glabātu noslēpumu, un tas palīdz viņam nākt uz pēdām iepriekšējam pa asmeni skrejošajam, Rikam Dekardam, kurš 30 gadus ir pazudis bez vēsts.

Ītans Hants (Toms Krūzs) un viņa komanda uzsāk savu līdz šim visbīstamāko misiju: atrast un iznīcināt šausminošu jaunu ieroci, kas apdraud visu cilvēci, pirms tas nonācis nepareizajās rokās. Kad uz spēles ir likta visas pasaules nākotne, un Ītana pagātnes tumšie spēki tuvojas, sākas skrējiens uz dzīvību un nāvi apkārt pasaulei. Sastopoties ar tik noslēpumainu un visvarenu ienaidnieku, Ītans ir spiests uzskatīt, ka nekas nevar būt svarīgāks par viņa misiju – pat viņam tuvāko cilvēku dzīvības.

Two talented song-and-dance men team up after the war to become one of the hottest acts in show business. In time they befriend and become romantically involved with the beautiful Haynes sisters who comprise a sister act.

Volters Mitijs strādā žurnālā Life. Viņa dienas ritms - gatavot fotogrāfijas publikācijām. Lai izbēgtu no rutīnas, Volters sāk sapņot stāstus, kuros viņš ir supervaronis. Volteram dzīvē patīk kolēģe Šerila, ar kuru viņš labprāt saietos, tomēr viņš jūtās nepilnvērtīgs. Kādā brīdī viņam rodas iespēja izbaudīt īstu piedzīvojumu, kad Life jaunie īpašnieki viņu nosūta misijā, kurā jāatrod perfekts attēls pēdējam drukātajam izdevumam.

A psychoanalyst and his family go through profound emotional trauma when their son dies in a scuba diving accident.

When a casino-owning dog named Charlie is murdered by his rival Carface, he finds himself in Heaven basically by default since all dogs go to heaven. However, since he wants to get back at his killer, he cons his way back to the living with the warning that doing that damns him to Hell. Once back, he teams with his old partner, Itchy, to prep his retaliation. He also stumbles onto an orphan girl who can talk to the animals, thus allowing him to get the inside info on the races to ensure his wins to finance his plans. However, all the while, he is still haunted by nightmares of what's waiting for him on the other side unless he can prove that he is worthy of Heaven again.

Paris, in the early 1960s. Jean-Louis Joubert is a serious but uptight stockbroker, married to Suzanne, a starchy class-conscious woman and father of two arrogant teenage boys, currently in a boarding school. The affluent man lives a steady yet boring life. At least until, due to fortuitous circumstances, Maria, the charming new maid at the service of Jean-Louis' family, makes him discover the servants' quarter on the sixth floor of the luxury building he owns and lives in. There live a crowd of lively Spanish maids who will help Jean-Louis to open to a new civilization and a new approach of life. In their company - and more precisely in the company of beautiful Maria - Jean-Louis will gradually become another man, a better man.

An optimistic, talented teen clings to a huge secret: she's homeless and living on a school bus. When tragedy strikes, can she learn to accept a helping hand?

To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend, an influencer attempts to transform an unpopular classmate into prom king.

Two con artists have spent 26 years training their only daughter to swindle, scam and steal at every turn. During a desperate and hastily conceived heist, they charm a stranger into joining them, only to have their entire world turned upside down.

Pēc lidmašīnas avārijas tās kravā esošais nāvējošais vīruss nonāk vietējā ūdenskrātuvē un inficē iedzīvotājus, kas kļūst agresīvi. Armijas vienība aplenc pilsētu un sāk izšaut īpaši agresīvos slimniekus.

Četras mātes, kuras vieno tikai tas, ka bērni iet vienā klasē, nolemj doties parastās mammu vakariņās.

A lone scientist in the Arctic races to contact a crew of astronauts returning home to a mysterious global catastrophe.

Ģimenes galva Džeks Bērnss meklē kādu, kas būtu cienīgs iet viņa pēdās. Vai viņa znots Gregs Fakers spēs iemantot Džeka uzticību?

Braiens Džilkrests, sliktu slavu iemantojis amerikāņu militārais algotnis, nepatīk faktiski nevienam. Viņa vienīgais draugs ir tehniķis Džeremijs – ārkārtīgi gudrs un zinošs datorspeciālists. Reaģējot uz Ķīnas agresiju, Džilkrestu nosūta uz neaktīvu karabāzi Havaju salās, lai viņš no turienes vadītu mūsdienīga spiegošanas pavadoņa palaišanu.

It's 1961, two years after the original Grease gang graduated, and there's a new crop of seniors and new members of the coolest cliques on campus, the Pink Ladies and T-Birds. Michael Carrington is the new kid in school - but he's been branded a brainiac. Can he fix up an old motorcycle, don a leather jacket, avoid a rumble with the leader of the T-Birds, and win the heart of Pink Lady Stephanie?

When a young man agrees to housesit for his boss, he thinks it'll be the perfect opportunity to get close to the woman he desperately has a crush on – his boss's daughter. But he doesn't plan on the long line of other houseguests that try to keep him from his mission. And he also has to deal with the daughter's older brother, who's on the run from local drug dealers.